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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. In my humble, worth little, opinion I think all clubs had a season off for finances only - unable to see when fans were coming back. made that easy. I firmly believe that a good % of clubs have spent money on grounds because they are ambitious to reach a higher level. Ex Juniors can see the LL in the distance, good luck to everyone.

  2. 2 hours ago, Burnieman said:

    You know, sometimes groundhoppers are viewed as pretty weird as well.

    Quite happy to know that I'm not one of those annoying types, I look around the area's, enjoy a drink, watch the game and chat to the locals. Won't find a rucksack, camera,train timetable etc anywhere near me ! 

  3. Slowly but surely, more people are backing the idiots who go to watch BCD games, we all miss football but these nuts are extreme. Always make sure I'm dressed up warm, got my money and travel plans. Never thought of putting a ladder in my coat just in case. I shall book a flight, hotel, and demand to see games like a spoilt brat 😛

  4. Guessing that when you see the West with the Conference's below, isn't it par for the curse for the EOS, Lowland, Highland to one day have two divisions at senior level ? Probably a shame for the famous Junior clubs, but progress all the way, and I suppose they could always revert to amateur status of needed. Hopefully when the virus leaves, the pyramid can be set in stone.

  5. Good to see the scores coming through, well done everyone 👏  Can't wait to return to Scotland and see some games asap. Hopefully the fans will return, just concerned about a possible rise in cases/deaths after a relaxed Christmas - possible lockdowns ? Stay safe football fans.

  6. Always going to be people who won't be stopped watching the games, whatever the risk to themselves and others. What happens when some bloke falls off his ladder and breaks a bone ? To ALL F.A and governments, non league football across the UK - stop messing around with hypocrisy and let 300 into the grounds. Masks and distancing, any fan caught acting wrongly, ban the idiots 😷

  7. Can imagine that there will be plenty of clubs who wish to stay at Junior level, so long as clubs can progress and move through the leagues. Always be  clubs who won't be able to spend financially to get grounds improved etc, or don't wish to go Senior. Maybe some of the amateurs could make the step up ? 

  8. Just good to see any sort of support to help keep clubs going, hopefully everything will be in place in readiness for 21/22 with all clubs still in existence and fans back in good numbers by then. Good for the rugby and 🏇 as well, don't want to see anyone disappear for good.Even though the spfl are the big boys, it's been hard for rugby, racing, cricket and speedway in a blank summer.

  9. Lucky sods eh, only one I know is that players were on £200 a week in the Southern League going back 5-10 years until the sponsor cleared off ! Difficult with the so called professional league and the professional player, whatever his status may be.  Otherwise it was the brown envelopes being passed around after the game ! Interesting to learn about the finances up north.

  10. Hypocrisy and confusion yet again, had to give my contact details when watching games down in England, guess/hope clubs would be in touch if anything happened. Some clubs had marked out distances where you should stand - not everyone obeyed the ruling. Was always under the impression that a professional earnt his majority wage playing football - amateurs didn't, getting expenses etc.

  11. Just out of interest, watched the Weymouth v Halifax game on TV, and highlights of other National League games : some 600+ fans in attendance, very few masks and even less distancing. Saw another fan shouting away at the Spurs game, again no mask, and stewards doing nothing. Shows the stupidity of some fans and sadly, we're all tarred with same brush. BCD means.... 🚷

  12. Think you were always going to have different reactions when relegation was cancelled - maybe ALL leagues should have had a blanket decision on relegation or not. Not fully up to date with every league, but are any promotions still going to take place - apart from into the spfl ?  Biggest sticking point was allowing clubs to return at the same level - makes the season ludicrous.

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