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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Always gonna be difficult in a shortened/curtailed season to promote or relegate. Is there a possibility that the LL could increase numbers for next season ? , and then do a normal promotion and relegation at end of 21/22. Guess most leagues will try to keep every club almost happy 😉

  2. Now that a deadline has been put in place,sanctions etc, just wish clubs could get 200+ into grounds to help them through. No doubt massive Xmas crowds will scramble in the shops asap, will never understand it ! My opinion is that if we get some more games played before the end of the year - then we can look in January to see IF the season can end. 

  3. I did wonder whether the amateurs were allowed to play, down here in Bristol the lockdown has stopped everyone - the parks level had been playing, ok with a few cases, those clubs then had to stop for 10 days I think. Can only guess the governments love affair with the 'elite' is either coz of testing OR the dreaded £££. This sounds absolute nonsense up in Scotland

  4. 2 hours ago, theesel1994 said:

    There's no way of saying this without sounding sarcastic - but there would be little point in deducting points from a League table they will be removed from. So it will obviously be from the following season.

    Don't mind sarcasm ☺️ hadn't read the sanctions etc so came out with the question,obvious now ! As the headmaster said 'must try harder'  Am still learning.

  5. Been to Large twice, excellent ground in a great setting. Not sure of the whole story re streaming, but this ain't Sky Sports, most clubs are trying their best to keep fans in the picture and film games. Expect the cameraman 📷 also doubles up as committee man or something, keep up the good work.  Who'd have thought even 1 year ago, folk would grumble about non league 'streaming' games.

  6. Am sure that most clubs believe they are doing the right things for the present and hopefully the future. Even if players get just £50 a game x 15 that's over £750 needed for every game, scary enough with no income through the gate. Be interesting when things return to normal, what state some clubs are in. Was hoping for fans back in January, not so confident now.

  7. Would like to see the science that shows a massive rise in cases after playing football etc - probably doesn't exist. Seeing the English government argue, shows that Boris has made the wrong decision this time. Good luck in Scotland, hope they let the game continue as long as possible.Can understand the 25,000+ crowds gathering, but not comparable to non league games. Already had crowds of 600 down south with no problems.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Mystic Blastie said:
    3 hours ago, Andy groundhopper said:
    Think the Scots are going to follow suit with various tiers. If that means nothing until December with probable p-p along the way, then sadly the league's have to admit defeat unless they're gonna play into the summer months. Well done Boris and his cronies, open the asylum for Christmas emoji319.png

    We are already in a tier or level system in Scotland. What you on about?

    What I'm on about are the tiers in football if that answers your question,  wth the so called elite allowed to continue BCD. Still waiting for guidance in England from the FA, looks like steps 3-6 are stopped. Not sure of step 7 and parks level stuff yet.

  9. Think the Scots are going to follow suit with various tiers. If that means nothing until December with probable p-p along the way, then sadly the league's have to admit defeat unless they're gonna play into the summer months. Well done Boris and his cronies, open the asylum for Christmas 🎄

  10. Any news about the lunatic lockdown affecting the game in Scotland ? Looks like we're gonna miss out again down in England, already rumours of clubs wanting to pull out /  some leagues now worried that it's nothing until 2021, BUT the FA Cup can go ahead this weekend, ridiculous. 

  11. Good photos and highlights coming through from Scotland, just let the teams keep playing eh . No stupid lockdowns and then a mad dash reopening just for Christmas 🎄 Spread the virus, smash the shops and pubs, then reopen again, farcical stuff. Will definitely stream a game midweek if I can sort things , sounds like you're doing a great job keeping fans interested.

  12. 23 hours ago, Tutankhamen said:

    You having a giraffe ?

    Must be an English thing, can remember clubs moaning about pitch sizes even at amateur levels. Have only seen speedway at Ashfield, and know they keep doing work on the track - so can't recall whether the pitch is narrow. Cracking pic of Eastville with the famous Tote End 💪

  13. When I first saw the pitch sizes many years ago, I thought the minimum was for youth games - came in handy with my long throw ins !  Can remember watching Bristol Rovers at Eastville while the Bristol speedway was there, and the pitch didn't look wide enough to me. Guessing there's some leeway towards Berwick and Cowden, do clubs ever complain ? 

  14. Sour grapes ? Let's forget last season's chaotic ending - was never gonna please everyone. Moving forward, (license permitting)  all champions go up automatically, then hopefully 21/22 will be close to normal again. The new WOSFL should be part run by the clubs, or at least have a say in how it's run by those above. Always thought the Juniors were a tight knitted bunch, got my doubts sometimes. Fans back by January my guess.

  15. Really think that the rulers will relax the dressing room restrictions to allow games to carry on during the winter months. As we are all football fans then I guess everyone is helping on donate a ticket, streaming games etc - or just sitting back waiting for everything to go wrong (while they visit the pub of course)  Expect most players were just glad to get back on the park ,playing the game they love. The pessimists must be a joy to live with (not just on here) 

  16. 3 hours ago, gogsy said:

    Some of the bigger clubs at that National  league level would be full time or more likely to have full time employees?

    Yeah think there are still quite a few ex EFL clubs staying full time, don't know if that warrants getting more money or not - guess all clubs need help at the moment.

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