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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Before the various groups lose the plot, just announce the season starts on October 24 with a restricted number of fans allowed, say  300 limit, with tickets having to be pre-booked. After October/November it's getting to the point where you ask 'could a season be played starting in January ?'

  2. Maybe Stranraer didn't have enough players or couldn't afford another minibus or means of transport,or the kit was still drying out, we'll never be told the reason unless the club announces something. Good to see plenty of friendlies being played- hope they're not pointless. Get the non league en masse to push the government, and yeah I know there will be isolated cases among clubs. 500 fans spread out OR 5,000 on a protest march  ?

  3. Just back from today's game Roman Glass 1 Cadbury Heath 0 att 100+ in the Western League. Sanitizer, the track & trace, one way system etc. Most people spaced apart, odd groups of 6-7-8.  Luckily it's a 3g pitch, but changing rooms were used and it again felt ok being there. Another game kicked off later, players getting changed on the touchline. Think the biggest problem is when a club gets a positive, then has to miss/ p-p a few games. 

  4. Definitely looks like saving the so-called Elite clubs will be high on the agenda for financial support, not against that apart from the ridiculous wages pro clubs fork out, no point pleading poverty. The non league game and restart,in my opinion, can be ruined  by one thing : fans seen not sticking to the protocol, masks, distancing etc, behaving normally. Am still hopeful.

  5. Haven't seen much in the way of SOS games, must sit fairly low in the pyramid. Can't imagine there's much ambition from all the clubs to progress upwards tbh. Enjoyed watching the Reserve, Development and Under 20's etc, guess for most clubs a good 20 year old should be ready for the 1st team rather than possible reserve football - maybe why some clubs don't have a reserve side as such.

  6. Think the politicians are waiting to say 'i told you so' as their preferred plan of action works better v covid19. They don't want to be part of the gang who may have fucked things up somehow. Looks as if I'll be watching my football down here in England for a while, was optimistic of a return to Scotland in November, but that's wearing off. No one can convince me that it's safer to be in a supermarket amid 500+ rather than spread out at a game among 250, with fans being sensible. (May be the problem)

  7. 19 hours ago, Arthurlie1981 said:


    I don’t think they have told her anything about non league football, they won’t be distinguishing it from any other spectator sport. Rightly or wrongly the government are not spreading the level or sports out.

    Oh and by the way Boris just stopped sports fans in England with the National League considering suspending their season or perhaps cancelling altogether.


    Think that's because the National Leagues are being considered as 'elite' if you can believe that.Crowds of 1,000 are easily workable at that level with the better grounds.

  8. 20 hours ago, Jack Burton said:
    20 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:
    You really think experts are telling Nicola that nonleague football with spectators is a no no right now, while others are telling Boris it's OK down south? 

    Fans attending games has been stopped in England as well now.

    Which leagues have stopped fans ? just out of interest,seeing as I saw Almondsbury 2 Oldland 1 last night. (Western League) think some leagues up north may be on the verge of BCD games

  9. 6 hours ago, Brian Carrigan said:

    “Very grown up”, going to refuse to take that from a man that used the term “Fishy Sturgeon” and called people that *checks notes* go shopping are idiots. Absolutely roasting patter. My problem is your comment stinks of raw gammon wrapped in a few pages of the Daily Mail.

    Idiots go shopping is what I said, many not wearing masks, not distancing. Sturgeon ? Just don't like her 'over cautious' approach that's all. Don't read any newspapers these days,so don't blindly follow any herd. Back to the football debates now.

  10. Went there s couple of times in the past, glaring problem being these foreign owners who seem to live on a different planet, dreaming of the Premier ,but you couldn't continue not paying staff month after month. Many clubs have been promised the earth,Birmingham,Cardiff,Charlton etc. Can honestly expect to see 5-10 clubs go under, whilst fans aren't allowed.

  11. Some clubs around Bristol have sold tickets online, then collected £ on the gate. Would this be expensive to set up and run ? Announce games are sold out , most sensible folk wouldn't turn up. That's the sticking point, like telling fans not to travel overseas, but they still turn up. Can't account for the idiot brain cells.

  12. 46 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    IQ tests I have taken suggest otherwise. Could join Mensa if I wanted to, so not going to lose any sleep over what you have to say on that subject.

    To be fair I agree with LTL on many points regarding covid19, hope that's not a criminal offence.Seems like he can back up his arguments with facts, some people don't like that. Because I don't live in fear, and think non league can come back, only my opinion. 


  13. 21 hours ago, Jack Burton said:

    It's mass hysteria to call yourself a victim of a pandemic simply because you can't get to a football match.

    I'm as keen as anyone to get back to the football but that isn't going to happen when cases are doubling every 7 or 8 days. You might be able to social distance and be outside at the game but the government isn't going to be encouraging thousands of people to travel around the country in cars, buses and trains just to attend a football match. Most people won't be going directly to the game and back again the majority will stop at petrol stations, restaurants, pubs etc.

    Maybe it's just a case of letting non league football back, where say 350 would be the biggest crowd ?  Can fully understand it regarding professional football, the likes of Leeds,Liverpool and Sunderland didn't do any favours in a bid to get fans back.

  14. Yeah going by the Non League Paper there were quite a few maximum attendances on Saturday. Just sums up the mixed up messages from the government, games in the Northern League were played but not sure if fans were allowed. Wonder how many clubs will now go under before season end ?

  15. Correct, mass hysteria, panic stations. 50k cases a day is idiotic to say the least. Personally I want football back at non league level because I feel we are being victimised, the pubs and shops can carry on regardless. The virus is airborne, like flu, so you're probably unlucky if you get it.  So long as the clubs want to play, let's get it going. I'm almost 59 and happily attend games, being sensible.

  16. My opinion is that covid19 has now become political v science, and the bog end of society will not do as advised,can just imagine another lockdown prior to Christmas Oh dear what chaos. Any news of any positive tests after the latest friendly games ? 

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