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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Now that the Junior Cup is a mere shadow of its historic self, think most clubs will encompass the competition before long. Looking at the draw and the clubs involved, it looks a cracking set up with the new West clubs taking on the LL and EOS giants ! Now that this cup has grown in numbers , give it a few seasons and hopefully it will get the respect. Any cup with 6-7 rounds up to the final is worth winning, especially if all clubs enter at the 1st round stage.There, can't be anymore positive !

  2. Never a fan of the blazer types throughout my playing and secretary days, but I found the only way is to become part of a club in which you get involved in League stuff - then progress, and change from the inside. That's the only way things can/do change, do agree that most committee folk are set in stone, difficult to move. Volunteer or watch things die eventually, someone has to do it.

  3. Update from Bristol, the Sunday League started yesterday  with no changing rooms being used, players either turned up in kit or changed wherever they could. The Saturday Leagues start this week, so am guessing that the council pitches will be the same. Maybe that will change in winter when they decide the changing rooms can be used. At least the game has restarted, not as we know it. 

  4. Hopefully the move towards going full-time works out and is sustainable long term. A jump from part time where you're just adding to the players working wage. Guess clubs can work it out themselves but say an 18 man squad on £350+ a week - that shows how much income will be required. Frightening when you see some small crowds turning up. Good luck to Q.Park, not quite sure they're a Gretna just yet.

  5. An obvious solution would be to get Scottish clubs into the EFL Cup which is already north and south, the Carabou includes Premier Lge u21 sides which doesn't attract much interest. Maybe SPL clubs wouldn't be against travelling down to say  Carlisle, Sunderland,Sheffield etc and I'm sure crowds would increase with loads of Scots down in England able to see their clubs.

  6. A difficult one for Scotland, is a reconstruction based on keeping the top 2 divs full time etc or does it need to go further and bring the lower level HL,LL,EOS leagues much closer to the spfl. Now that a pyramid system is in place, you can see the once Junior's upping their game re ground improvements etc. Personally I don't like the current spfl fixtures set up, maybe a North and South Division in the future to help clubs finances and reduce travel costs.

  7. 11 hours ago, Halfwit8 said:

    I seriously don't think that we will start up on 10th Oct if you cannot use changing rooms or showers, how the Scot Gov thinks

    that it is ok for growing men to turn up at a football ground ready to play then to get back in their car without having a shower

    after the game is finished is beyond me.

    Not just the Scot gov, that's how the English FA have got things going, from local parks football upwards. Not the usual,normal matchday experience but it's got the game up and running, with fans allowed back in. Think the 150 up to 300 max crowds is workable for clubs from what I've seen.

  8. Maybe clubs could install similar to airport scanners and sheep dips instead of turnstiles, found yesterday's game ok to attend. So long as the changing rooms and showers are thoroughly cleaned afterwards, no greater risk than being back at work or in a busy pub, supermarket.  Think the argument carries weight in the pro game if you're looking at 5,000+ people outside grounds, different situation requiring a different solution.

  9. 6 hours ago, Talbot supporter said:

    Just call it the Scottish Challenge Cup and amalgumate the SJC into it , like a Scottish cup for all non league clubs

    At last something sensible, would be a cracking national cup with or without the North clubs involved. The final attendance usually dependant on who's playing. Personally, a club gets say 2-300 for league games, but takes 1,000 to a final..so what ? Where were the fans during the season ?  Ditch the bitterness and let's move on together.

  10. Being in Bristol there's amateur leagues restarting today and next week, looks like say 3 out of 5 pitches are being used in some places, maybe that's just a lack of clubs playing these days. Can't find out much from league websites, but most are cramped dressing rooms with bogstandard  showers if they work ! Think they're relying on people not turning up if they have a high temp,even if they restrict it to 6 in a changing room - can't see the council having enough staff to keep places 100% clean and safe.

  11. Looked at various stories, can't imagine that during covid19 times, anyone would bother building a greyhound track/stadium unless there's an overwhelming need for the dogs up there. May have been good in the 1950's and a lot cheaper. Looks a good stand for a football ground, hope it eventually gets built - a 3g pitch would make it useful for many sports.

  12. Sounds like the amateurs are back ! Any ideas on how things are going to work regarding changing rooms etc ?  Down here in Bristol there are  parks league's starting next week, somehow, most are on council pitches with cramped dressing rooms. Trying to find out how they'll do things, the FA grassroots guide is almost : say if your temp is high, get changed, use hand sanitizer and get on with the game. Well,no one will say they can't play, and there won't be temp checks available, unless every club has bought one !

  13. My first covid19 game today in Bristol was Almondsbury 2 Wincanton 1 in the Western League (step 6) players max 6 to changing rooms at one time, no showers. Half time team talk on pitch seemed ok. Fans on way in had temp check,hand sanitizer, and give your details. One way systems around the ground, only parents and children in the stand. Not the greatest distancing but I just found my space. No masks on fans except for me,almost the normal experience I'd say. 

  14. My first covid19 game today in Bristol was Almondsbury  2 Wincanton 1 in the Western League (step 6)  temp check, hand sanitizer and give your details. One way system around ground, distancing marked out. Teams had max 6 in changing rooms at one time, no showers. You could get a drink in the cricket pavilion/clubhouse, overall a fairly safe place to be. Att only around 50+

  15. Excellent strides forward by the EOS clubs, having regular midweek floodlit games a real boost for the game in Scotland. hope the fans turn out in good numbers when we're allowed back in. Will try to do some more East clubs when I return North, can't wait ! Seen many games in England under crap lights, must have passed ground grading tests somehow 

  16. The Scottish guidance was fairly close to some of the English stuff, think the clubs will work really hard to make things work , they've impressed me with their ground improvements so far. Positive 100% . Then it's up to the fans to make it work as well, following the guidelines. Believe the move to senior status has changed attitudes for the benefit of all.

  17. Bit more FA Cup stuff from the horse's mouth, away club used both changing rooms whilst the home side changed in the clubhouse, with no showers being used. Lucky it wasn't a mudbath . Some decent crowds up to the maximum 150, so plenty of room to distance and stay away from your mates etc. Variants on how the players turned up, just getting on with it I imagine. 

  18. Seeing as the Junior Cup has almost disappeared, this must be the biggest cup for the majority of clubs now - maybe some preseason rounds in the future ? Doesn't quite have the same pulling power as the JC, but with the prize of a new set of kit (a guess)  and a couple of  ⚽ too, what a cracker. Bit like the Nation's League trying to be important ,but doesn't mean much yet.  Give it time eh

  19. Probably Junior blazers I know,but I'm guessing that they have a bit more knowledge regarding the Senior Leagues, with the extra paperwork involved etc.Be good if some younger folk could learn the ropes in readiness to step up into the hotseat. Sure there's loads to learn about various protocol's etc and the 'inner workings'  blah blah , maybe they are just short term appointments to get things up and running.

  20. Me again, FA Cup stuff : some clubs did temp checks, track and trace, had extra stewards inside ground to encourage distancing, contactless payments, really tried their best. Yate v Bristol City sold out online, max 600, collecting cash on the way in apparently - thought money was risky ? Be interesting to see how the County League do things as they are basically railed off pitches, we'll see.

  21. From last night's FA Cup games, players came in cars (wearing masks, windows open supposedly)  some had 10 minute changing windows, team talk on the pitch. Fans mostly bought tickets online up to day before, track and traced, max 20 in clubhouse, distanced, all following a one way system. Showers were available afterwards but players were told to be quick - can't be 100% sure, just what I've been told 💣 from what I've seen, fans weren't distanced that much.

  22. Plenty of fixtures down here in England, the FA covid19 risk assessment form can be seen/downloaded showing what clubs have to do. Not clever enough to put a link on here ! Some bits are interesting, others just ridiculous. Worth looking at though.

  23. 43 minutes ago, The Ilford Drummer said:

    The blatant disregarding of some of the guidelines for training at the moment by some teams makes you wonder if they actually give a toss.

    Think some clubs/players just want to play and think they're not gonna catch anything - we go to pubs so who gives a F is the attitude , not every club though. Unless something happens to your family , guess some folk are blinkered and don't see the risks. Every fan wants to return to watching asap but it's not our decision to make. Hopefully nothing happens down in England with the non league restart next week. Shall be trying an FA Cup game on Tuesday, see how things work.

  24. Just say that the OF eloped to a different league, how would fans want the spfl to continue ? Would it be reorganized, two divisions maybe ? I've always felt that there should be quite a few youngsters who will never make it with the big 2 - but would be brilliant for other clubs. Would fans return, knowing that they have a better chance of winning things ? 

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