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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Really hard to see a reconstruction that benefits all, obviously the league is top heavy with little or no chance of success. Don't see the clubs in League's 1 & 2 ever growing into a top 12 set up, so I'm guessing that the target is to get more non league clubs involved somehow, maybe bringing along attendances of 1,000+ to boost the coffers. Would there ever be a real interest in growing the 42 upto say 48, into divisions of 12 ?

  2. Is that the cynical reality ? Thought I did a good fairy story with possibly a happy ending, expect the money to runout fairly soon then ! One question, put money into Scottish Junior/Senior club, can see the fanbase etc, where in all honesty do these people expect to end up ?  Possibly turn a non league club into a mid size spfl club at most I'd say.

  3. 2 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    Well, nobody is hated.

    An important thing to consider about the Highland League is that it isn't a single hive mind. There's differences in opinion and with Cove Rangers promoted the supposed 'pro-pyramid' / 'SPFL minded' clubs have lost an ally.

    As a league they are open to application. Last year they actually invited Banks O'Dee into the league but were rejected by the club and they listened to an application proposal from Inverness CT for a 'colts' side to enter. You can probably understand why the 'colts' idea never went anywhere.

    They've discussed two divisions but at the time it would have been 2x 10 divisions playing 18 games. That was rejected as you can understand due to the massive reduction of games and smaller gates for any 2nd Division side.

    Fact is if people actually apply to the League they'd get listened to. They've also been working on this pyramid proposal to get the NCL into it and would probably take the North Juniors in. But it wasn't that long ago (Nov 2018) that the North Juniors said they weren't interested.

    As for Tayside. The Highland League helped make the pyramid. They had reps on the SFA committee, Professional Game Board (which was only SFA, SPL and SFL at the time) and Non-Professional Game Board so they shaped it more than most. I don't think a number of clubs would be happy with it, but they'd get on with it. Its never been a Highland League rep that's complained about the possibility of Montrose, and Brechin City being relegated into the League or a Tayside club applying.


    Good points, think the North juniors are happy with their lot , reality over ambition to move upwards,sensible I'd say. Am guessing that a HL 2 wouldn't include any  clubs with much to offer tbh, the NCL feeder looks good and gives clubs a decent starting point to progress. Would the Tayside thing be a large number of clubs entering ? A bit like the Sth West Peninsula League down here, miles from anywhere,with the Western Lge based some 100 miles further north.

  4. Would the HL clubs ever say 'we don't want any  more clubs or divisions because that would hamper our chances of gaining promotion etc ? Just a thought, seems like the NCLfeeder is well accepted, while the Tayside area/clubs are almost hated - like having to go to Beirut for a game !

  5. Good luck with the pre season spending, amassing a decent side at that level. Hopefully the money-man will stick around for a few seasons to build the club,and not disappear when the going gets tough. Wonder what his motives actually are with the club , and where they want to go ?

  6. 7 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    I was at the Pollok game, now that things have settled down could you have a look for my fingers and toes?

    Yeah cracking weather, I quite enjoyed the game ! Another excellent non lge ground in Scotland, another cover on the open side would be good. That was the last game I saw, sadly ruined by the death of the old guy outside afterwards. Worth another visit sometime, definitely.

  7. 6 hours ago, Ball-foot-score said:

    £20? We lost out on a lad for £5. The game is ruined, we’re all just to wrapped up in it to realise 

    Christ how  desperate can you get ? Can understand when players follow a manager etc, but for £5 more. Wonder what he was on in the first place ?

  8. Restart ? We had games around this area yesterday with supporters, going by the Twitter pictures they definitely weren't socially distanced ! Selfish as usual, we must go to a game, stuff the virus etc. Some clubs have been training 4 weeks now, quite open about it too. Different world down here.

  9. Cautious optimism whenever a local businessman/woman shows an interest - hopefully someone can benefit from the 'no strings' offer of help. I'm sure that local fans will help clubs like Bathgate, who need extra committee people on board - the old guys can't go on forever !

  10. Looks like a good number of clubs are chasing a licence asap, would natural progression see a change in the promotion and relegation places available ? or is the closed shop mentality going to get stronger. Fair play to all clubs getting their grounds improved, lights etc, massive step forward.

  11. Expect if you visit a majority of clubhouses you will still see the brown envelopes making an appearance, guessing most of the £ comes from a sponsors pocket - the legality beyond my brain cells. Always hoped that players enjoyed the game, and then at a certain level - they chase the money. I know many players who have moved clubs for a extra £20 a week, sad really.

  12. Hearts fans are boycotting BCD games,so there,that's telling you all. Not sure if you can take much of their stuff seriously tbh, found the bit about making Tynecastle a fortress and scaring all visitors quite funny - always find fans taking it to extremes. Just create a rocking atmosphere, win all your home games and romp to the title - then we can talk reconstruction after that.

  13. Just a quickie, in Bristol today a pre season friendly  : Cribbs (western lge) v Burnham (Somerset) 3-1 with an attendance of 15 kicked off 1030. Thought clubs weren't allowed to have spectators, a gathering of 30 was changed to 'no spectators, gatherings of any size at training or matches'  Don't know if I've misread the guidelines, seemed stupid to me.

  14. Mind boggling when a club has say,4 or 5 teams of varied age. Guess kits £250+ pitch £75 a game, possible referee fees, lge and associations fees, amongst many things. Down to helpful parents and  loyal sponsors. 

  15. Why social distance in changing rooms, players turn up in their kit or change in cars, not too hard to do eh. Sure that you can shower at home and still have time to go on the lash 🍻  Yet again it's probably just a few clubs who are letting everyone down.

  16. Be interesting if and when the HL get a feeder league below, from the North region, guessing say 16 clubs. Would the Tayside clubs be able to apply, if there weren't enough interested clubs wishing to join ?  Appears the North Juniors aren't that keen, while the NCL wants to push on, be good for the pyramid - would give it a firm solid base to build from in the future.

  17. Heard the rumours about a smaller Cup, guessing that it's only for this season due to starting late etc ? With the spfl 27 game schedule, think it's just a case of getting the season done , with all things shortened. That's if we even start  by October with no interruptions over winter.

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