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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. 1 minute ago, Perkin Flump said:

    As in the ones who have been here all along & not the cranial detachments that have turned up over the last couple of weeks.

    Think they've come to realise that the courts didn't want to change the world to suit Hearts, maybe they'll get compensated with 'parachute' money, but at the end - go and win the Championship, enjoy celebrating for a change. Most decisions covid19 have been poor for football, let's just look forward (hopefully) to next season actually starting.

  2. Interesting, always good to hear from the other side,so to speak. Always thought the racism was from the terraces, and in social life, rather than inside the clubs. When I played (1980's onwards) we were one of the first clubs to have black players (along with St.Pauls)  some of the greatest people you could ever meet. Happy Days.

  3. Seems like some people are bigger than the law,we'll do what we want, we ain't doing nothing wrong, no worse  than other gatherings etc. That makes it ok then, just what I thought. No one's dying, just play football and give us beer. Obviously a lack of schooling or upbringing in evidence.

  4. Par for  the course that a few teams will fold during the season, usually player shortage the cause. The Development LGE is a step up from a youth League where you can probably p-p games at late stages. Everyone should be ready to travel a bit further, not 3 or 4 hour drives regularly is it ? Hopefully the league stays strong and progresses.

  5. Quite simple, the SFA or other body check on all clubs via their committee members- under cover etc. IF they find anyone training before the Government allow the return - threaten to take away their membership and get thrown  out of the WOSFL. Should put the shits up some eh !

  6. The idiots in the shops,pubs,on the beach, we'll do what we want and don't care about the risks - thought it was all stupid young uns but I've got my doubts. Start training a month before start date,bang in one or two friendlies and Bob's your uncle, so to speak. Some people won't listen, we want our freedom blah blah 

  7. Have a guess that hopefully all non league football may restart on the October 17 date, same as lower spfl. With a bit of luck games BCD will be problem free - the pub idiots will crawl back under their stones and stifle the virus, and the politicians give minor sport and grassroots a fair hearing. George Galloway ? Oh dear,how bad can things get.

  8. Wild guess but I'd say the first season with the West clubs is almost a trial, the kick offs will be 8pm like most of last season. Travelling an hour to a game isn't that bad,surely ? As mentioned the costs are a massive part of this, no idea if the fans will react in numbers - will that cover the cost of putting a game on ? Will the season start/finish ok, let's just enjoy it eh, hope I can get up to Scotland 3 or 4 times this season.

  9. Don't think Scotland needs the B/Colts teams n the league set up - the promotion problem one of the reasons. People say part timers shouldn't be travelling miles midweek - others say the part timers should be allowed to compete with full time rivals. Believed that once you reach the spfl then you should probably go full time - it's a step up from juniors, senior non league etc. Thought that spfl 1& 2 should be regionalised to help clubs, only an idea.

  10. Read that people  must stand with their mates at the game, can't they just do the right thing,so we can all enjoy the game coming back. It's gonna be hard for the clubs anyway, just hope everyone can behave - unlike the pub dickheads 🍻  If the players feel safe then we the fans should be ok. With the spfl trying to restart, will there be a winter break ?

  11. Excellent work with the U20's  set up, hope things are going well behind the scenes for all clubs involved. Hopefully a big kick off sometime in 2020,amazed how many West clubs have joined the race - great for the youngsters.Definite progression.

  12. Interesting pyramid restart statement, honestly every sport, shop, pub etc is taking a gamble - can we reach almost zero cases,deaths where people will feel almost 100% safe. Even if Scotland doesn't get a Second Coming - the normal winter flu is waiting around the corner. I want football as much as anyone, but the government are in charge (whether right or wrong)  Fingers crossed.

  13. Always good to have a decent reliable website, especially when some clubs (youth especially) don't always have designated  grounds to use, or are switched very late. Will be checking everywhere once the season starts, good work 👍

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