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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. 20 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

    Have at, but you owe me. That's two minutes of my life I'm not getting back.


    Very impressed,good work, now I'm planning my  Junior Football Monopoly game, just gotta replace the roads with junior clubs. Am on a winner 🃏

  2. Won't be long before the 'you don't understand' gets an airing from this chap, there again being English means im not a real Junior 😨 Am guessing that the WOSFL clubs won't keep retaining their junior membership thing,year after year ? Am envious of everything that the Juniors stand for,and their history - now to watch the Seniors play.

  3. Wonder how many junior now senior clubs could get hold of a minibus for away games, ideal for a local sponsor to help out eh ?  Probably find the amateurs car share and just enjoy the game and a day out , rather than worry about a few miles on the clock. Maybe these new senior players could take it in turn to hire a van for the day,how thoughtful.

  4. Maybe it's coz I'm from Bristol and we have so many teams from County to Southern Lge all within an hour's drive at most, what sort of mileage is deemed unreasonable in Scotland ? 50+ miles ? Think a Midlands Lge would be great, based in one area. All for the future, definitely wouldn't rule it out just yet !

  5. On 21/07/2020 at 22:31, GLENAFTON TV said:

    Your last comment about ground improvements in Junior days is a generalisation that is just not true, many teams that were Juniors had made large investments in ground facilities, Glenafton, Talbot ,Cumnock, Lugar, and Muirkirk  to name the East Ayrshire teams,  and many other Ayrshire and Central based teams have improved facilities.  I can see further improvements  by all teams , but lets not forget the improvements to Grounds pre Wosl.

    Agree with your points, appreciate the hard work done by the junior clubs  in the past. Because I hadn't seen any junior grounds prior to the late 90's I can see or read about what's been done - brilliant old fashioned grounds with improvements ahead. Maybe some of the future ground work  will be done now the West has gone senior now ? 


  6. On 21/07/2020 at 23:07, ballermk said:

    He's an english groundhopper who hasn't a clue about scottish junior football and its supporters he may pretend he does cause he's read a bit and maybe visited a few grounds but the reality is he doesn't have a clue. 

    Like the majority on here who look at things through a computer screen and or a spreadsheet or twitter page real life feeling and the silent majority are very different. 

    The fact he just throws in the remark 'just let it go' that tells you all you need to know about the poster in question ignorant flippancy.

    What a pathetic argument, whatever your name is. Been explained to you before of my interests and my 3 or 4 visits to Scotland every season the past 5 years. Now up to way past 100 junior games, games at every spfl ground as well. Picked on the wrong bloke for an argument mate.

  7. Doesn't this junior stuff ever end ? Just go and watch the North Juniors and enjoy yourselves. Suppose having just a few graders who won't embrace change isn't too bad - imagine if all the clubs came out with the same stuff all the time 😨 With the prices I'd like the leagues to say  prior to the season, the maximum that it's clubs can charge across the board. If anyone below the spfl charges £10 can anyone really complain ? Sure most clubs do concessions.

  8. Can't see £6-7-8 being a problem, the same folk quite happy to pay £2-3 for a pint I guess. Something for nothing again, get along to a development game and find no change for the bucket 👎  Saying that I thought paying £19 to watch  Bristol Rovers in Lge 2 (div 4) a bit expensive !

  9. Would it ever be likely that the HL/LL /EOS both have Prem Div and Div 1 ,2 etc but at different tiers ?  A bit like down south with the Western and Hellenic leagues as an example. Go from say (junior) to LL 1 and then into the Prem , upgrading all the time. North juniors to HL 2 and then HL 1 etc ?

  10. From the outside, a mainly Tayside feeder league sounds good, suppose you are always up against it geographically - and maybe not enough Tayside clubs are interested in joining the pyramid anyway, the same as the North juniors. Hopefully the pyramid will settle down and get organised asap, and clubs get used to the ups and downs.

  11. Seems like the Tayside club will travel - but other clubs can't be bothered in going to Tayside (not exactly  way out of reach)  Think it needs the Tayside to apply to leagues and see if they get knocked back or encouraged. Maybe just get used to the North juniors being out on their own, keep the junior fans happy at least.

  12. 5 hours ago, mcruic said:

    Just a note - the proposed "one place for all results/tables" has now been set up (senior/junior/amateur/welfare/women).  I've set up spreadsheets for each association, and I've written the code in Python to pull results from spreadsheets once they are entered, and make webpages with tables/results for each league.  I've also put in an automatically generated "form guide" showing results of last 6 games (most recent first), and a value between 0 and 100 based on this, along with a points per game column.

    There's a randomly generated "example" league at the bottom to show how things would look when the results are entered.

    Hopefully once the season starts I'll be able to keep this updated.



    Brilliant effort,give you a knighthood 👑 we have one thing down here Bristol Soccer world, which collates non league and local grassroots, usually updated midweek somehow. Guess he's got links with the various leagues etc. Keep up the good work.

  13. The FA statement only goes down to County level, so the parks league's below that are in limbo - no way they can do testing, the cramped dressing rooms and the reliability on car sharing to get to games. Not singing and dancing just yet, but at least they have a plan with dates. Come on Scotland ! Wonder if this could apply to lower Senior League football up north ?

  14. 6 hours ago, Meadowman said:

    Why is everyone getting hyped up about teams training or not,if they are training and they get infected,it won’t be long until other teams and authorities find out,and action can be taken against the offending club.

    Maybe because they put other teams at risk,along with their own team-mates and staff ? By the time the snail authorities do anything we may just have a rise in cases,all because clubs just couldn't wait for the green light to go. Hyped up ? Maybe it's concern eh.

  15. Quite right,it's likely that the training issues are being discussed behind the scenes , phone calls,bollockings,any fines or warnings won't be made public - maybe just a blanket warning across the leagues telling clubs what's expected from them. Expect there are hundreds of  events going on around the UK that shouldn't be, hard to police everything.

  16. 10 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

    Read it again big yin!

    Read it again, almost makes it a different cup IF there's been a large turn over of players. It's only a statistical thing to finish the SJC as it's future isn't great,sadly. Think my concentration levels are slipping !

  17. 20 hours ago, glensmad said:

    Auchinleck to win the league, and a shock team to be relegated.

    You heard it here first, exclusively on this channel. emoji41.png

    A shock team, what like the sponsor walks away leaving a club in tatters, player revolt, having to play their under 20's to finish the season, Nope too far fetched for me ! Never gonna happen is it ?

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