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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. 21 hours ago, TFW said:

    A few thoughts from my first game in six months....

    I went to see Penrith vs Wst Allotment Celtic in the FA Cup preliminary round om Saturday. As is usual I was there early and went to their clubhouse to put a few pound behind the bar despite there being a good real ale pub about half a mile away. Was surprised on entering to see the television on with the sound full blast, competing with the tannoy outside playing music pre match. Have to assume that's the English way of doing things in such circumstances at the moment (perhaps Andy groundhopper could confirm please?)

    You had to sign in to enter the ground, and plenty of hand sanitiser available. No food available, but you could buy cups of coffee. The logic defeats me, because if it's about trying to stop contagion, you'll catch Covid from a coffee cup just like you would a pie? Nobody formally stewarding any social distancing inside the ground, and I reckon about 80% of the 167 crowd were respecting the guidelines, but there some noticeable groups of blokes huddled closely together who obviously weren't interested, full stop.

    A good number of Scottish fans there, and I was sat next to a couple of Hibees before moving due some arse conitinuing to ignore social distancing guidelines around me. Had to do this three more times. I really worry if that is the lax attitude with a small crowd, what will it be like when we get back to watching our game in the WoSL, with some of the expected larger gates?

    Anyway, a sucker for punishment, going to see Carlisle City play tomorrow night at the old Celtic Nation FC ground in Carlisle, and probably there as well on Saturday when they have semi decent opposition vs Nelson.

    Going by the guidelines the TV isn't meant to be loud, players are asked not to shout or spit during the game, the catering needs to be sold behind a screen but as you say, is that clean or healthy ? I try not to criticise but like groups of fans stood together, almost like normality isn't great. Think some clubs and pubs will turn a blind eye until they get caught, whilst other clubs struggle due to lack of stewards etc. Guessing the sensible folk just need to be careful among the idiots.The recent FA grassroots guidelines are interesting with a few questions.

  2. Only a quickie as I'm not clever enough to get involved too deeply, most companies,some shops can supply a flu vaccine, not sure at what cost. If say a covid19 vaccine costs £50+ then who are going to pay for it anyway ? and what if there isn't a guarantee that covid gets beaten by the jab ? Maybe the government brings in a vaccine just to calm the nation or ease their fears. 

  3. Had 6 months to sort out the testing and results problems, fully confident that the clowns in charge can quickly solve this, like f**k. Imagine getting results 3 months later (after sample had been mislaid) saying you've got it after all, better late than never eh. Useless. Don't get these problems on CSI 

  4. Just society I'm afraid, like when you see anti mask folk claiming 'i want my freedom: or 5,000 idiots outside Leeds and Liverpool (sad scousers) celebrating. If any of them catch it from being there, don't mention Hillsborough ever again. The clubs are going to try really hard to stick to the guidelines - they are doing it for US the fans, respect their decisions please ? 

  5. There are always going to be loads of cases v a low death rate (at the moment) I would rather believe that it's the poor actions of adults that are seeing a rise in cases - rather than schools. People returning to pubs, shops and work ,along with ignoring the household guidelines. The longer this goes on,i feel that everything  is now politically based  struggle rather than trying to save lives (as things were at the start)

  6. From the games I've seen,clubs look ok having team talks on the pitch and why do you need a 10/15 minute break anyway ? Agree,the games have to have fans with the English limits of 300 a place to start, the clubs are working hard to follow the guidelines. Ha a gazebo, brilliant idea !

  7. Kids back at school, people back at work, pubs open, the bit I find hard is yes, more people are being tested BUT it's difficult to get a test, and even harder to get the results asap SO how do the numbers increase ? My apologies for being thick up top 😠 adds to the confusion.Maybe we should all wear balaclava's ?

  8. 2 minutes ago, highlandcowden said:

    any big government bedwetter rules re fans attending football are unlikely to be of any relevance for most of the NCL,which is great as im desperate to see live football

    Really think that the non league game in general is a different beast to the rest of football tbh, already watching games down here in Bristol, with parks games (below  county  league) starting yesterday. Just gotta go with the flow,do the right things.

  9. Think the guidelines should stick to pubs, shops and Pele in general. Playing sports  are  different, guess 30 players are 30 different households, sure clubs can mark pitches into quarters and keep 6 to a section. English FA guidelines on grassroots explain things ok, and clubs down here are already playing league games. Dressing rooms aren't being used, or its maximum 6 at a time, no showers though. Be sensible and don't go into panic mode .... yet.

  10. Think we also have to take football in various stages, you can't compare the Premier Lge with 40,000 SPFL  with average say  12,000 crowds  v the non league with crowds of  300. People seem to get confused, main sticking point seems to be changing rooms at lower level - while it's mass gatherings at highest level. If Scottish non league has a month of friendlies with very few cases, everyone feel safe to go back ?

  11. Interesting idea, already have some clubs in the English pyramid for overseas people, .FC Romania, Deportivo,Punjab,Assyria (I think)  New Salamis (maybe)  London Welsh, Scottish ,Irish reached their level without getting great crowds, and now Guernsey and Jersey are members who knows. A sneaky way for the OF to enter the English League, crafty swines.

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