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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Looks like the EOS restart will be delayed then, just needs a precise statement about professional, amateur, non league, elite, sports that will be stopped/delayed. Given that there isn't massive travelling between most clubs, it would be good to give them a chance. I only hope the virus recedes or disappears, or we'll be in it for the long haul.

  2. More ground improvements brilliant stuff, fully expect the stands to be the prebuilt ones similar to many down south. Don't mind them as long as the bottom row of seats aren't at ground level, can't see bugger all from there ! Can't wait to see the photos and pay a visit asap.

  3. Down in England I think both the FA and EPL are doing quite a bit to help out, down to National League level. Read that the £ will cover missing fans based on last season's average home gates, fair I guess. The SFA have to do all they can to make sure that the majority of clubs survive, unless they  know different of course. Waiting to see which club goes to the wall first, won't be too long sadly.

  4. Seems like the adult gathering outdoors has taken on the mantle of  'real danger' in the governments eyes. Can't see even the spfl coming out of this unscathed, if I had my cynical hat on I'd find all sort of theories ! Being lucky enough to be able to watch some games down south, feel sorry for the non league fans up north - sure you could play with the crowd guidelines similar to England, with all the risk assessments carried out by clubs. Can't see me returning to Scotland before 2021 and can't be sure of that just yet 😠

  5. Maybe we can go down Asda or the local and watch it on the big screen, seeing as the idiots think it's safer in there. Can't see clubs paying full contracts until January without fans, suicidal . Handover the government cash to help non league clubs 'get safe to play'  before it maybe too late.

  6. Still think the only way to restart IS with fans, albeit with restrictions say max 300 crowds distanced of course. Lockdown=loss of jobs=less £ into gov coffers =crumbling economy , but at least the cases may be reduced, which is all they're after. Totally screwed up guidelines, contradictory  , a rudderless ship with Captain Boris and Bosun Sturgeon at the wheel ⚔️

  7. Went to Lebeq v Oldland on Saturday, the host club built around the black community and pub in Bristol, with a fantastic history. Attendance only 50+ but no names written down, or hand sanitizer on entry, reliant on people's phones to scan the barcode thing ! Just a few masks in sight, think people believe it's carry on as normal. Not sure if the restrictions in the NE and NW are based on football evidence.

  8. Haven't seen or heard any evidence that non lge in the North West is a big spreader, parts of the UK have had cases surge for many reasons. Can't see a restart in Scotland for non league even though fixtures are planned, IF all non lge players were tested weekly, would the game restart ? Very much doubt it. Another lockdown for Oct/Nov then see the gov panic in time for Christmas chaos. 

  9. I think every club will try to improve its facilities, within their means. At least clubs can stay at a level without getting licensed ( am I right ? )  Far different down south where fairly strict guidelines start from County  League , step 7 upwards. My opinion is that many of the requirements are overly petty for clubs that will never need them.  One of the main stumbling blocks in England is the issue of floodlights, so many  people against them (nimby's) Good to see so many clubs working really hard in Scotland, they deserve some help from the authorities.

  10. The season starts, players have to be paid along with officials etc,so really can't see any point having anymore than 2 or 3 home games without fans - that's just to make sure all the players etc are catered for. Clubs would have played enough friendlies by then to know if things are working, and I feel they believe that it's safe for fans now. What comes first, vaccine or almost zero cases/deaths ?

  11. I asked that on the HL forum, say the LL champions win the title easily, while the HL doesn't finish,  how would that affect play offs ? Also the SOS restart, are fans part  of the decision ? Any news on whether the West and EOS are definitely going to have a go starting ?

  12. Guessing that the winter call offs are added to the picture, looks like the HL may start next year with just the one set of fixtures ? If the HL somehow doesn't finish the season, how does that affect the play-off games ? Just wondering, depends what/if any leagues get completed.

  13. 22 hours ago, Arthurlie1981 said:


    Watched the sky sports piece on Hendon and they said they are allowed 11 in at one time plus their manager. Their dressing room was smaller than many I’ve seen in the west region there was barely half a metre between the players and no masks. They did do other mitigation’s such as QR codes and wearing masks into the ground but these things won’t do much if 11 people are cramped into the changing rooms without anything.

    Did the FA do any checks before allowing games to proceed?


    Know that all clubs did risk assessments prior to starting, but letting in all the 11 players at once,how stupid. Think clubs in England are just getting on with playing -gambling that there won't be a surge in cases to stop football again. The majority of fans I've seen pictured, arent wearing masks or distancing. Be easier if it was mandatory to wear one.

  14. Apart from the initial cost outlay, the 3g pitches makes complete sense for the biggest reason - the SPFL allow them ! unlike the FA clowns down south. Considering how close the Scottish non league pyramid is to the SPFL it makes sense for the HL clubs to invest and to have extra income streams. Would expect the SFA to get their wallets out and help clubs  to progress.

  15. Re changing rooms, the FA have said that it's 6 in one go, then next 6 etc. Looking at non league photos it seems as though masks are not required and there's very limited distancing. Just go to the game, wear a mask and stand 2m apart, if wearing masks was mandatory then loads of people wouldn't bother - claiming freedom or some other crap. Always hoped fans could be sensible, having my doubts now. Some really good fans in England and Scotland,a shame for them.

  16. 6 hours ago, cmontheloknow said:

    For balance, Hyde United yesterday where people seem pretty well spaced out.


    Supposed to be a 2 seat gap between people I think, just gotta be sensible when you go there. Been to games where fans behave 'normally'  

  17. Correct regarding the-p games as well, the question next would be Can we finish the season ? which would reignite last season's farcical endings. Suppose football joins the list of gamble situations we now face in our lives, and at which point we say stop. A shame that all levels of the game are being treated equally, obviously not the way forward.

  18. Read somewhere that in grassroots football it was that you had to be in close contact 2m for 15 minutes before the isolation came into play ? English FA state that car sharers  must wear masks, look away from each other and have the windows open. Bet the police were checking this  👮

  19. 1 minute ago, Sunrise said:


    That’s not a guid idea. Even if that’s the point of the post.


    Meant to say that nothing was done about the black lives protest marches across the world, mass gatherings with very few masks or distancing, or the many raves/parties that the police allowed to continue. Couple of games down here in Bristol p-p yesterday due to covid19 positives, not sure how the isolation works from that point.

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