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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. QuiteLet the babies come in, the spfl / SFA ruling IS promotion through the divisions, so when/if the OF reach the top, they're gonna allow colts or reserve teams in the same division ? Give it a rest and forget it please. Young uns play until 21/22/23 then bang them in the first team. Good enough Old enough. Coaches DO your jobs ! 

  2. Wouldn't surprise me to see the spfl actually increase the 42 to say 44 in a bid to preserve their status and reduce the fear of relegation. Good luck to the progressive WOSFL - one question : Are the top six West clubs bigger than the bottom spfl 6 ? Definitely a yes, which is why the big boys are scared - gone a bit stale so get relegated ! ! 

  3. Correct, believe that the game should stop until February or March, get the vaccines out to the elderly folk - hopefully get the case numbers down AND an end to the daily 400+ deaths . Can people please behave, not have stupid anti lockdown marches etc, demanding their freedom (to die ? ) Clubs cannot survive without the older volunteers, let's look after them eh.

  4. On 03/01/2021 at 17:23, parsforlife said:

    Had a look at broughty on non-league Scotland.  Aye they’ll probably not be too far away.  But the awkward wee things do add up.   For example the goals would need changed as portable goals aren’t acceptable.  

    How does the portable goal situation work in senior and the spfl ? As I'm guessing that on every 3g pitch, all goals are of the portable type ? I maybe wrong of course.

  5. 21 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

    If Dalbeattie can handle the extra traveling I'm sure Clydebank and Kilwinning will be able to cope.

    I was jumping on another post about the current East/North current junior clubs and the possibility of another league being set up to cater for that side of Scotland. Think all the West clubs will be happy to progress toward the spfl promised land ! 

  6. Looks similar to the EFL/National League down south - you need the spfl lge2 clubs to see that relegation doesn't mean years in the  wilderness v stronger clubs trying to take their place. That's where a solid pyramid holds up - may take a while for it to all fall into place. Guess if the majority of clubs eventually get licensed, it may speed things up ?

  7. Down here in Bristol (tier 3) we've had games still going on, with max crowds of 150. All contact details taken etc, other leagues looking at a Jan 16 return.  My honest opinion says shut down until February, then maybe return if players get tested - would be great to have say a £30 test, so you can keep playing. 

  8. Heard the new variant is being found around Europe now, rather than an assault on the Cockney sort. The Contagion thing on CNN is interesting viewing. Even with enough vaccines Inthe freezer, gonna take months for a double dose to be administered in the UK. Does everyone think fans will get back in this season ?  Am growing more pessimistic myself. 

  9. Regardless of what the players are getting paid - hopefully there's quite a bit of work done on the ground since my last visit, 2018. Well done on the floodlights, amazing how many clubs are getting lit up - get midweek games with the fans back in ! ! PS just get games played anywhere this season eh.

  10. Think clubs need to  evaluate where they are, no offence to any of them, but why continue in a league where you always finish in the bottom 5 or 6 with little threat of relegation ? Hopefully the LL will soon be a strong league, with every club able to compete on a good level AND be ambitious to progress.Apart from the spfl play offs with club 42 etc - every league winner should look to move upwards.

  11. Had the same argument down south as the National League 'big boys' started crying when they felt they should get more of the money. Basing everything on say average attendances may help, haves and the have nots again. Suppose if every club gets the same amount, then maybe that helps. 

  12. May not be the greatest amount, but at least the grants are better than loans - spfl clubs maybe able to repay in the near future, non league clubs probably just need help at the moment. Hope fans can get to see this season end, get back into the grounds.

  13. Think in all honesty if  there are grants etc available to clubs, the one statement must apply : this mustn't be used to pay wages. I'm sure it's needed for other areas. (Officials, electric,water bills) Question I'd ask is 'which clubs do we want to save ? ' bet you'll get differing reactions to that.

  14. Always difficult but I've seen many games without linesmen, and the players seem to get used to the referee having sole control - less arguing over offsides etc. Think the £100+ expenses is hard for many clubs to bear, how about paying the club officials to do it 🚩  may not cheat so much !

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