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Andy groundhopper

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Everything posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Yet again, where is the proof that football sends covid19 cases through the roof ? Even with a vaccine that not everyone will get , there will always be cases and hopefully not so many deaths. Good luck to all the clubs that are playing and remember, NO ONE was forced into playing this season.
  2. Just read the forum stuff re the groundhopper, seems quite proud of his efforts going from Carlisle up to Scotland. A pity the police weren't at the station to lock him up for the weekend. Sadly there will be many who think it's all about them going to a game,Spoilt b*****d from Viz springs to mind.
  3. Can imagine that the breakaway would almost be a closed shop with no promotion or relegation, how boring that would be. Maybe it's meant to run alongside the normal league, don't know. Greedy but when you pay someone £300,000 a week then let the trash go.
  4. Always thought the argument was not having players travel or be in cars together, then the changing rooms etc. Any restrictions should apply below the spfl tbh, can't see all the HL, LL etc testing everyone. Be interesting to see when the rulers let the amateurs restart, just give clubs a chance.
  5. Don't wish to offend but the headline says : Closed door. Does that mean the changing rooms were closed, or they didn't want any idiots turning up ? Travelled from London for Christ sake, beyond belief.
  6. So the champions won't be in any play offs, whilst the bottom side stays up, that's all I asked coz I wasn't sure.
  7. Well done sarge, I do happen to upset a few people when I go against the non mask wearing pub going types, who then want vaccines when they're available. Can't win sometimes
  8. Don't mind clubs using other grounds, 3g pitches etc which cost around £90+ down here in Bristol. However I'd have thought clubs would get their grounds up together in readiness for senior football. Been some brilliant upgrades in Scotland, something I take for granted down here. Hopefully it's all down to the weather and ongoing p-p games Inthe winter.
  9. Guess that Forres are doing this for the right reasons, and to protect their survival, but hopefully the league will get going - with fans - so at least the clubs will get some income etc. Getting the games done should be workable, weather permitting as usual. Will promotion and relegation be of the same numbers ?
  10. Looks like many of the prebuilt stands around England, haven't found them slippery yet Think they cost in the low thousands £, easy to install.
  11. That explains why I often mention idiots on P&B, those who just want to act as normal. The clubs have tried really hard, spent loads of £, but a lot of people have to take some blame : players, fans , management etc. Bit like the thousands who paraded thru Manchester in some anti virus / lockdown march thing recently.
  12. Fair enough, seeing as I'm apparently uneducated, just go and give vaccines to everyone, thank you Dr.
  13. Hopefully the Scots will behave better than the English counterparts, no distancing, masks, players hugging each other celebrating goals, joining in with the fan's to celebrate. I've been to 5/6 games and most fans appear to be acting like 'normal' No wonder all football has been locked down, after clubs had been getting increased crowds after trying their best to restart.
  14. What an excellent SC draw, full of clubs 'dreaming' of a big day out /payday in the near future. Any hope of a limited number of fans being allowed, say max 300 ? if the spfl test games go ok. Fair play to Gretna, just a case of being able to survive until next season - doubt everyone will agree Hopefully the clubs and tv will show some games.
  15. Fully expect people to go mad over still getting the £ if they still do, of course. Can fully understand that clubs who aren't playing, come to this decision with the Cup. Ever get the feeling that you can't do anything right ?
  16. Those not at risk or not on the frontline I would say. Would guess that many younger people don't require one tbh, and possibly those in their later years.Only an opinion, that's all.
  17. LTL what a legend, still banging out common sense. Hopefully the vaccine will be controlled, rather than all the idiots rushing to get one All we needed was patience and logic, rather than the panic and hysteria sometimes. Slow steps to see us through the winter at least, fingers crossed. Am still looking at fans back in January.
  18. Are the amateurs shut down coz of the tiers in Scotland, or part of a lockdown ? Hopefully the games will restart asap, sure the players just want to play at this level. The English FA said car share, wearing masks and having the windows open - then I guess the players went home or to the pubs. Haven't heard of loads of cases due to football, let people play !
  19. Can understand the spfl level with all their testing etc, but that doesn't stop pro players catching the virus and possibly spreading. Not totally blinded by the science but if mask wearing had been mandatory, then maybe that would have helped. The leaders have stopped the game down to parks, amateurs, but those players didn't get tested so what's the difference now ? If you're stopping the game, then don't bother opening the shops for Xmas, hypocrisy beyond belief.
  20. Hopefully the 300 limit behave themselves within the protocols, and then it may trickle down to allowing a similar number of fans back into non league in 2021. All dependant on how long clubs can financially keep on going, just keep the games being streamed
  21. Always gonna be difficult in a shortened/curtailed season to promote or relegate. Is there a possibility that the LL could increase numbers for next season ? , and then do a normal promotion and relegation at end of 21/22. Guess most leagues will try to keep every club almost happy
  22. Now that a deadline has been put in place,sanctions etc, just wish clubs could get 200+ into grounds to help them through. No doubt massive Xmas crowds will scramble in the shops asap, will never understand it ! My opinion is that if we get some more games played before the end of the year - then we can look in January to see IF the season can end.
  23. I did wonder whether the amateurs were allowed to play, down here in Bristol the lockdown has stopped everyone - the parks level had been playing, ok with a few cases, those clubs then had to stop for 10 days I think. Can only guess the governments love affair with the 'elite' is either coz of testing OR the dreaded £££. This sounds absolute nonsense up in Scotland
  24. Sounds like a decent clubman to me, obviously made the decision on health grounds, trying to protect. Best wishes for a recovery, can imagine many committees are split over to play or not.
  25. Don't mind sarcasm hadn't read the sanctions etc so came out with the question,obvious now ! As the headmaster said 'must try harder' Am still learning.
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