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Andy groundhopper

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Everything posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Only saying this as an outsider looking in, but I reckon the pyramid is a brilliant move, (forcing) clubs to do long overdue ground upgrades etc. I know that some graders get annoyed,but what were the benefits of 'staying junior' ? Think the next thing to come from the hardworking WOSFL is what they will do IF we have another incomplete season. Keep up the good work, plenty of volunteers waiting to help it seems.
  2. Based on say an 18 man squad and management, that's a pretty high number. Heard of clubs down in Bristol (step 5/6) having a weekly budget of £2,000 getting under 200 through the gate at £6 a head. Must be generous sponsors eh.
  3. Meant the restrictions across the North West of England and was just glad to see that a League was putting a plan B into place - rather than last season's farcical endings. Think every league in England & Scotland faces difficult times and decisions ahead, hope the Scots can get back to watching games asap.
  4. Maybe it depends on whether the League's believe the game can be replayed - possibly award the points, but not fine the club involved, not really their faults is it ? Saw in today's NLP that the Northern Premier Lge are thinking of using an alternative fixture list IF the lockdown and restrictions up north go on too long.
  5. Looks like enough people get to watch from the outside , know plenty of fans who somehow get in - beyond my skills in afraid. Maybe a fake photographer/newspaper pass is required, along with a big camera
  6. Am ever hopeful that fans can come back in 2021, in decent numbers too. Guess that most clubs did the maths and were hoping fans would be back by November/December. If anyone knows, what sort of money are clubs talking about , £50 - £100 a game ? or more than that ? Helps to understand what clubs actually require every week just to keep going.
  7. Thanks, my hopes dashed ! Can't understand why low level non league can't have fans back , Sturgeon going safety mad. Was at Cribbs 2 Brislington 0 yesterday, att 86 no problems whatsoever. We've had games p-p followed by 2 wks isolation but things are still happening. Always going to be cases until the virus departs, just be sensible.
  8. Going by the highlights are the fans allowed into the EOS games in limited numbers ? Time to contact easyJet and make my way north ! Good to see some games up and running in Scotland amid the chaos.
  9. All systems go then, get the fixtures done and get the fans back in by 2021, am guessing the clubs geographic location always makes the formations difficult - now it's all Senior you have to do a bit more travelling, though this season could have been a bit more regional just to help. Hopefully the possible sanctions that I read on here, will stop any more clubs shutting down for the winter.
  10. If the numbers don't go through the roof, and the winter doesn't kill us all off, I'm guessing that fans will be back at low level football in January albeit with restrictions in place. Not having the evidence my lord, what sort of money is changing hands across Scottish non league football ? £100 a week £200 a week ? Be interesting to know how the clubs will survive.
  11. Looking in from down south, many good ideas with leagues trying their best to get going. My only question is about the SFA, is this a biggish organisation or just two old guys with a typewriter trying to blunder their way through ? Seem dead set in their ways trying to protect the Old Guard
  12. Sounds brilliant news, some of the precast standing either end of the stand would be great. Maybe fans could sponsor a seat just to raise funds , never managed to see KRR yet, can't wait to get up there. Sounds like the community is really positive too, hope it works out.
  13. Would be a big decision then, agree to start the season and then realise that it's gonna be one hell of a job. Covid19 makes life difficult but the sanctions look a decent threat to clubs, guess the contracts and paying players is really going to threaten some clubs ? unless they have a rich sugar daddy of course. Just wildly out of interest, could there be a League below for teams to reform, or is that the amateurs ?
  14. Shame that with so many clubs committed to starting and hopefully finishing the season, that the promotion and relegation places couldn't be agreed. Don't wish to go against any club, maybe the guaranteed return to the same divisions in 21/22 was a mistake. Give every club something to play for in these difficult times. No doubt the WOS will take a few years to settle down into a pattern.
  15. Maybe my mind is scrambled by all the goings on - but is there a blanket coverage on no promotion across all leagues, or is this just in the WOSFL ? Could be a big chance for so called smaller clubs to grab the opportunity, before some normality returns.
  16. Haven't seen anything definite yet, but are the promotions, relegations and play offs dependant on every league completing its current season ? Or are there loads of rules with prefix A,B,C etc ? Can only imagine the clubs who carry on playing, must believe there is something to be gained - apart from the glory of being called champions.
  17. Would hope that clubs make the sensible decision whether to carry on this season, almost a non-season already, so clubs would be justified in trying to survive in readiness for 21/22 when things may be close to normality. All dependant on whether this season sees any promotions and relegations, as to clubs taking a (dangerous) gamble.
  18. Correct, again fans almost demanding that a restart has to be like the old days - can't anyone last a couple of hours without ? ? Managed to see a Western League game again, Portishead 1 Lebeq 1 att 75+ with no masks, drinks coming from the clubhouse, no real distancing required with a small crowd. Took your name and number on way in, hand sanitizer on entry. Looks like more chaos in Scotland, if fans can't get back in by December at latest, is it worth playing the games ? Ever hopeful.
  19. Let's say that IF players get their MAIN income from playing football rather than working etc, then consider them professional, but give all the others a fighting chance. Not being privy to such details but are the Scottish politicians anti football at all ? The virus came, and the virus will go sometime, are they waiting for that point in time ?
  20. Chaotic in Scotland again, hope things are better down here in England with the petition to get fans back now totalling 150,000 Got a feeling that even the National Leagues will get at least some fans back in. About time we had a politician for non league football, who knows about the game. If it meant getting votes they'd soon be interested. Hope some games go ahead this weekend, are they all BCD ?
  21. Looks like the EOS restart will be delayed then, just needs a precise statement about professional, amateur, non league, elite, sports that will be stopped/delayed. Given that there isn't massive travelling between most clubs, it would be good to give them a chance. I only hope the virus recedes or disappears, or we'll be in it for the long haul.
  22. More ground improvements brilliant stuff, fully expect the stands to be the prebuilt ones similar to many down south. Don't mind them as long as the bottom row of seats aren't at ground level, can't see bugger all from there ! Can't wait to see the photos and pay a visit asap.
  23. Down in England I think both the FA and EPL are doing quite a bit to help out, down to National League level. Read that the £ will cover missing fans based on last season's average home gates, fair I guess. The SFA have to do all they can to make sure that the majority of clubs survive, unless they know different of course. Waiting to see which club goes to the wall first, won't be too long sadly.
  24. Seems like the adult gathering outdoors has taken on the mantle of 'real danger' in the governments eyes. Can't see even the spfl coming out of this unscathed, if I had my cynical hat on I'd find all sort of theories ! Being lucky enough to be able to watch some games down south, feel sorry for the non league fans up north - sure you could play with the crowd guidelines similar to England, with all the risk assessments carried out by clubs. Can't see me returning to Scotland before 2021 and can't be sure of that just yet
  25. Maybe we can go down Asda or the local and watch it on the big screen, seeing as the idiots think it's safer in there. Can't see clubs paying full contracts until January without fans, suicidal . Handover the government cash to help non league clubs 'get safe to play' before it maybe too late.
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