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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. Showing my age here but John Sludden fair grew on me after a while.
  2. I am coming to the conclusion that I am Newcastle Utd in quiz form, absolutely shite & never going to win anything yet I avoid relegation every time.
  3. Thought Neville was superb there, calling for Man Utd, Liverpool & Arsenal to be relegated was a particular highlight.
  4. Don't take him up on it as he will undoubtedly get a bizarre injury on the way there.
  5. Saw an interesting stat today, since the Sheffield Shield was started in 1892, yesterday was the first time there was play in both it & the County Championship on the same day.
  6. Jim Capaldis version of I Can't Help Falling in Love might be the worst cover versiion ever.
  7. Love Hurts by Nazareth I'm a Man by Chicago Transit Authority
  8. Go on, get the Goram story told. He has just turned up on a FB Cricket Group I am on.
  9. Anti-social, a book by a guy called Nick Pettigrew about working as a Housing Association ASB Officer. Dark humour throughout & a terrible indictment of the lack of mental health services in a lot of areas in this country for people who really need help that they will never receive.
  10. Siemens Gamesa have a huge factory in Hull that they are looking to expand even further. The tech involved in turbines today are night and day to whete they were even a decade ago so it isn't too late even now.
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