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Erih Shtrep

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Everything posted by Erih Shtrep

  1. You'll be able to photograph F1 cars in a few years!
  2. On the face of it it would seem really harsh to say Kenny McLean ( scorer of the 5th pen in both shootouts ) to leave him out the squad. But sentiment shouldn't matter, Gilmour is clearly the better player and would fare better against the likes of Luca Modric, Declan Rice or whoever we face at the Euros. Gilmour and Turnbull have to come in and then leave out the weakest players which for me is McLean and Fleck.
  3. I think it's great your bear's got himself involved in statistical analysis. But get him tested regularly, as we've seen from San Diego Zoo Gorillas can catch Covid19.
  4. There's a cracking new product out called a kettle. Allows you to make coffee in house.
  5. Everyone understands the difference between a Brand and a product. It doesn't help your argument though.
  6. Like my car is a Bugatti despite a different name and different liquids inside?
  7. No. He was holding a can of Lilt. He might have been financially support the Coca-Cola company but he was holding a Lilt. #Lilt
  8. For returning as a previously banned poster. Nothing to do with conduct as a new poster. I'm not this edgelord you're dying to portray.
  9. The only thing I'm struggling with is how would you know you're holding a can of lilt and not Coke/Irn Bru. Was this a transparent fronted vender @Barry Ferguson's Hat
  10. I only created a new account through necessity. It's certainly not my intention to get banned, and I don't ever post anything offensive or edgy. I certainly wouldn't call another poster scum. Tbh I don't know why you're hounding me like you've some Daily Record exclusive. Yes, I was previously banned, but I'd asked a moderator if I could return and post in my usual non-offensive manner and they were supportive. Listen, If I post something racist, homophobic or suchlike then I'll be rightly banned. I just don't do this, I never have. I only asked for a level playing field for the first time since 2008 and it appears it's been granted. Hope this clears things up for you, cheers.
  11. 3:45 Kampala Going ( corrupt, violent in places) 1. Yoweri Museveni, National Resistance Movement 2 Bobi Wine, National Unity Platform 3 John Katumba, Independent 4 Willy Mayambala, Independent 5 Fred Mwesigye, Independent 6 Henry Tumukunde, Independent 7 Joseph Kabuleta, Independent 8 Nancy Kalembe, Independent 9 Patrick Oboi Amuriat, Forum for Democratic Change 10 Mugisha Muntu, Alliance for National Transformation 11 Norbert Mao, Democratic Party Odds: Museveni Evens, Wine 11/10. 33/1 the field
  12. I find it an unacceptable term to use to other forum members. But I agree with the OP that 'fake news is chronic chat.
  13. And another one for the Red Absolutely. If Gary Neville was a member it's what he'd do.
  14. Disagree. We should have had a thread for each yellow.
  15. People are always so anti-mask. "I cant see as well" "My ears hurt" "Why's my mask not as snazzy as my Janets?" It's frustrating when there's upsides to mask wearage. For example, did you know that human fly swallowing was down 43% in 2020? And I knew an old lady that swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed a fly. If only she wore a cotton layered face covering she might not be dead.
  16. It hasn't really worked though. Q1- Which player do you think is better defending? Q2- Which player do you think is better attacking?
  17. I think I'd go. G51. 1. Scott McTominey 2. John McGinn 3. Billy Gilmour 4. David Turnbull 5. Callum McGregor 6. Ryan Jack 7. Stuart Armstrong 8. John Fleck 9. Barry Bannan 10. Kenny Mclean @Carnoustie Young Guvnor
  18. You're flawed analysis would have led to a home defeat. I guess they were delighted they had a interim manager instead of the likes of yourself and your level involved. I'd love you to re-read the last sentence. Stupidity on stilts.
  19. Everyman and their dug knows the best midfielders in Scotland during the season is as follows: 1. Glen Kamara. 2. David Turnbull /rest.
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