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Erih Shtrep

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Everything posted by Erih Shtrep

  1. You can bet your last penny Lex and Glen Minter would be raging if Scotland had vaccinated care homes at 1/2 the rate of England.
  3. No doubt @Glen Sannox will be along soon needing this explained for the 4th day in a row.
  4. I thought this was an interesting explanation about what 'Long-Covid' could be. https://nkalex.medium.com/the-team-of-front-line-doctors-and-biohackers-who-seem-to-have-solved-long-covid-5f9852f1101d
  5. This was explained to you yesterday. Scotland's prioritised the care homes - where about 90% have been vaccinated. The English figure is less than 40%. Boris Johnston has gone for the Daily Express/ thicko headline tactic. Little surprise you've swallowed it hook line and sinker.
  6. The run down former mining villages illustrates perfectly why Wales should govern itself. Thatcher said don't worry we're investing in London, we'll look after you. It will always be beneficial to run fiscal policies to maximise the wealth of your country.
  7. Made the cardinal sin of too much milk in my mash potatoes. Unrecoverable.
  8. From the Daily Mail on this day 2017. Have any members of P & B been involved in gay-only basketball or learned about African light bulbs ?
  9. A think this movement is big enough to merit its own thread. Membership for Yes Cymru has increased to 17,000 and the several AUOB marches have been well attended Support for Welsh Independence continues to increase with just over 1 in 2 against the idea Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price plans to offer a referendum if they win May's election to the Senedd, but support for independence hasn't resulted in a rush towards Plaid. Opinion polls suggest around 40% of Labour voters back independence but unlike in Scotland there hasn't been a move towards the 'nationalists'. Labour remains heavy odds-on (1/5) favourites to gain the most seats at the Welsh assembly elections. You can get 5's on the Tories with Plaid 18/1. Regardless there's marches planned for 2021 and the movement towards Welsh Independence continues, and we've witnessed how quickly things can snowball. I really like Adam Price, give him a platform and he'll increase the numbers further.
  10. Any angles which confirm whether Itttten was onside/offside? Watching it back it look ultra tight with Itten's foot probably offside.
  11. it might be effective but Rangers have been absolutely dreadful to watch since November.
  12. None of the above is true. What's generally accepted is throughout the 17 yeas of the website 1 poster stands alone. The most abusive poster is unbelievably the biggest cry baby. That's why we all laugh at you.
  13. There's absolutely no truth in that though.
  14. Absolutely. The same folk also continually deny there is a Pizza shop in Glasgow, where the SNP run a child sex trafficking ring in the basement. Heads in the sand. Where is the pizza shop? Allison St?
  15. I suspect Sticky bone might be Iain Lawson. You'd only dare link that if you wrote it.
  16. A smart punter. The chances of Aberdeen finishing 5th isn't impossible. But given they're 8 points clear of Livingston you're prediction was something I'd be delighted to invest in. Give me evens on Aberdeen finishing top four and you can have 100k if you like.
  17. At least we can all gather round the fire and celebrate you haven't a fucking clue what you're posting about.
  18. That's inane propaganda on stilts if you truly believe a word of this ( which you don't ). Happy for you to put your money where your mouth is and have a £10,000 bet Aberdeen don't finish 5th. Let's trade account details and get it on record so all Pie and Bovril readers and see it.
  19. I don't I thought he was okay. But a trier. I guess we're all a bit bemused by your comparison with McBurnie and Dykes! Miller scored 238 goals. McBurnie 46 and Dykes 82.
  20. Which would be Aberdeen continuing to finish third and laugh when Rangers fail in all 9 Scottish competitions they enter?
  21. When McBurnie ragdolls Italian defenders, or scores against Germany, England, Italy, Croatia you can come back at me. 18 goals in 69 games isn't great but a record of 1 in 4 is better than 0 in 16.
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