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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. In better news the pars have actually appointed Peter Grant.
  2. Rovers one can't be far away as we have the same supplier.
  3. I'd happily lose all the league Cup and b&q Cup games if it means settling in ayers or trying formations.
  4. Benfica rumoured to be in for him.
  5. Is he asking for ridiculous money or is there a bit of cutting off our nose to spite our face.
  6. Macdonald is under contract though so we'd be due a fee. Unless we've come to an arrangement for him to stay PT
  7. Baws, he's been an excellent player a first name on the team sheet type of player
  8. It might be an even tighter league than this season just gone.
  9. We haven't had white socks in years, either a return to that or all navy again which has grown on me.
  10. Fear not its just like the after effects of the astra zenica as it courses through your veins. It is all for the greater good.
  11. That bottom one looks like it has witnessed something horrific and is having a Vietnam flashback.
  12. It's a tightrope for mcglynn, he needs to add quality to build on what was achieved but recruit better than what we have currently. On the other hand he needs to keep the core.of the team as too much change is unsettling and the team loses something. Just to complicate things further he has to work this magic with next to no money.
  13. Is that the Robert Nairn? They actually do a decent pint in that one.
  14. It's ridiculous he hasn't been capped already or at the very least called upto a squad. He's got an interesting choice on the club front, dies he staybin Portugal and move to a bigger club or dies he try somewhere else like Spain or Italy. It would be disappointing in a way if he ended up back in the UK.
  15. The thing is despite our goalscoring problems the manager never really used smith so that probably says it all. Good luck to the boy. When is the list of released and signed out.
  16. f**k man that is well shite. I wince at the very very occasional twinge.
  17. Did Shaun Dennis get sent off as well? What an absolute shitter of a season that was.
  18. It'll be interesting if killie do drop. Will they go hell for leather to get back up and throw money at the problem seeing as they have a decent manager already. Or are they going to be in deep shit.
  19. I'd take Bowie back in a heartbeat far better player than that boy Abraham.
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