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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I've just booked and paid for my my 10k relay in May. Currently on week 3 of the 8 week plan I've got to go from 5 to 10k and ran 4 miles straight the other night
  2. my Mrs has started couch to 5k which is win win as I get extra perving at some running leggings (milf thread for this pish) and she gets fit. We can hopefully do some runs together in the future but at the minute one of us has to look after the kids and were at drastically different stages. Did laugh though she dug out this pair of ancient nike airs from the drawer that she figures haven't been worn for 12 years and they're completely perished to the point the air bubbles have exploded and the soles are hanging off.
  3. In terms of shoes get your gait checked at a proper running store they will advise you on what you need. Decent running trainers are about £100 That said find a pair that are suitable and shop around for older versions that will be reduced but are basically the same and can be had a lot cheaper.
  4. I'm going from 5k to 10k using the attached plan. Then at the beginning of may me and 3 others will be doing a relay as part of a marathon weekend where we each do about 6.5 miles each.
  5. Running trainers and jacket, it's what I wanted so happy days
  6. pub car king

    FIFA 19

    29 sheets currently in Tesco Xbox and ps4.
  7. Stick with it man it's great. I don't suffer particularly with my mental health but I do have a bit of a stressful job at times. I find a good run is great for this almost as much benefit as you get fornthe physical health. I've been a bit ill recently some sort of bug or virus has killed all my energy and everything aches so I've not been out now for nearly a week and I'm missing it.
  8. Ford's have fuel injector issues in that diesel lump
  9. Done 3 more runs since finishingbthe c25k. I've actually done 5k now in 31 minutes 58 seconds which I'm eased with for the first time and it's not a million miles form half an hour. I've been out just for a run no pressure or target and I'm finding I can run at a really good pace for 15 to 20 minutes but end up plodding along for the last 10. Think the problem is I go belting along far too fast to begin with. Is it normal to start obsessing with things like pace and distance etc? Oh and it's fucking freezing so much to my wife's great amusement the tights have been making more appearances.
  10. I know bumping your own post is somewhat narcissistic, but the good lady in question is moving in with me in a few weeks. Tennent's..........is there anything it can't do? UniTed. Marry her she's clearly a lady of discerning taste.
  11. Well it's done 9 weeks 27 runs I've gone from a wheezing red faced mess to well a wheezing red faced mess really but the difference is there's half an hour of running to blame for it now. My last run and the plan was to knock out 5k regardless of how long it took. What actually happened was that I thought I'd explore a bit and ended up going up a hill that looked like a gentle slope 8 mins later and it was like looking down Ben Nevis. Onwards and through the woods where it was particularly wet and sloppy and the inevitable fall came but up I got then the mud decided it was hungry and had a go at swallowing my trainer so quick hop back for that. For reasons unknown and the first time ever I got a pounding head ache and off went the music. By the time I hit tarmac I'd had enough and grudgingly finished the half hour doing just 2. 71 miles it was fucking gash. That said I've completed every single run first time and I'm in such a better place with it. Think I'm going to just run for a month try and do 30 minutes 3 times a week but might experiment with shorter times but faster speeds, hill climbing, trying to stretch the distance don't know really the ultimate goal is to try and do a 10k in the new year. This has got under my skin now I find it great for stress and it's just me the music and the road, that said occasionally I'll go with a friend for a bit of a catch up.
  12. I think Arbroath are on an incredible run but they are due a rough patch and I think we'll come on strong in the second half of the season. Don't know if there will be enough of a swing either way 10 pts is a great lead but it will be close.
  13. I'm eased someone has finally come out and said the obvious from the in that 2 of the more high profile pieces of business recently were fucking awful and that all involved should be kicked to death. (Last part may not be true) David Bates is a Scotland player plying his trade in Europe yes Hamburg may have got relegated last year but they are a big club in Germany. How the actual fucking f**k we have made nothing from developing this boy and none of the useless f**k tards at the club recognised this at the time beggars belief and to get the square route of a kick in the baws as compensation is even worse. f**k you Martin's dad.
  14. Onto the last week and did run no1 which was 30 minutes straight. Fucking great run as far as I'm concerned 2.97 miles in exactly 30 minutes so almost there and it's all fallen into place. The last couple of weeks I've had some real inconsistency and felt shite after a couple of them but today I was flying think I might have got the 5k but the legs just faded in the last 5 minutes. Also went and got my gait done turns out I need a support shoe as my left foot in particular kicks out when it lands so I've bought some asics that have been whipped off me for Christmas.
  15. Is it this new pitch or something more straight forward like a gypsies curse
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