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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Just looked to be absolutely shot of any confidence and self belief, which is understandable with the injury history he has. Never know, he may end up being recalled in January and looking a completely different player
  2. There was a small break out of it in the Dundee end but it never really caught fire. Not heard it since. 100% not Arbroath fans though
  3. One of the more spectacular refereeing performances I’ve seen
  4. Fair play to him. Would’ve been far too easy to score, so didn’t fancy it
  5. I thought this was a really odd thing to say too, another one of those moments where he need to learn to pause and think before opening his mouth. Didn’t want to make a big deal out of as I seem to pick on everything he says
  6. Had there been an update on Kane? Last I’d heard it was a difficult one and there was no timeframe
  7. Exactly. Problem being that clubs can charge them whatever they like, knowing full well they’ll more than likely sell out. Remember when Rangers fans were to boycott a trip to Tannadice and still ended up with a fair number of supporters there
  8. I find it really bizarre (yet no actually surprising) that they’ve taken it so personally, almost as if it’s an attack on their club. Some of the replies would have you believe the fans set the ticket prices. With almost every club putting their prices up when the OF visit, it’s exactly the thing they should be getting behind. The tit for tat mentality is what will hold any campaign for change back.
  9. SPFL Trust Trophy now, but aye the B&Q Cup, Challenge Cup, Alba Cup, Irn Bru Cup etc etc.
  10. Talk about taking it personally The number of these types of posts is pretty galling
  11. It’s actually laughable how Old Firm fans (football fans in general tbh) manage to take something like the FCU’s boycott so personally and as an attack on their club. The tit for tat mentality is absolutely mind boggling.
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