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Everything posted by EaglesandSpiders

  1. You decide: https://twitter.com/VeldmanRobin/status/1726709679009788356?t=lPaX3As2K7_7hbmVadBDBQ&s=19 I wasn't talking about his job. I was talking about the kind of person he is. And I don't use an alias on my social media. Feel free to test my claim if you're on twitter and/or instagram. Tell him something "not nice" and you'll get instantly blocked. I may have subbed him off after the first half. And it wasn't just the way he was forced to leave the pitch. Veldman basically erased the guy then and there. He has never played him again and probably never will while he's in charge. That's exactly my point. "We" is manager-speak for distributing responsibility and accountability while most of the fault/blame lies with the manager. Nice people/managers accept their mistakes and protect their players in those interviews. I've watched countless post-match interviews where managers use words like "the fault is mine, don't blame the players; I'm in charge of this team so if you're looking for someone to blame, blame me etc." after bad results. Veldman has never done that. And on many occasions he openly blamed the players without naming them directly. Look mate. I don't know you. But I like you. I like you because you're not Robin Veldman You may disagree with everything I think of and say about him both as a person and as a head coach but I'm not going to spend more words on someone who will be out of the door in a matter of weeks. I replied to your post because part of your reply was asking questions to me.
  2. 1) He spent two days in Belgium watching the Anderlecht game last week just before the Thistle game. 2) He blocks everyone with even the slightest bit of criticism on social media 3) The way he treated Tizzard in the Airdrie game 4) And yes, his post-match interviews. Not once has he accepted responsibility for the results. Not even once.
  3. What they said We are not inconsistent. We are consistently shite.
  4. Just watched Veldman's post match interview. Did you hear the part where he says he sees a different team & performance in training and on the pitch? That difference is a confession & trademark sign of a coach who is good at training players but really bad at managing & directing them on the pitch. We can't win with him in charge. I know it sounds impossible but I'll wager anything. We will not win a single game with him.
  5. We won't win a single game as long as Veldman's in charge. The rock bottom we've hit is not down to the players. It's solely and clearly a management issue.
  6. I don't know anything about MacKay. How about Makaay instead? He's also Dutch and he knows Scotland. Fits "the project" if Lord Haughey buys out his contract at Bayern.
  7. As for me, I don't know many of the new youngsters to have an opinion but my answer is they should be ready to make that challenge as long as the manager who is responsible for their training and development gives them an opportunity to prove themselves at the right time, for the right amount of time, against the right opponent. So far, I have seen very little evidence of this approach.
  8. So far, we've averaged one point per game. If we keep this up we'll finish the season with 36 points, which happens to be roughly the average points a team needs for the 8th spot, if you look at the last 4-5 seasons. But I think it's going to be really tight. It looks like we have a runaway winner in the league but the automatic relegation spot is still up for grabs. No team like Cove in the league this season.
  9. 100%. We looked like a sparring partner in the first half. Mind-bogglingly soft and toothless. I've watched friendly games with more teeth and willingness to score.
  10. I think a good number of people here are missing the simple fact that we conceded 2 goals in the last ten minutes playing against a 10-men team after those substitutions. No ifs no buts. That is what it boils down to. That is how this match will be remembered. Unforgivable.
  11. Well in that case as a massive fan, you should be the one who's the most disappointed with his performance yesterday. He was a ghost.
  12. They didn't, though did they? The same 11 players on the pitch who turned the game around were not allowed to see it through and get the result they deserved.
  13. It sounds like you are actually asking me a question so here's my answer. We had 11 players on the pitch and at least 10 of them are mature enough to continuously play and compete at this level. When I saw the starting eleven, I agreed this was our strongest team barring any current injuries. This 11 train all week to play only once a week and again barring bans or injuries should be able to consistently do so all season. There is no reason to replace any of them with any of the kids on the bench especially during a game where we came so close to winning 3 points after 9 games, dominating possession in the second half, building momentum and creating chance after chance. A good manager helps youngsters by giving them minutes on the pitch when it is both safe for the team's progress and beneficial for the youngsters' development. Veldman isn't one.
  14. Unlike Veldman, I wouldn't put the blame on any of the boys who played today (except maybe Hepburn, who failed to get in the game after he came on). This is 100% on Veldman just like it has been for the last 10 games without a win. And it's simply mind-boggling to hear him say that he is disappointed in the team and that this is "men's football, not boys' football", when he was the one who replaced the "men" on the pitch with children yet again today when all we needed was maturity and composure. Managers who lose games like this start by apologising to the fans instead of saying how disappointed they are in the team. What a p***k!
  15. Hmm, I may be wrong then. But I thought the event was in another section.
  16. Btw, if Veldman had made that triple substitution, we wouldn't have scored the second goal, you know that right? I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw those guys preparing to enter the pitch. Veldman was simply blind to the momentum we were building up.
  17. What a shitshow eh? First off, sounds of laughter and loud conversation from the hospitality section while the entire stadium was observing the two-minute silence was an absolute disgrace. I'll write an email to the club and hopefully it won't happen again. Shameful stuff. I have made my opinions loud and clear on Veldman here time and time again. He has turned a promising and talented group of players into a sparring partner for the other teams in the Championship and he needs to go, as any manager who throws away a lead against a ten-men team in the last 5 minutes of a game should.
  18. This whole thing with the sections might have to do with the whisky festival at Hampden on the same day. I don't know how that's going to work in terms of crowd control, parking etc but shouldn't be a problem I guess
  19. Mckinstry in the starting eleven for young QP today @qpfc
  20. How unfit can one be to still not make it onto the bench one month after signing, right?
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