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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. @Zamora FanI'm not itk or anything but I reckon Flax was partly to blame for the financial mess. Not solely as his boss had to oversee and didn't evidently but he surely had to know the wage budget and football cost was out of control and unsustainable. Signings, I'm sure he was trying to do all he could to give the manager what he wanted! Someone had to start saying no eventually though. I wondered if he was moved on due to the financial shambles but also it could just have been because there was no role for him due to Stan being there full time. Re Grieve, he certainly recommended them, what we don't know is how many of the signings were his recommendation beyond Theo and likely Eetu. I think his leaving was less to do with the signings and more it just not working. The manager don't being keen on his approach and I don't think Grieve was overly keen on the managers either. Heard chat from employees about others not being keen on Grieve as well. Again, who knows how true Good luck to the new analyst. Seen his Mum tweeting about the excitement of her son's new role, which was nice!
  2. Parking anywhere off Newhouse Road in the Strathtay Road, Castle View, Balgowan Road, Struan Road type areas will be within a 10 mins walk if you're walking at a normal pace. At full time no matter where you're parked around that area there's routes back up to head back up out to the Broxden roundabout the way you're planning on coming in. I lived outside Perth for a while so had to drive in and would park around there and head out that way again. As Radford said if you're heading back to Edinburgh the direction you'll be entering the roundabout doesn't require you to get involved in giving away on the roundabout either. Straight onto the motorway. Obviously, the earlier you get the closer you'll get parked. There's no parking restrictions around the area either like you'd find in Edinburgh at games.
  3. Don't know much about him at all. What I do know though is I presume we'll be being selective about the Alan Preston criticism if we approve of the signing
  4. Not that I'm aware of. The financial aspects mentioned at recent fans forum meetings probably confirms any away fans who sell enough will get it though. ££££. That's just an assumption I've made though.
  5. I'd go speak to someone you know that knows the "rumours" about it if interested in knowing more of course. I'm of course not going to post and spread those rumours on the internet. Especially as I did not witness it myself.
  6. Been coming for a while. Would that kind of conviction, if found guilty and ending up with a criminal record impact his job? Would he still be deemed fit to be a director of a company? Not sure what the rules are etc but imagine there are plenty rules on the subject!
  7. He's a bit monotone all of the time tbh in interviews. It's one of things I don't think is a big worry. The likes of Jack Ross talk brilliantly in interviews and we know that doesn't mean much when it comes to on the pitch He speaks a bit better in person away from the cameras. For me I can clearly see how in his head he wants to play offensively anyway. Whether or not he can get them to play that way or whether the players are good enough to play that way is are different questions.
  8. Don't know any factual info but he's been semi involved at Charlton by the looks of it. Came off the bench against Aberdeen at the weekend.
  9. I got my ticket checked by the guy at the barrier. They'll be postal tickets though I imagine like last time?
  10. Looks like County is going to be £28 in a few weeks. Might just give that a miss.
  11. I'm spamming now. He gifted possession away for the second goal as well. Could have been defended better after but if I'm overstating you're conveniently forgetting. It wasn't just over ambitious long balls but it's fine we'll not say anything about Parker because... Liam Gordon
  12. Gordon didn't force him to make the poor decisions in possession. Those were Parker's all on his own.
  13. Go back and read the posts if you're interested. Although it's not a debate on who played more shite. It's not a case of you can't criticise Parker's performance because Gordon might have been worse. We were discussing the reasons the young lad has been signed. Whether people like it or not he's not been signed to replace Gordon.
  14. We're not talking to his face. I'm sure the managers feedback was certainly harsher than that. He looked deer in headlights. He already faced hundreds screaming abuse and booing nearly every time he touched the ball on Saturday because he'd given possession away again. I'm sure that will have impacted his confidence much much more than me referring to his performance as pathetic.
  15. What Parker produced on Saturday is describable as absolutely pathetic. The manager seemingly deemed it that was as well. Hence removing him at half time. On top of that Brown is injured again, that could actually result in this lad playing regularly to avoid Wright playing long periods at right back. Especially if we can't rely on Max to produce. As for the new signing. I've no idea if he's good enough. Does the manager know whether he's good enough? Not sure he will either. It's not like he'll have watched loads of him! We've signed loads of unproven untested young lads in recent years, Daily, Sandford more recently and we'll never know if they'd have stepped up to the challenge when thrown in like Parker has been. If we're saying we trust the managers judgement then probably they wouldn't have though! Hence their release. In the past we've signed others who've barely played while down in England and been a success. MOH for example. We've then also signed players who've played down in England at a decent level and been rubbish. Scougall etc. It's hard to judge either way but I reckon we'll soon find out. Either by this lad being thrown in at right back on Saturday from the start or potentially a replacement for Max to move Wright forward when chasing the game.
  16. It's been made I imagine because Parker will now be deemed not up to it after Saturday. Not even as a backup option. He can now go out on loan.
  17. Some of the clips used are nothing clips. Level is all relative as well.
  18. I see quite a few fans getting their knickers in a twist (about a lot of things at the moment) about how long it's taking to get the cross border deals done. This is because they're under 23 and it needs to go via FIFA. Someone may be able to explain the intricacies of why that is. Probably double checking international clearance is approved due having to confirm no compensation is due.
  19. Do folk for a second seriously think we'd be in the running to sign Doak on loan? Has a certain wind up merchant been on that wind up again?
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