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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Could read that many ways. I do understand he's not sure why he isn't getting much game time. He probably doesn't want to sign a 2 year deal and end up not featuring. Hmmm indeed though
  2. St. Johnstone as well. Won't win many games (mainly because Davidson doesn't try to win games).
  3. I think that's almost certain that he'll be in there. Unless he's in the back 3 if Gordon is injured. He'll be somewhere anyway!
  4. He was subbed at half time against both Hearts & Hibs and after an hour against Rangers when we received a doing 4-0 He was also an unused sub against St. Mirren after playing well in the win against Rangers. Although, of course he could have had an injury etc Think he did well overall and much better than the doom & gloom proclaimed by the Aberdeen fans. Although after seeing them touch themselves on Saturday over Shinnie constantly greeting to the referee most of the second half I'm not shocked they were wrong.
  5. I wondered whether he just didn't like Davidson and his methods. Especially after it was posted on here that he is going elsewhere. He had some poor games but also some good games. Without fail he was dropped after the good performances. He was hauled off at half time a couple of times as well. From memory once was probably justified.
  6. Another change of subject. Fed up talking about the cup game in the huff about it. The very few positives from Saturday. Gallagher I thought did alright. No doubt be dropped again at the weekend though. Theo was on the park a short time but looked fired up in that cameo. Been critical and unsure if he's up to but don't see the harm in him getting a start on Saturday either. Although, could certainly very quickly become a target for stick if we start poorly.
  7. Slight change of subject but still a miserable rant nonetheless. When Gordon was injured at the start of the second half. They went to sub him off. I was about to have an aneurysm as James Brown got stripped to come on. McGowan had played okay but it's clear we were struggling to play anything through midfield. Surely moving McGowan into the back 3 & Mitchell into the middle was the right move with Phillips (could have gone Spoony if he wanted to be more adventurous) coming on to try and get involved? Like I said in the match thread they decided not to sub him at all though, which potentially cost us the first goal as on top of his poor performance he was clearly struggling and limping.
  8. As long as the game's less shit than the last time we played. I'm fine with that. It will be shit though as we'll set up not to lose, like we do every week and hope we score first. Prediction 0-0. 8 mins to go then Livi will score. Follo e by Davidson immediately throwing attacking players on. 7 wingers on the pitch at once and we'll look even worse than we did before the subs. He'll make the same subs he did when United scored as well.
  9. @Davis Love IIIfair play. It crossed my mind for a second and then I just gave up. Apathetic already I felt I was relatively constructive with my initial email. More about why they've completely missed the mark and why fans were so upset about. Don't think he even read it which makes me think they're not interested in the criticism. Do we all think there will be a reply?
  10. People will be wound up because of the recent form and this obvious shambles which will be exacubated before the game even kicks off by line up and tactics. Brown starring at left wing back and the out of form players inevitably starting. People will be fairly frustrated almost immediately and if they start poor first 20 mins...
  11. That's probably because they're still thinking about giving them a section of the Main Stand as well
  12. They're not that bright. They can't even order enough pies remember
  13. Was it his decision or a board decision? Must admit, I've not a clue how Saints work and make these decisions. In days gone by I would have assumed this decision was Steve's alone as previously it was often his way or the high way. Surely at least requires director approval/agreement?
  14. That's what I thought as well. If policing is the problem, why give them MORE tickets?!
  15. What they don't seem to understand is the fans are not just upset about the price. It's the dismissive nature towards our own fans. Fans have taken this personally. They clearly still don't get that based on the fact they've not bothered responding publicly (yet) and almost doubling down on justifying it. I don't think any on here are unaware of the financial challenges of running a club but it's the die hards they should be looking after. Not the away fans. They've made a mistake with this but despite different people running the club now day to day, they're still completely unable to admit/accept they're possibly wrong.
  16. "You will appreciate that we endeavour to ensure that the Club is run sustainably . If we were to restrict pricing to say £20 per adult ticket, this would have resulted in a net loss." If the club is not suitable without giving Rangers 3 stands then there's other questions to be asked regarding the day to day running. Especially as this game isn't budgeted for. Looks like this is going to be the regular thing now as well. Bye hundreds of season ticket holders.
  17. The only people who'll be happy about it are the same people who'll be going regardless. I anticipate it's extremely unlikely to change the mind of those who've said they're not going because of it.
  18. Got on the bus to go home last night and the driver was told by the police that they were worried about Aberdeen fans attacking the bus with rocks after previous incidents. Wtf is wrong with people. We were then directed the long way out of the area
  19. Tommy Wright wasn't exactly an an attacking manager but he tried to win games. Especially at home. Yes he's often gone away from home and played some pragmatic stuff as well but we often still looked like we were in those games and when being pragmatic we actually looked likely to keep a clean sheet. He'd also not ask players to do things they're not capable of ie, Gordon being responsible for building out from the back from every goal kick. The game at home to United after that first half we would have seen pro active changes rather than just panic changes after we're behind.
  20. If they just stopped punting it 50 yards up to the likes of Carey, Murphy or May to compete for in the air that would be a good start
  21. Honestly sounds like my worst nightmare. Not sure the Browns would be interested though if they're basket case type owners. Been some suggestion they're keen to only sell locally. Not something I can say I know is true though
  22. Not seen it back but Saints had a few half chances. May header in the first half in particular at the time I thought he should have scored. Went closish in the second half with what would have been an own goal. That was about the only two chances that were actually close from memory though!
  23. They're sleep walking themselves into right mess. Dropping like a stone in the league again and completely ruining the relationship with the fans (making it worse by silence on the subject since and all accounts are about to come out with some iffy excuses for it) If they now do end up going down as it's not completely out the question playing like that especially via the playoff many of the fans they've given the to won't renew the season ticket and they'll soon be in big trouble. That wee bit of cash they got from Rangers fans won't seem so great after all.
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