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Everything posted by Jedi2

  1. And...here it is: Asked if he would stick to Humza Yousaf’s pledge to put independence “page one, line one” in the SNPs’s manifesto, Mr Swinney said: “Yes.” (STV News Interview) So, defacto Ref, ie Referendum 2 is a go, in just a few weeks where either; SNP win most seats and start negotiations Or SNP don't win the most seats and that's it for the time being (can't just roll it forward to the next Holyrood election)
  2. Barnett Formula funding has averaged £41 billion per year for the past few years. Also, as agreed in August: 'Holyrood’s capital borrowing powers will rise in line with inflation, enabling the Scottish Government to invest further in schools, hospitals, roads and other key infrastructure that will help to create better paid jobs and opportunity in Scotland. The new deal maintains the Barnett formula, through which the Scottish Government receives over £8 billion more funding each year than if it received the levels of UK Government spending per person elsewhere in the UK. It also updates funding arrangements in relation to court revenues and the Crown Estate' (UK govt website) Yes, they have to 'balance the books' at the end of each fiscal year, but extra borrowing powers in line with inflation, keeping every penny of tax raised in Scotland, and bringing in on average..£41 billion from Barnett? Any Labour govt will only borrow to invest in public services. (So more spend on Education, Health, Social Care etc thanthe Tories).That borrowing has a knock on positive effect on money available in Scotland. Its entirely up to the SNP (at present) how they allocate these funds (in addition to their own taxation).
  3. Apart from Rail Nationalisation, VAT on Private Schools to fund more teachers, Windfall Tax on excessive energy profits, to fund a publically owned Energy Company, closing non-dom tax avoidance loopholes, opening up planning legislation on brownfield sites to reinvigorate affordable houses, scrapping Rwanda scheme for a more sensible Border Patrol, a National Wealth Fund to provide money for SMB's, reducing energy bills with the Publically Owned Energy Company, only borrowing to invest in public services and not chase tax cuts, tackling violence against women and girls, expanding Devolution, having a Charter of Workers Rights...... Other than that, yes it's policy light and 'just the same as the Tories'
  4. Its not...its a bigger sample 3,586 Conducted between 10 April to 21 May. If these were the results SNP 27 Lab 24 then Scotland is Independent in 6 weeks time...negotiations beginning then. 'Conference believes that if the SNP subsequently wins a majority of the seats at the General Election in Scotland, the Scottish Government is empowered to begin immediate negotiations with the UK Government to give democratic effect to Scotland becoming an independent country and establish a Constitutional Convention constituted by the by the MPs elected to Westminster, MSPs and representatives of civic Scotland. Conference reaffirms the commitment to set up a Constitutional Convention made in January 2020 Conference motion from October 23 The SNP clarified this could be achieved via the UK government entering into talks on independence (from BBC News)
  5. Swinney appearing anywhere near a mic or camera is gaffe enough.
  6. Based on current direction of travel. 'Defacto Ref' Labour 38 SNP 10 Tories 7 Lib Dems 2
  7. YouGov Sample 1114 Conducted May 13th-17th
  8. Latest Poll in Scotland Labour 39% SNP 29% Which, if it holds would see the SNP on 8 seats.
  9. 'Seat Predictions in Scotland' Labour 30 SNP 19 Tories 5 Lib Dems 3 Is in the 'wrong thread' in a thread entitled "General Election 2024 Predictions'? I noticed that you managed a 'Labour Bad' post in 'When will IndyRef 2' happen when there is a 'Labour Bad' thread already but carry on....
  10. Page 1, line 1 of the SNP Manifesto..Vote SNP for Scotland to become Independent..or has that changed again now? If not, this is a de-facto Ref in which the SNP need to win a majority of seats, to then...(the not clear part)..'give a democratic mandate to Scotland becoming an Independent country' Is that 'negotiations for a Referendum? Is it 'negotiations' for a division of debts/assets? Is it 'negotiations' for the start of the process of Scotland withdrawing from the UK? Again..they don't know themselves. Seat Prediction in Scotland Labour 30 SNP 19 Tories 5 Lib Dems 3 And the spin..'a good night for the SNP'
  11. Sunak looking like a Phil Collins video circa 1985 with the shiney jacket getting soaked...But, but, but...Labour don't have a pwan.
  12. If a deal can be done to keep Armstrong and Watson stays where he is, would be a massive boost. Talk about a deal for GMS and Watkins, still need to decide on Stewart, hopefully get Findlay's loan extended. If we can achieve that maybe not too much extra business required...probably need a keeper, a left back and maybe one more forward and that could be it
  13. Of course..what we needed was a tearful Michael getting in touch with her feelings, and naturally solving the clue in the process! Noticing that, as this Season progresses, its Michael (who else) who starts to solve the clues pretty much by herself. Surely the finale is leading up to a tearful group hug, while they all express their inner emotions prior to Michael saving the day
  14. France to beat England?..Yes, as they are simply as better side. The likes of Spain, Portugal and Germany as hosts all more than capable of beating England as well.
  15. It's certainly a 'unique' League, that's for sure. A team can carry on as normal with 115 Corruption Charges against them, and then the new season can kick off again with the Charges still pending, as they no doubt barrell their way to a 5th title in a row. Ultimately of course nothing will come of it because they would need to find a county (the UAE) guilty of cheating, and for political reasons, that will never happen, so title No.5 and Guardiola hailed as the bestest eva (by the media) carries on. Nothing to see here.
  16. You are right that the numbers haven't shifted by much in 10 years and that of course is despite Brexit, Johnson, Truss and Sunak. During that period the SNP have won 5 elections in Scotland including holding 56 out of 59 Westminster seats. Despite these 'mandates' they have failed to either secure another Referendum (as they constantly promised) or move support for Independence up to much beyond 50%. Of course you can say..ah but that's only down to Westminster intransigence or the Supreme Court being biased etc...is there another side to that coin though, that if the people of Scotland felt that Devolved govt was being really well run, then the 'pro-Indy' figure would be closer to 60 plus percent? Independence in polls of 'priorities' is now quite far down the list for most, behind, unsurprisingly, Education Health Cost of Living the Environment, Poverty, the Economy etc.
  17. Just the standard dung from your top trolling SNP ultra superfan boy position. The Growth Commission report doesn't 'count' now (as its pre-pandemic) despite Kate Forbes key role in it. The SNP would split and willingly give up the reigns post-Indy because 'everyone' believes they will (ie you think they will, therefore they will). We can look with confidence to a 122 year old agreement to posit what a current UK govt approach will be to Scotland. 'Any' Spanish politician that isn't on message...dismissed..any thought about the political makeup of a Spanish administration and their position on Catalonia which could be hard line..dismissed. Rancid.
  18. I do love the claim that the succession and establishment of the Republic of Ireland 102 years ago acts as a 'precedent' for how Scottish/rUK assets will be divided now. Did other countries which declared Independence from the UK Post 1922 get a share of assets? Speaking of assets, from the SNP's own document 'Scotland's Future': Scotland would be entitled to around £150 million allowing us to establish ourselves quickly and for little initial cost in our priority countries. www.iflr.com That is a share of UK Embassies They also make a claim on military assets (based, of course on potential negotiations) for around a £7 billion share Again from the SNP's own document The Growth Commission, the Solidarity Payments proposed to cover a share of UK liabilities are around £6 billion. The Annual Solidarity Payment is modelled at around £5 billion, including debt servicing contributions, 0.7% GNP contribution for foreign aid and a further £1 billion set aside for other shared services, continued the report. Spanish Veto Still dependent upon who is in power in Spain at the time, you can't just cherrypick favoured Spanish voices of the moment and dismiss those who aren't 'on message'. Public Sector Cuts All there in the Growth Commission Report.Given that Kate Forbes was one of its architects, don't think that it's 'going away' https://ifs.org.uk/articles/weak-public-finance-position-implies-more-austerity-independent-scotland https://www.these-islands.co.uk/publications/i307/gc_5_the_truth_about_austerity.aspx The idea that the Sturgeon cabal would give up their power post-Independence is laughable. Indeed the woman's ego is also so large that I wouldn't yet rule her out of an attempted return as leader. Why exactly would they split if Independence is achieved and they have a chance to dictate the terms of it?
  19. Also, nowhere have I suggested that Scotland couldn't be Independent. There is no 'too wee, too poor' etc. Scottish Independence decoupled from the SNP could absolutely be a success. A decoupled from the SNP which rather than champing at the bit to cut public spending to chase the Aquis, could join EFTA and set up its own trading agreements, while having control of immigration policy. Rather than cutting public spending, looking to borrow (with the new powers) to invest in Education Health Social Care etc Having a Charter of Workers and Trade Union Rights embedded as part of a newly Independent country rather than seeking a 'Bankers, Spivs and Speculators' version of Independence. Looking to set up a Scot Currency as quickly as possible and not being reliant on the B of E to set interest rates Taking advantage of Scotlands competitive advantages in life sciences, technology, food and drink and tourism, rather than seeking a fire sale of Scottish assets to make a quick buck for the Bankers. None of these are currently proposed by the SNP. However with polling on Indy currently significantly outstripping SNP support, hopefully we can reach a stage where Scotland becomes Independent with a majority of its people in mind, not just a tiny cabal cosetted around Sturgeon and Co
  20. I appreciate that you have an ego larger than Canada, while dismissing anything which suggests anything other than the SNP govt have done the bestest job eva over the past 17 years, as 'lies', but.. Spanish Veto Depends who you believe, and also depends on which party is governing Spain at the time of a Scottish application. Can't always just dismiss any sources such as these as 'lies'. So, could a 'Spanish govt' veto a Scottish application? We don't know. https://www.politico.eu/article/spain-could-veto-independent-scotland-says-minister/ https://fullfact.org/europe/eu-membership-spain-scotland/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scottish-independence/11054187/Spain-and-Belgium-would-veto-an-independent-Scotlands-EU-membership.html https://murciatoday.com/how-a-veto-from-spain-could-stop-scotland-joining-the-eu-in-2023_1891364-a.html Currency Lithuania is 'one' example. Even the current SNP proposals are to move to a Scot currency 'as soon as practically possible'. Timescale-still unknown. Will a 'proposal' be published in advance of a Referendum? At the moment, don't know. Debt Free/UK debt v assets You are right. Scotland is currently 'debt free' in terms of balancing books. However, that pesky SNP proposal is to take on a 'proportionate' share of rUK debt (which obviously accrues 'debt' as a starting point for an Indy Scotland. Assets.. Will they be part of negotiations? I would imagine so (and rightly so)...how far do 'debts and assets' balance out? Guess what..we don't know until negotiations pan out. Cutting Public Spending Again, a current SNP proposal. Of course if they moved to an EFTA position, this would be less of a requirement as they aren't chasing the Aquis deficit ceiling Could Scotland quickly strike trade deals if part of EFTA? Of course.
  21. Went along to this last night. Dumbarton definitely did manage the game well. Always looked a threat going forward and deserved to win the tie. A lot of effort from Spartans particularly late on, but final ball around the box lacking when needed.
  22. I'm raging at Starmer putting out a wee card with pledges to set up a Publicly Owned Energy Company, cut NHS Waiting lists, ditch the Rwanda scheme, and aim for greater Economic stability, while also publishing a substantial paper on enhanced Devolution across the UK? No, not really..more than happy to improve the NHS, have a more sensible Immigration approach, a public ownership of Energy etc 'Fizzing' at the SNP for taking the people of Scotland and indeed their own supporters for a ride with the most confused/inconsistent 'strategy' for Independence?..Yes.
  23. 'Recently claiming that the SNP were going down the UDI route' Indeed. What it highlights is the complete mess of SNP strategy. Recently Yousaf was quoting the (agreed at Conference motion) that a majority of seats at a GE meant Negotiations would begin https://www.thenational.scot/news/23855165.humza-yousaf-backs-independence-strategy-based-majority-seats/ What wasn't clearly set out of course was what these Negotiations were..was it to declare that Scotland was now Independent? (ie UDI), was it to ask for another Ref? Was it to negotiate terms of withdrawal from the UK? A few weeks later we then have Swinney talking about a Referendum being needed and achievable in 'the next 5 years' (seems to have moved on from winning most seats at this years GE) https://news.stv.tv/politics/independence-for-scotland-can-be-delivered-within-five-years-says-john-swinney Then we have Emma Roddick saying that 'Indy doesn't mean the end of the Union with England' and calling for an ongoing 'union/co-operation'. All this is within weeks of each other. So what is it now? Is it 'most seats at the GE' (oh wait...we still have Honest John going for that AND the 5 year plan at the same time) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c14kykvgle1o.amp Is it to build up a 'gradual' persuasion of public opinion for Independence? https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/holyrood/24303184.swinneys-first-task-bin-indy-papers-start/ Is it 'persuade the UK govt to grant a Ref in 'the next 5 years'? Is it to persuade the public that an 'ongoing union/co-operation' with England is the best route/tactic? They don't know themselves.
  24. 'Where did I say these things/putting words in my mouth..'..all Highlighted above: 'Debt Free' (in fact, so good that we had to have 'Scotland currently has no debt', twice) 'Almost Immediately setting up our own currency' 'No EU Veto, so the red carpet is out' 'A good portion of UK assets' 'Public spending cuts..don't need to cut the usual targets though..what's needing cut is nuclear weapons (don't disagree), Rwanda flights (don't disagree, neither does Keir Starmer), HS2.
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