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Jives Miguel

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Everything posted by Jives Miguel

  1. Zinchenko is up there for title of most overrated footballer in the world for me. An Alexander-Arnold tier disaster of a defender. Leaks goals left right and centre. And that wee huddle thing he tried, deary me, I was cringing. I hope Odegaard hits him a right hook for that in the dressing room. Can't believe my man KT has spent a season on the bench for him. Holding is also a shambles of a player. Arteta only got himself to blame. Its been obvious to anyone with a set of eyeballs he's nowhere near the required standard and is only kept round the place because he's good for the dressing room. Keep your shit mascot on the bench mate.
  2. I don't why they're bleating on about it being disrespectful. Same with the Williams break off a few years ago, or an underarm serve in tennis which people love to cry about. A legal shot is a legal shot, dry your eyes. Anyway he's left himself looking a rattled fud. Shame, need the Roncels in the crows fucked off out the tournament as soon as possible
  3. Micah Richards. But its not for no reason. It's because he's a slavering moron whose carved out a career for himself by convincing room temperature IQ Deanos that obnoxiously fake laughing really loudly anytime someone speaks to you makes you a character. Found out last week he has his a barber on his payroll who cuts his hair everyday, and whomst he flies out with him whereever he goes. Christ alive, what a c**t !
  4. Logan's death was shite imo. The character deserved more than an essentially off screen killing off. Latest episode was fairly boring and show feels empty without him. At least Kendall appears like he's about to go full Michael Corleone, hoepfully that will fill the Logan void for the remaining episodes.
  5. Reaction on twitter to the video of Arsenal players signing the mascots shirt is interesting. Lots of seething gammony takes on show.
  6. He was pretty poor, but at least didn't chuck in a goal like Zinchenko does most games.
  7. Arsenal need Saliba back pronto if they've any chance of winning the league. Especially for the City game. Holding is absolute murder
  8. Howling at Crooksy's team of the week. David de Gea (Manchester United): The most difficult period for a goalkeeper is when he has nothing to do and then is called upon at a moment's notice. If there is one goalkeeper capable of winning a match having spent a considerable amount of time out of the action it is David de Gea. His performance against a stubborn Nottingham Forest wasn't anything special but thoroughly dependable. De Gea has come a long way since the days he was talking about returning to his native Spain. The former international should now be the Manchester United club captain - he's earned it. The incredulity on Robertson's face having received the reflex reaction from the referee's assistant. The defender had after all come at such a pace to confront the official, it was perfectly natural for the startled Hatzidakis to raise his elbow as a defensive mechanism. The way Robertson then turned to his team-mates in astonishment to complain that he had just been 'deliberately' elbowed was bordering on pathetic. The international defender should have known better. Had he tried that stunt in his native Scotland, in a match of no significance with an ordinary member of the public running the line, he would almost certainly have been levelled.
  9. What's a good pub in Dundee to go before the game? Preferably one without any of the sectarian baggage. Thank you.
  10. Why does this c**t genuinely consider himself Irish? Just heard on the radio that his closest Irish descendants are some of his great, great grandparents. It's an absolute nick. Why are Americans like this?
  11. Whats the hate for Chilwell all about? Any time I've heard him speak he seems like a good boy.
  12. Queen's Park fans anytime they go to a home game:
  13. Its been left to slowly rot into a bit of a fucking dump by all accounts and is in need of a serious lick of paint, with no concrete plans in place for it to get done up.
  14. Lot of shite. England should just do it on their own.
  15. Kincardine sober enough to be successfully correcting someone? Symptomatic of the poor quality of what passes for super strength lager these days.
  16. Going to Dens for the first time. Have decided against taking my son with me. He hears enough of the Rangers songbook as it is whilst watching Sky Sports.
  17. Absolutely fucking hilarious watching you diddies bottle this so much. Sumptuous viewing.
  18. Keith must be close to the right of Tony Blair at this point
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