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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. Taking us back to the 18th century, that's proper pedantry. I had no clue that was an apparant Americanism til today. What should they be saying?
  2. I don't know. I've been looking for answers but I've came to the devastating conclusion that the rainbow bridge does not exist.
  3. What's the odds on @Sleeping Warrior being a big fat prime slice of gammon?
  4. A wiser man than me once said "All Dogs Go To Heaven" but does that really include the mauling types and yappy dugs? I really need to know at this point are the Xl Bullies allowed to cross the rainbow bridge? Makes you think.
  5. You ever seen this guys videos? Has done another 2 after this one. Those fuckers can adapt, you're pretty much screwed.
  6. Your web of lies is disintegrating right in front of you.
  7. Plenty of candidates in the dog and cat thread I'd happily select over that rodent.
  8. I've barely seen any, maybe you could quote them? It's not "Nationalists" as a wider movement it's literally just that one fanny who's to blame that's quite rightly now universally being condemned for trying to cover up his initial relativley minor mistake.
  9. It's being dragged out as many Indy supporters have pointed out because of the attempted cover up, if he had admitted it straight away and paid the money back nobody would care. Think you perhaps need to take off your tinfoil hat tbh. Yeah of course i was only responding to the one guy who was trying to frame it down some Indy divisive line on here when nobody else is doing that. You're spot on it'll be rocket fuel for the Twitter roasters and other websites though.
  10. The weird part is trying to shoehorn it into some Nationalist vs Unionist debate when most posters on either side have said it's ridiculous behaviour. Nobody on here is in oceans of tears or wanting the silly c**t executed so the exaggerations you're making are therefore fabricated and your take on the discussion to make it about Unionists is quite bizarre. It's also broadly accepted people's concern is aimed at, you know the whole lying about it all to try and get away with it rather than the initial diddyesque scandal itself.
  11. In contrast to setting up an account for it on this website and posting as a hamster that isn't even that bad.
  12. Considering the thread is filled with Indy supporters quite rightly doing the correct thing and condemning the guy that's on their side this is a very weird post.
  13. She is gorgeous though. Brilliant advert. I would like to go bananas at the grocery store.
  14. I think there's definitely a relative level of excitement from anyone that wants to see the Tories out of power. We'll have to wait til the manifestos to see either sides laughable attempts at policy promises but Labour definitely seem a better option to me.
  15. How many hair transplants has Rooney had?
  16. Of course we know what gammon means and who it accurately describes, it's top tier when they try and turn into some apparant race thing but I must say it does entertain me when old red faced people on the left use the term whilst looking like a prime slice themselves.
  17. This is correct logically but completely lazy and inapplicable when taking more than 2 seconds to note the differences between Labour in its present form and the Conservatives in their present form.
  18. I beg you return to Facebook rather than making everybody's eyes bleed.
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