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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. That's Successful Business Hag launching bribe munny at Jellytots League clubs, shoorely?
  2. "Sticks and stones may break his bones....." Good, keep throwing those rocks.
  3. You flitting Shandz ? MarchmontPar doesn't have the same ring, does it, you posh caant ?
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/25/johnson-sturgeon-public-compliance "On Tuesday, the four nations of the United Kingdom agreed a statement committing them in principle to a common strategy of “suppressing the virus to the lowest possible level and keeping it there”. But when Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon stood before their respective parliaments that same day and announced the concrete measures they were introducing to stem spiralling infections the unified strategy was nowhere to be seen."
  5. The foal is expected to fetch seven figures at Newmarket Bloodstock Auctions.
  6. You're a bit young to be repeating yourself like this. Get checked for early onset Alzheimers.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/sep/22/its-boristime-v-coronatime-and-theres-only-ever-one-winner "We were back on Boristime. Though not for long, as moments after he had finished speaking, Nicola Sturgeon made her own statement to the Scottish parliament. Where Boris had sounded somewhat rambling and, at times, contradictory in his statement, Nicola was a model of clarity and precision. She has a clear grasp of her priorities and sticks to them. She had listened to the advice of Whitty and Vallance and concluded it was necessary to go a lot further than England. In Scotland the “rule of six” was a goner, and there would be no unnecessary socialising between families indoors for the foreseeable future."
  8. A pickaxe handle could possibly effect a concomitant result.
  9. Elderly parent complaining that landline phones (cordless type) are "on the blink" and emit buzzing & crackling sounds. Have to explain, yet again, that throwing away the rechargeable batteries on the handsets and replacing them with Ever Readies might be causing the issue.
  10. "You cannot not know history." - Philip Johnson.
  11. From today's Guardian. Presumably many H&I communities are stuck in this situation with BT ? https://www.theguardian.com/money/2020/sep/14/bt-broadband-bills-could-reach-100000-for-rural-users EDIT : Just come across this :- https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jul/29/millions-of-rural-homes-in-uk-to-get-next-generation-full-fibre-broadband
  12. That look just says "This is going on P&B, isn't it, cuntchops ?"
  13. This is a common occurence. I refuse to speak whilst masticating as there is nothing worse than looking into a cement mixer full of mince, tatties and carrots. Ever since we met she has known this is one of my pet hates. She still insists on trying to have a conversation though.
  14. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/nov/20/brian-thomas-dream-strangler-tragedy Help is available...........
  15. Bet it's either Blairhall or High Valleyfield. Why would anyone want to leave.?
  16. "...according to a report." That'll be a report that the teaboy just pulled out of his arse.
  17. Just noticed that JustOneCornetto namechecked this movie a few days ago......Oops !!
  18. There's a fillum on iPlayer right now called 'Molly's Game', true story about Molly Bloom who set up high roller poker games in LA and Noo Yoick for the Hollywood A-listers, Wall St criminals and Russian mobsters and ended up in court for her troubles. Not a bad film TBH although I'd never heard of the woman. Started listening to audiobook of her story, in which she actually names the film stars and hedge fund managers who attended her games. One particularly odious actor creep stands out.
  19. Where the f*ck do they find these mutants ? I thought someone had exhumed Jess Yates when I heard that blethering arsehole. FTFY.
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