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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Bedsit Bear getting it tight..........[emoji149][emoji149]
  2. Unacceptable. We need a fückin’ defence. Dear Santa,.........[emoji1335]
  3. Jack Ross, Has had no loss, We hope he will be braw, But Saturday’s shite, Just like tonight, Yet another draw ?
  4. Um....err......well.......kinda fücked up there, didn’t I ? Hey, it’s not easy being a daft auld cùnt. At least I got the Mark C. bit right.......[emoji12]
  5. “......expense the cost back........” Milky Gem has just tumbled right down in my eyes.......
  6. .......says the man who started the “Horrific Club Photos” thread. You, sir, are a charlatan, a mountebank and a liar. [emoji41]
  7. Be careful now, don’t want you stumbling over the remains of those hookers......
  8. Not sure if this Stendhal guy will be the right fit for Our Gorgie Chums......some of his little quotes sound worrisome..... “Beauty is the promise of happiness.” “Only great minds can afford a simple style.” [emoji23] (Levein also believed this...) “Logic is neither an art nor a science but a dodge.” (I think he meant to say Doidge....) “The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same.” [emoji51] “This is the curse of our age, even the strangest aberrations are no cure for boredom.” “Pleasure is often spoiled by describing it.” (The watchword of Pat Bonner & Biscuits Preston) “£34 smackeroonies for the Derby is outrageous “ [emoji41]
  9. Amen brother......I thought I was alone in suffering this 7th Circle of Hell. [emoji37]
  10. “One night with Venus followed by a lifetime of Mercury.” [emoji51]
  11. I fully expect Ghoulaine Maxwell to be a top pick in the Pn’B 2020 Deadpool Competition.
  12. 10 points from 12. Not too shabby. Just wish Hibs had the nous to hold on to a 2 goal lead.
  13. I think we knew that was coming...............last kick of the ball......... Feckityfeck.....
  14. Did I just hear Michael Stewart say that Naismith’s goal is the best of the season so far ? [emoji7][emoji41]
  15. Ohio legislators. Fuxake......... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/29/ohio-extreme-abortion-bill-reimplant-ectopic-pregnancy?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  16. Your office ‘Secret Santa’ shouldn’t pose any problems then......
  17. ^^^Gobshite Sweetie Wife. Get back to your People’s Friend, Isa............[emoji9]
  18. “The Nonsie”.........the fashion industry’s Kevlar-based response to the Jeffrey Epstein / Ghoulaine Maxwell / Duke of Nonce beastliness.
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