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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. We need a hero Maybe it’s just me, but I’d be thinking - I could be a fucking legend here, if I bang in a few goals and win us our last 2 games!
  2. When the dust has settled, and no matter what league we are in next season, this is how I see things panning out. This squad will be binned. Hopkin and the Chairman will both demand it of each other. Smith will stump up a decent wedge for the playing budget and back Hopkin all the way. He will be hurting still, no matter what way the seasons ends up. Us fans, will no doubt yet again, be quite intrigued, encouraged and begin to get excited about the season ahead, about the return to games and about the challenge ahead for the coming season and part with our hard earned cash in the form of season tickets. And we will all be there again, at the start of the season, dreaming of what may lie ahead because let’s face it - it’s in the blood.
  3. Let me stop you right there....... Dreadful would be at least 3 steps up for this gang of oxygen thieves. We would have a much more potent threat with a front 3 of Stevie Wonder, Roy Orbison and Ray Charles.
  4. Here’s a thought.... Are we realistically going to stay full time in League 1?
  5. I went to Culzean Castle today. Left at kick off - arrived at 3-0 down. Went past Somerset on the way home and actually shouted BOO out of the car window. Wife and kid thought I was mental. Sad thing was, there wasn’t even any laugh involved in such a childish thing. I actually had to shout BOO at Somerset Park. Fucking shower of shite from day 1 of this season. Gutless fuckers - absolutely gutless bunch of fucks. Every single one of them can f**k right off.
  6. You can go and take a f**k to yourself [emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]
  7. Let’s face it, there is a HUGE element of luck involved in recruitment. We were all quite impressed with the signings that Kerr was making leading up to this season. Hopkin could recruit an absolute gang and end up steamrolling the league - who knows.
  8. We’ve been here before - just thought we were past this shit - biggest mistake in all of this was not trying to get an upgrade on uncle Ian when he dumped us!
  9. Anyone heading up to shout things over the wall?
  10. I’m going to put a wedge on Arbroath to win - hoping and praying that the betting Gods sway their usual way and gift me no money in return P.S. I’d settle for a draw right now
  11. You don’t need to outrun the lion, just need to be faster than the person behind you I can see is shifesting this just enough to stay ahead of the other shitfesting companions of Arbroath and Morton
  12. YAAASSSSSSSS!!!!!! When do we get our trophy!!!!!
  13. I’ll take your honking bag of dog’s dicks and raise you an absolute shower of infected unwashed junkie prostitution pish flaps!
  14. Well, that was fun reading over the last 50 posts or so - as someone said - comedy gold!!! All I can say is get this entire season in the bin ASAP - just as long as we finish 8th or above. For what it’s worth, I think us and Arbroath will avoid the playoff and Morton are doomed. At least we know what we have to do now for the remainder of the season and that is park the bus, close our eyes, cross our fingers and start praying [emoji120]
  15. Partick Thistle 2-0 down. Uncle Ian a free agent in the summer?
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