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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. There was a 60 year old man playing too. I'll be a hell of a lot fitter next year. I went out running in the week leading up to the game but I was still knackered after about ten minutes. I panicked a wee bit when I couldn't get a breath at one point but then a corner bounced off my head in the right direction, ended up in the net and it invigorated me a wee bit. I reckon I'll be quite fit this time next year but I was considering paying for a goalkeeping bearth.
  2. I watched mine this morning. Andy C - Slow as a week in Barlinnie but twice as lethal.
  3. Aye, she's murder, like. She gives me the impression that she'd be a 'wacky funster' type. I wouldn't get along with her cause I'm a boring c**t.
  4. Pink's lyrics are cringeworthy. "Na na na na na na na, I'm going to start a fight!" I hope it's with Chuck Norris ya fucking cow.
  5. Try and find something worth working towards besides being healthier. I'm working towards being able to play 90 minutes of football without blowing out of my arse after 15-20 minutes. Once I got into the habit of going out running, I find that I feel guilty if I don't go out for a run or cycle at least once a day now to the point that I forced myself out last night in the howling wind and pishing rain. Have lost over a stone in just over two weeks and feel a hundred times better for it.
  6. I just drove past Stark's Park and saw a person with a hairband on. I reckon it might have been Fernando Torres but it might have been a woman from the Links, I'm no sure.
  7. Was Graham Morton's top scorer last season? I'm not overly excited at this but I'll give the boy a good few games before forming an opinion on him. Welcome to Raith Rovers, Brian.
  8. He made it look effortless. He's away to Crawley Town next season.
  9. I was talking to one of the boys about what they were going to do with their penalty and I told him that I was just going to smash it a la Bairdy in the first game of the season. Did just that but leant back too far and my kick ended up troubling the South stand seats. Definitely do it next year bud. It was brilliant. I intend on being a tad fitter for next year.
  10. McGlynn and Smith were on top form today at the 'Live the Dream' game. Taking the piss out of one another. Hank Scorpio scored a contender for goal of the season from someone in a Rovers strip today btw.... Beauty!
  11. In John Bairds best interest, now would be the best time for him to seek a bigger club with his stock being so high off the back of the SPFA award. In Raith Rovers best interest, it'd be absolutely fantastic if Bairdy stays. Hope we're dealing with the latter come the start of next season but I just can't see it unfortunately.
  12. That's the only reason that I wasn't there today. No disrespect to Partick Thistle but it was a straight toss up between the two. Go to Glasgow to watch the game and give the departing players the send off they deserve or pay decent money in to my own club and get the chance to personally thank the guys for the job that they've done this season. It's a no brainer. For what it's worth, I don't think Pressley is daft and I expect him to improve next season with the experience of this season at the back of his mind.
  13. Folk were being made to feel guilty about not travelling through to Firhill today when they had explained that they had affordance issues. Some folk just like to make out that they are superfans. I always try to look for the positives in my club but sometimes you just need to be realistic.
  14. I'd love both players to stay but looking at the bigger picture if Bairdy was sold for a decent amount of money it'd go towards reducing the shortfall of not having the Pars in the league and I'd be very confident in John McGlynn attracting a competent replacement to the club. I think we've got a decent backbone to the squad under contract at the moment. A wee bit of luck and we might see Williamson producing more performances like he did against the Pars at EEP in the 2-2 game and I'm sure Scott McBride will be a better player next season after having had a taste of 1st division football. I reckon we'll see most of the defence that we currently have again next season so it just leaves us to sort out the striking options if Baird or Tadé leave. Ever the optimist, eh!
  15. I cut the grass regularly ya cheeky bugger! Thank you for the advice, much appreciated.
  16. Just a matter of advising a garden store employee what we need then?.. We have jaggy nettles too even though I look after the garden. Reckon there'll be a kill all for these pests. There's a big field at the back of my house. Think the chances of these recurring are high or would these treatments kill anything that tries to take root?
  17. Can't remember if i asked this previously... Does anyone know how to get rid of clover from your lawn?
  18. I'm playing in that on Sunday. I know Hank Scorpio is too. Is there any other Rovers fans from P&B playing in it?
  19. Photo 76.. I've only spoken to Walker twice but both times he had me in knots. Seems to be quite a witty felly.
  20. I think that stamina is at the root of my problems. If I could run consistantly without stopping then I reckon the fitness would sort itself out and I'd become faster by default. I used to be quite quick when I was fit but I'm carrying any extra stone or two since those heady days!
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