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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Quite heavy up the top of Kirkcaldy just now.
  2. My wee manny has a host of Rovers songs now since the recent Fife derby. Top o' the league and you're no' and Two nil and you mucked it up being his favourites. Think my wee lassie will end up coming to the football with us too.
  3. Hey Arnold! Chill out man, I'm right behind Dundee. It was an open goal.
  4. Start of Decembeard today. It'd be great if we could raise both benficiaries a good amount, the Rovers could certainly do with a few extra bob going in to the account after the recent call offs and the Victoria Hospice were extremely happy that we chose them too. If there is nothing stopping you from getting involved, join in! PM me for a sponsor sheet and I'll get it to you as quick as I can.
  5. Hellish, eh! The thing is, because a lot of folk can't make it in to my work, the company has decided that you can go in for your own shift hours, but earlier, for double time. Very tempting but probably not worth risking wrecking the car and possibly myself and a few others.
  6. I'm not risking it tomorrow. Driving at 30mph up the middle of the A92 using tyre tracks as an indicator that I was indeed still on the road is not my idea of fun.
  7. I hope you stamped your feet and shouted at the top of your voice that you hate her. Seriously man, Just spend a good Christmas with your Mum and make long phone calls to the folk that you can't see personally. The only person that'll make it a shite Christmas is yourself with your 'woe is me' attitude. Sorry to be a preachy ersehole but if there is not very much you can do about the situation, try and make the best of the situation that you face.
  8. We're not able to travel through to see Frankie Boyle tonight due to the conditions. On the plus side, the City Inn fully refunded us.
  9. The blurb to the right says that the game was 25 years ago! Shivers up my spine watching that again. From the Dalziel interview.... What exactly was going through your head when big Marshall spilled Jason Dair's shot? Legend!
  10. Have you checked out the pre-loaded games on your computer Adam? I didn't have the first clue about chess until playing against the computer on this. It gives you wee hints and tips etc. Still pish at it but I have a grasp of what I'm doing now.
  11. I faced this dilemma on Saturday and eventually got the scores on Real radio. Don't know if you'll get it on the net or not. Agree entirely. The difference being that footballers take a lot of criticism and try to improve after acknowledging that they have perhaps been under par. Referees whine like greeting faced little bitches and threaten strike action. I said it on another thread that any striking ref should be instantly sacked and replaced with an up and coming replacement. They can't be any worse.
  12. Open up MS Paint. Hit file, open the pic and click image at the top. Click on resize, reduce it accordingly and save it as a copy eg kiltcopy.jpg That'll reduce the size and make it more likely to be allowed as an attachment.
  13. I think Chris in the office is going to tout it to the players. That'd be a great endorsement.
  14. Top man! Let me know how to get a form to you. Come on guys, the more, the merrier!
  15. Sponsorship forms should be ready for Decembeard this week. We've decided to split the proceeds raised between a worthy charity (To be confirmed...) and of course RRFC. Here's the spiel that is appearing on the forms......... Decembeard challenges men (and some women!) to alter their facial features for one month by growing a beard. The rules are simple, start December 1st clean shaven and then grow a beard for the entire month. For Decembeards inaugural charity sponsorship event it has been decided to split the proceeds between _________ and RRFC. Anyone up for not shaving for a month and raising cash for two worthy causes?
  16. Ach, let them think what they like. They're basically trying to make themselves believe that so they can feel a bit better about their own teams stuttering campaign. Meanwhile, we can just strap ourselves in and enjoy the ride that this squad dishes out.
  17. Facebook is choc full of triumphant women who have scored and frustrated women who can't get through to their dealer.
  18. Nah Dunc, just in general. I know I'm being dramatic but when those situations arise, everything inside me is screaming for me to tell the folk to get a fucking grip but 90% of the time I can't do it. I then feel false but comfort myself with the fact that the majority of human beings are false in this respect due to the learned state of trying to be polite. Simplified, I wish everyone would just tell it like it is without social conscience holding them back. It'd be fucked up for a while like but it'd soon sort itself out I reckon.
  19. I often wonder if constantly trying to be a good c**t would balance the scales with just being a complete fanny sometimes. Opposite ends of the spectrum but there's a very fine line separating the two.
  20. Does anyone ever get in the type of mood when they just can't be bothered with people making big deals out of trivial situations and want to seriously rip them to bits about it but can't do so due to an overbearing sense of decency?
  21. It's the best way. Check page - see nothing interesting - page down. Repeat until you find something interesting.
  22. A double glazing window salesman knocked on my parents door today and gave my Mum his spiel. She told him that she wasn't interested and he said, "Can you not have told me that at the beginning" and walked away down the path! Mum was boiling and my first instinct was to smash him but the catch 22 situation is that they know where you live. So I just verbally abused him by calling him the frustratingly weak, "Fucking arsehole".
  23. Perversely, I find it extremely pleasing. We are no longer under the control of people who couldn't give two hoots and would just stand there completely lifeless, hoping for the best rather than trying to dictate the best outcome.
  24. Our club wouldn't be where it is just now if McGlynn was blasé about certain elements of it. I'd rather full commitment from top to bottom than a manager with an "Oh well!" attitude.
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