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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. I think that stamina is at the root of my problems. If I could run consistantly without stopping then I reckon the fitness would sort itself out and I'd become faster by default. I used to be quite quick when I was fit but I'm carrying any extra stone or two since those heady days!
  2. I'm playing in the Raith fundraiser at Stark's Park on May 8th. I appreciate that I'm not going to be superfit in that amount of time but I'd hope that I can last the 45 minutes without any bother. Paul Smith told me last night that I'm playing in the middle of the park and my natural instinct is to defend but I also like going forward too. I'd like to have the stamina to do box to box. All the best with your half marathon! I'd love to be in a position to even contemplate that.
  3. I went out running tonight for the first time in ages. Did better than I thought I would although I had to walk a few times. Are sprinting bursts recommended when going out for a long run? I was doing 50mtr sprints and was quite happy with how quick I am for the fitness level I'm at but my shins were giving me a bit of bother after sprinting.
  4. I know that it's horrible what is going on at the club but from a purely business perspective, will it not work out quite well in the long run by going part time and offering new players much reduced wages in comparison to what some of the current squad are on? Any light at the end of the tunnel?
  5. Let me know if you have any trouble with it when it does get put in and I'll tell you how to sort it.
  6. GO TO FUCKING VIRGIN THEN!! I've wanted to do that for ages. I'd get goose-stepped out of employment if I did it in the real world though.
  7. The BBC should fire the Pars v Rovers game on ALBA. Should be a cracker and a decent advert for the SFL.
  8. Can we not sign him on amateur forms straight away and use him to get us over the finishing line? I'll flog my playstation, golf clubs, car, the lot to pay his wages!
  9. Just noticed that I've been asked to stay on topic on Fantalk with a reply that I actually stayed on topic with. I usually stick up for Fantalk but that has shown me loud and clear why some folk avoid it.
  10. Are Hugh Murray of Saint Mirren and Grant Murray of Raith Rovers related? This might well be common knowledge but I don't know...
  11. Who was the Rovers player that Shaun Dennis was intent on battering in a game at Cappielow? Was that Crilly? Big Shaun was raging and had to be held back by three or four teammates.
  12. The vast majority of the supporters on here belong in the hardcore. We bitch and moan like every other team's supporters when things are going bad and enjoy the good times with equal vigour when things are going good. Nothing to see here Muggles.
  13. Completely agree. I bought it on dvd after being told how brilliant it was and watched it all the way through thinking, "This is shite, will I turn it off?" but always deciding to keep watching it in case it became epic. It didn't.
  14. That's brutal. I'd like to see boxing at half time. Fire two willing participants in a quickly assembled ring and let them duke it out. Winner gets free tickets to the next home game. Losers get a lie down on the treatment room table.
  15. I like a lot of Americanisations but this one just doesn't fit. Even a bunch of scantily clad woman of an appropriate age would get a bit rubbish after the novelty wore off.
  16. Soccer AM has reminded me:- There is no place for cheerleaders in football. I'm looking at you Falkirk and Morton and I'm sure I saw some at Palmerston once too. Any other teams guilty of this abomination? Either get tidy older milfs in to do it or scrap it altogether. RE Daft FB posts... Has anyone else noticed how a lot of folk had roller skakes (sic) when they were younger? I hate these daft paragraphs at the best of times but even more so when it's evident that some moron with f**k all else to do has wasted about 5 hours of their life mis-spelling it.
  17. Agreed. Anybody else think we should do the song that rw89 posted, the "Lets pretend we've scored a goal?"
  18. That was a great day. I cannae even remember the score. Wish I was peevied though as I'd have gotten more in to the Batman character. Me and my pal Scotty plan on wearing our normal clothes but putting one of those paper boiler suits over them. The ones with the hoods and we'll probably fire a dust mask on to complete the absolute fanny look. Rip them off and bin them if we get beaten, keep them on and rave our tits off all the way down Halbeath road to the Lizzy if we win. No lose situation!
  19. I hate Rave but I'm right up for this plan.... Roath Ravers Roath Ravers FB page.
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