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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Did they not say that lower league clubs wouldn't have to test unless a premier club wanted them to, with the PL club paying for it?
  2. Aye, and why is the footnote all about the Scottish Cup, not the LC?
  3. I've been happily wetting knickers all of my life. It's a big responsibility though because sometimes it can be difficult being so handsome!
  4. At least we won't have to listen to them singing their bile!
  5. Was just thinking that, IF we manage to get promoted, how many of the current squad would be capable of doing us a turn in the Championship? I think we would probably manage to stay up with the squad we have however, how many of them would be able to sustain a challenge at the top? Not many I don't think. I think that Mutch, Kelly (based on the opinion of RC fans), Gomis (on a limited basis), Alston (if he revives his previous form) Morrison and Keena are probably the only players we have that look as if they could be involved at the top of the table. Maybe Miller, Connolly and Dixon too at a push. Having said that hopefully the likes of Dowds, Hall, Leitch, Sneddon, Laverty and Francis have a bit of development to come that could see them come good?
  6. Agree, apart from the Leitch/Telfer bit. Telfer's a central midfielder, no good wide. I agree that Leitch doesn't get involved as much as he should but that's maybe because the out-ball seems to be Morrison most of the time. Leitch is no Usain Bolt either but he's faster than Telfer so more suited to a wide role IMO.
  7. Martin Rennie was a Falkirk fan and ball boy when he was wee, so you never know.
  8. I thought Connolly did well last season, especially toward the end. I would say he was one of our successes. None of us have seen very much of Keena but, to me, he looks like our most natural finisher.
  9. Miller was still playing for Livingston at the time remember. I'm just speculating but thinking that maybe a player/assistant job would have been more attractive to him than the assistant's alone? Coyle & Hughes did okay as joint managers although I think that it was suggested at the time that it was in name only and Coyle was the main man. Maybe a similar situation to what we have now?
  10. I think it should've been McCracken with Miller as player/assistant. I don't think that they'd considered Miller as a player at the start though, so he may not have accepted the assistant's job on it's own?
  11. I think they're would be a good chance of him being called Fergie at the Shire.
  12. We know what he brings to the midfield, he's just not bringing it at the moment.
  13. There a player there, id rather have him than that Diddy Dowds! Dowds is a big strong laddie so should be able to impose himself much more. Doesn't seem to be particularly good in the air for his height either.
  14. Pretty good really. I worked out that I'm only due 55p so don't know if I'll be claiming the discount.
  15. Correct. It's a pity Lee wasn't available though because I think he would have come on for Dowds and the ball would have started to stick up front a bit, plus he would have drawn umpteen fouls that would have kept us up the park too.
  16. Maybe just about deserved the draw but FFS, we didn't start playing until we went behind. All in all it was a dreadful display and, as things stand, I don't think either of those sides are winning the league. The ball doesn't stick with the front two at all, not really much quality there I'm afraid. Also, whilst Morrison is a good player, he constantly makes the wrong decision and needs to become more of a team player. He seems to think he's Ronaldo at times too. McCracken made the wrong decision when Dowds went off, he should have brought Sammon on, poor as he's been, but he shat it!
  17. Can't be missing open goals like that, although that bit of play by Leitch was more or less the only bit of football we've played so far. Everything Thistle are getting is down the right with Cardle & Williamson, need to nullify that. Central defence have been fine though, need to keep it up!
  18. Just bought mine, was very easy. I have also logged out and back in again to make sure that I get access and there was no problem. Just hope that's still the case at 3pm!
  19. Well here's a suggestion for you; move Sevco to your 1st and Falkirk to your 42nd.
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