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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. They've got to play Hall in the event that either Durnan or Buchanan get injured. That could potentially leave us with only one CD available for next week.
  2. According to the website they're are only 6 tickets left for the SS. I can see a mad scramble for main stand tickets once the season ticket deadline is over.
  3. Awfy greedy, but good player nonetheless. Interestingly, his Great Grandfather was from Falkirk and was John Logie Baird's assistant when he was inventing the telly.
  4. Petra's got the longest name of any player that I've ever seen play for us. Maybe the longest of all time?!
  5. Ha ha, that's actually true. Tries hard though and is very good in the air. Loups like a salmon. I wouldn't have been totally against him staying at L1 level.
  6. You may be right if you're only including off-target efforts, however, I remember Connolly with an off target shot and Gomis having a shot tipped over by the goalie.
  7. Aye, wee Dick was rattling on about Falkirk being lucky not to be behind at the break and being denied a stonewall penalty. f**k knows what he was on about. I though Arbroath were the better team for the first 25 minutes or so, looked quite neat and tidy without really threatening. We were the better team toward the end of the half though with Connolly and Gomis both going close and completely dominated the 2nd. I thought Arbroath ran out of ideas and their heads did seem to drop a bit when the 1st went in. I was delighted to see Sammon score because I do think he gets a lot of unwarranted criticism. He's rubbish in the air and not too good at holding the ball up but he's very good at running the channels and will score more often than not if he gets a chance. We just don't play to the guys strengths. I thought there were a lot of good performances, Gomis was excellent in the 1st half but there were good performances throughout from Doyle, Durnan, Dixon, Connolly and McManus. We seem to be gelling as a team a wee bit better now, fingers crossed we can maintain it.
  8. You have Toshney though and he's a better defender than most would give him credit for. Just a pity that he'll be more acquainted with your physio than your goalie.
  9. He's played up front yes and I think he would have a better chance of achieving an understanding with McManus than the other two have done so far.
  10. Mutch Doyle, Durnan, Buchanan, Dixon Todd, Miller, Gomis, Connolly Longridge, McManus
  11. Agreed. Money's tight so, ideally, a left sided defender who can play LB or LCB. Someone in the mould of Patrick Brough maybe (not him though, obviously.)
  12. When he played for us his main attributes were pace and power. Sammon's attributes are pace and power. For me, Nelson's definitely a better player though. We currently have McMillan, McManus, Longridge and even Lee Miller available up front who are all very different players to either Sammon or Nelson. What do you mean by 'sinister' BTW?
  13. Apparently Nelson's currently injured but has been played out of position mostly when he has played. I'd love to see him back but I think he's too similar to Sammon. Wonder if Dundee would consider a swap deal?
  14. I've heard he's going to St Mirren to cover Magennis's injury.
  15. Do you think he'd be welcomed back given the circumstances of his departure?
  16. I thought he was very good v Ross County in last season's dead rubber although I think he went off injured in that one too?
  17. Think we could probably compete with Morecambe if they didn't pay as much as that.
  18. That was our reaction the first time. After the 82nd time, its just noise. There were some pretty noisy rumours that it was his assistant that was pulling the strings at Livingston. Given that Martindale is still there and Livi are doing OK, is that likely to be true do you think?
  19. Surely to f**k he's not said that? You must have one of the most 'experienced' squads in the league?
  20. Well, McKinnon rates him so that should be a major worry. Seriously though, he does try, has some pace and can get by defenders sometimes. Will probably be OK up against L2 left backs. As others have said though, he is often injured and has never been a first pick, even under McKinnon and that's in a squad that has been struggling for most of this season and last.
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