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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Aye, it's all hypothetical anyway as McGlynn will never entertain it! It would depend on how good Miller was with his right foot and I did see him fire in a cross with his right last night.
  2. Miller would play and Agyeman and Morrison would be available off the bench. I just feel that we need to try something different and I don't see why Oliver and Ola couldn't work in that system. As it is we're looking at the same issues as last season.
  3. Me neither, but it may work. It's happened successfuly plenty of times in the past so I think it would be worth a try.
  4. My take on the game: I thought Long had a good game apart from the error for their goal. My immediate thought when he came for his first cross was 'where the feck is he going', only to see him claim the ball with confidence. I much prefer McCann to Mackie at LB (although I wish it was LWB), however, I thought he played in some very good crosses, especially in the 1st half. Naturally, we didn't have enough bodies in the box to attack them though and I thought MacIver could have been better at that. McGinn and Spencer is DM overkill and not needed in this league, although I recognise that McGlynn had little option last night. I was disappointed to see Ola moving back regularly to join them though meaning that we had no-one in a forward central midfield position a lot of the time. Young Yeats may just about do at RB but we obviously need someone in there (absolutely baffling that McGlynn didn't prioritise the position). Ageyman looks like one of those players that can be a world beater and pish all in the same move! He's going to frustrate the life out of us I think. I don't think McIver is going to score loads but looks like a good addition to the squad and I'd like to see him paired with Allan. We had Yeats, Lang and Morrison all out of position so, and I'll say it again, I'd like to see us try a 3-5-2 to help combat this. I'd try Miller as a RWB and go with: Hogarth, Lang-Donaldson-Henderson Miller-Oliver-Spencer-Lawal-McCann McIver-Allan Obviously it would be better to get a natural RWB in there but this would at least mean that we've only one player actually out of position and I feel that McGlynn's got to try something different because we need a lot more energy in the team. This would also give us a lot of options off the bench. On another note; can anyone tell me if Ola Lawal has ever completed a full competitive 90 minutes for us? I know he took a dull one early on last night but he always looks a bit fecked to me!
  5. I lived in Stornoway for a couple of years and the locals all pronounced it as an ee rather than an i and I don't think they could be accused of being English. (Apart from the 'white settlers' as they were known!)
  6. McGlynn needs to learn that he has to get the fans onside. We all want possession football, yes, but it's got to mixed with quick, attacking stuff that will create chances and we need TWO strikers in the box to finish them off. There's no reason that this can't be achieved with the players we have so please John, please, stop the needless passing around at the back, get the ball forward and play with TWO up front. Thank you.
  7. Maybe you need to go back a bit to read some of the stuff about him not trying for a RB then? I get what you're saying about having 4 players who can play LB however two of them haven't been signed to do so. In that context you could say that we've got two (maybe more) players who can play RB not that I would ideally want either of them to do so. The fact that we have players who can play in more than one position is surely a good thing?
  8. It wouldn't be six defensive players in the 3rd division though. it would be 3 in defence with one defensive mid (we're playing with 2 at the moment). McCann would be more of winger than a defender, we'd just need someone on the other side to do the same job. It would mean both Miller and Morrison sitting out although they could both be brought on to change the system if need be. Not that any of that is likely to happen under McGlynn however. Actually, I wonder if Miller is any good on his right foot? Not as a RB but a RWB, given he's played as a FB before. Again, I doubt we'll ever find out!
  9. I've been banging on about a 3-5-2 for ages. Ironically the only position that we'd need to recruit for would be the RWB although Yeats may be more suited to that than a defensive FB role?
  10. I didn't think he was as bad as a lot of players that we've had there, probably above average in fact, however, I wonder what the Springfields and pedros would have said if McGlynn had signed him early on in the window? Actually, whilst my first mention of him was a bit tongue in cheek, he would probably do a good enough job in the context of where we find ourselves right now!
  11. Correct. Michael Doyle's available right enough!
  12. I don't disagree with any of that however, you've completely missed my point. Some folk have been claiming that he didn't prioritise a RB or hasn't put in the graft to sign one when they don't have any idea of what's gone on. We certainly need a RB however, and IMO, the reports that he isn't setting the team up any differently to last season and is apparently still persisting with one up front (I haven't seen any games so far) is far more concerning.
  13. If what I wrote is nonsense (giving you the benefit of the doubt that you did read and understand) tell me what conversations McGlynn had with agents, other clubs and players regarding pursuing a RB.
  14. Nevertheless, none of us know what's been done or said behind the scenes. No one can claim that a RB wasn’t a priority, because we have no idea what's transpired in trying to get one.
  15. I think you honestly don't get it. Why was a RB not his priority? The fact that he hasn't signed one doesn't mean he hasn't been looking. He said himself that we need one. The fact is, none of us know what moves have been made behind the scenes. I think a RB is a must and I'm confident that he'll be trying to get something done, however I'm more concerned at the reports of still playing the same way while persisting with this one up front shite.
  16. If he goes into the league campaign with one up front against Annan fuckin Athletic (no disrespect) he can get straight to f**k!
  17. Despite his height, McCann's actually better in the air than Mackie (who himself is no giant).
  18. I think he's our best player and I'd like to see him in a proper wing back role.
  19. Why didn't he play Mackie before McCann last season then?
  20. Why would he play Mackie before McCann, who was arguably our best player last season?
  21. Please don't revert to type Shodwall, the cat is so much more sensible than the dog!
  22. Nah, I think he'll play Henderson before McKay, certainly hope so anyway.
  23. It's McKay v Lang though, Watson didn't kick a ball last season. Lang's got to be an upgrade on McKay surely? It's not Spencer v Max either due to the position he plays. It's Spencer v McGinn or Henderson. No idea if he's any better, but if he is we've won a watch. Hogarth is better than the other two keepers we had last season so that's an upgrade. Don't think you can compare McIvor with Burrell either because they're two entirely different types. More accurate to compare him to Wright who was largely crap, therefore that's an upgarde IMO. Much more accurate to compare Ageyman with Burrell as they're similar players. No idea if Ageyman's any better but, if he is, again, we've done well. Other than the keepers the comparison between Kennedy and Miller is the most accurate. McGlynn had no option to keep Kennedy so he had to replace him with somebody. Hopefully Miller is a little more direct and robust, time will tell.
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