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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I am aware of that. We were actually in the Championship with Hibs for 3 seasons. The point is that we last won 16 games in a season during that time.
  2. I was going to hazard a guess without checking but decided to look in case I made an arse of myself. I wouldn't have made an arse of myself.
  3. Exactly, we should be doing better, but we're not because we've been shite for the past few seasons. The point is we've managed 16 wins for this first time in yonks, so we're improving. IMO of course.
  4. No, I was saying that the last time we had this many wins was when we were in the league with sevco then the following season with Hibs
  5. Can you kindly explain what you mean here because I'm not getting it.
  6. You don't say? The last time we won 16 games we finished second to Sevco, then Hibs in the Championship. We have no God given right to win this you know, just because we're Falkirk. We're a big fish in a small pond but we've been drowning for years. We're making progress. Yes, it's not as fast as we would all want, of course it's not, but we are making progress. I seems obvious to me that we can't go from being completely shit to completely brilliant. It could have happened certainly, but it surely can't be expected? We still have 6 games to go so it's likely that we'll win more games this season than who knows when? * Spoiler alert for you, it's highly, highly unlikely that we're going to win the Scottish Cup.
  7. I meant that, up until this season, we've been consistently shite!
  8. I think the signings of Wright and Allan made sense in as much as they give us 4 different types of striker so increase the options that McGlynn has. We then went on a good run with Oliver up top on his own with Burrell (mostly) getting some late action and the other two getting a lot less. We've now managed to stop scoring yet he seems reluctant to try anything different (with the Clyde game being the ideal opportunity to do so) so, from that point of view, the signings seem to have been a bit of a waste of time. Dunfermline will sit in and try to hit us on the break on Saturday. Gary Oliver will huff and puff against their two CHs while trying to get our wingers involved but the chances of getting anything out of that will be slim. I almost hope that Kennedy doesn't make it because he'll surely not start McGuffie again and that may make him start with two up front. Kinnear Rowe, Donaldson, McKay, McCann Morrison, McGinn, Henderson, Kucheriavyi Burrell, Oliver I'd go with this whether Kennedy's fit or not but he'll not drop Nesbitt I don't think.
  9. I'm going to a wedding on Saturday. I hate weddings. I'm glad I'm going to a wedding on Saturday.
  10. I think it's a certainty unless maybe Kennedy doesn't make it. He surely won't start Mcguffie again?
  11. Was thinking exactly the same thing. As an April fools joke, you would have thought they could have tried something that actually made sense! Very poor effort.
  12. You're basing that on playing a free scoring Airdrie I suspect. I'm confident that we'll win, but it won't be by that type of score.
  13. It annoys me a bit when I hear folk saying 'we should be strolling this league' or 'if we can't hammer fucking Clyde we should just give up' etc, etc. Sure, if we had taken Houston's team, which would have gone up if we hadn't had Hearts, Hibs and Sevco to contend with, and dumped them in L1, I most certainly would be expecting us to walk it. We were relegated however because we were shite and deserve to be where we are. Given all of the crap that's happened since it's reasonable to expect that it may just take time to turn things around. Yes, we've had a bigger budget than most of the league (although how some folk can claim we've had a bigger budget than Dunfermline this year puzzles me a bit) but we've had some absolute charlatans in charge of spending it. Whilst fans of other clubs jump on the bandwagon to too great an extent, it's no surprise that some of them feel we think of ourselves as being Billy big baws given the comments of some of our posters.
  14. I'm sure there must have been some issue or other, or maybe they were trying to get folk into the shop to buy their semi-final tops etc?
  15. I'd go with that too but with Oliver instead of Allan. I've not seen enough of Allan to really offer an opinion as to what his strengths are but I just feel that Oliver would link better with Burrell.
  16. No I don't think that one squad is miles ahead of the other but you asked me who I would pick from each squad. IMO the players I picked were best (at the time). I still think that McGlynn would have got more out of some of the players that M&M had available to them. I also think that he let Telfer go because his deal was up, not because he didn't particularly want to keep him.
  17. Edited to say therefore that there's only 3 of McGlynn's starting squad, Henderson, McGinn and Morrison, that I definitely have in front of the M&M squad.
  18. Morrison/Mutch - little between them IMO. Doyle - I'd have him over Yeats who's not really a FB or Gary Miller. McKay (who was pish at the time)/Buchanan/Durnan - again nothing between them, Henderson, Dixon (who was decent at the time) over Mackie. McGinn, Gomis (better than Hetherington for me) Morrison, Telfer (who I'd have kept before Nesbitt), Connolly (better than McGuffie IMO) McManus Toshney was also very good for us when he wasn't injured and I was always of the opinion that Longridge would be a good option from the bench.
  19. M&Ms. Plenty of players in that squad that I'd take over the squad McGlynn inherited.
  20. I'll say it again since you didn't respond to my last post - M&Ms.
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