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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Refereeing standards in L1 are absolutely brutal!
  2. I think Nesbitt provides a lot of energy that the likes of Oliver wouldn't in the same role. As both McGinn and Henderson are both defensive mid types that just leaves one attacking midfielder centrally so McGlynn may be swayed by the energy that Nesbitt gives in the role.
  3. I'd maybe go with that too, however, again we're taking a chance that Wright would play the role well. Oliver's no world beater but he's done well enough up there.
  4. I don't think Morrison made a meal out of any of the fouls. The ref gave the decision each time so whether he made a meal of them or not Taggart should have been booked for persistent fouling.
  5. Why don't we like Stanger? Don't think I've seen anything particularly scathing written about him? One man who certainly should have been booked last night was Taggart. He fouled Morrison four times, all given by the ref, and should really have been booked for the first one so, on that basis, he was lucky to stay on. As far as the game was concerned we were really really poor until Morrison and Kennedy were introduced however that meant substituting Burrell who was our best chance of a goal. The irony of course being that Oliver scored however Burrell may just have managed another one? We'll never know. We need to get back to the system that was working previously for the Darvel match.
  6. I hope that Morrison and Kennedy were carrying knocks because he shouldn't have changed a winning formula IMO. We at least found that Allan won't do as a lone striker because, as explained by the Clyde and Airdrie fans, absolutely nothing stuck with him at all.
  7. I'd like them to have a camera in the KM stand too but I have no idea how expensive or difficult that would be?
  8. I wasn't at the game in Hamilton. Did Clyde play him as a lone striker with the strategy of him holding the ball up to bring the midfield into scoring positions (which is the way we're playing at present) or did they play a system that was intended to supply him with chances? McGlynn has the team playing a certain way, he's not 'hoping' that the starting line up will win us the game, he's using the squad to it's full advantage. How many times in the run of unbeaten games have we waited until we're a goal down before changing it? Saturday past, obviously, but how many more? We brought Allan in because we were light up front, not enough options and too few forwards with different qualities.
  9. I don't know if Allan could or not, that's the point I'm making. We could play Allan and he might not suit the system, could be totally lost against two big Alloa defenders. What do we do then? Bring on Burrell too early? Wouldn't be much point in introducing Oliver as an impact sub.
  10. Why? Either you think that Allan would be better in the lone role or you think we should change the system. We've no evidence to suggest that he would be better on his own (other than the testaments from Clyde fans that tell us he's no good at it) and I can't understand why anyone would want to change a winning formula? There may even be a better argument for Wright to start in the lone role due to his physicality although I didn't think he did all that well when he came on on Saturday. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not an Oliver cheerleader, I just think that he's done perfectly well in the role that he's been given and I can't see a reason for changing it. It would be great if we could have Allan and Burrell starting and terrorising defences while scoring umpteen goals in the process and that may yet come to pass if we're forced to change things for whatever reason, but let's wait until we need to. Allan may well play tonight and I obviously would hope that he did very well because he's more of a goal threat than Oliver I think, but I don't see the point in taking the chance.
  11. I'm assuming you're not suggesting that we change a winning formula then? We've won 6 in a row playing with Oliver up top so I wouldn't be changing that. As I said, Clyde & Airdrie fans say that Allan's not good at ball retention so, if we're going to play one up top why not persevere with the line-up as it is? Alegria was also good at holding the ball and bringing others in and would still be up there if he was still with us, however, McGlynn had to change it when he left and Oliver was the only feasible option at the time. The guy's done ok there so I would leave it alone. Burrell, as we know, is very good at coming off the bench for the last half hour and running past tired defenders but he doesn't seem to be as effective when on from the start (unless it's against teams that leave gaps at the back) so I would persist with that too TBH. We wouldn't have signed Wright if we'd kept Alegria because he wouldn't have been needed. We already had the lone striker and the runner, we just needed a different type who we've signed in Allan. I don't think Allan's been signed as a like for like replacement for Alegria though.
  12. I doubt it's been asked either given that there's no possible way it would be affordable to us at the present time.
  13. He was standing in an area to the side and rear of the dugout which, as far as I know, wasn't open to fans, certainly not away fans anyway. There were no Kelty fans in that area at any point during the game. I would have thought that a main purpose of such a ban would be to stop the manager from having any direct contact with his players yet Potter was able to issue instructions to numerous players, including substitutes as they took to the field and was also able to summon his captain to the touchline to issue instructions to him. All of this was done within the two metres outlined in the rule.
  14. I wouldn't change the team at all TBH. According to Clyde and Airdrie fans Allan's good at poaching and runs his heart out closing down defenders but isn't very good at taking the ball in and laying it off which is what our attacking game is all about at the moment. Oliver's best in a number 10 role but is likely the best we have in the role striking role just now. I'd only have Burrell as a lone striker against teams that attack and leave room at the back which is none of them, apart from maybe Airdrie?
  15. How does he act when playing against you? Seems a bit weird that he's that way with us considering we were the ones that gave him the platform to get his move to Huddersfield which, presumably, has been his only decent payday from football?
  16. I'd need to watch it again but I thought Agyeman kicked his standing foot and that's what brought him down.
  17. It's a nice wee ground, I like the fact that bits of it have been built at different times, makes it look different to the usual modern grounds. The view however is horrible. I was tucked in up at the back of the covered terracing near the Keltie end and couldn't see the bottom corner of the pitch in the first half due to a pillar, the dug out and Potter's big pink moaning head! Reminded me of the stand at Cowdenbeath in as much as it was like watching a game through a letter box! With about 15 minutes left I went behind the goals but near the covered terrace and couldn't see either of our goals properly from there either. Not that I'm complaining. I thought we were poor throughout TBH, although the conditions played a big part in that I felt. I also think that Keltie would have had a better chance of taking something from the game if they had concentrated on playing football rather than diving (Austin being the main culprit) and trying to get in our player's faces to wind them up (guess who?!). Good poachers goal from Allan and a belter from Burrell (his first touch was sublime) to win it. We won ugly there and the players knew it as you could tell by their reaction at the end. Does anybody know why Higginbotham was booked? Burrell was booked for celebrating with the fans, however, he was pushed into them by the weight of players behind meaning they were more culpable. They should all have been booked therefore. Higginbotham though is allowed to run past two sides of Falkirk fans giving it his usual fud fanny behaviour and that seems to be ok?
  18. Well, none of yours are going to get injured that's for sure!
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