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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Wish you'd posted this before the full game, would have saved my eyes bleeding! Having said that, it saved the score line glossing over a poor performance. Evro playing the way I think Sheerin wants us to although their pretty play didn't really get them very far. First half we were absolutely murder; I felt big Krasniqi showed us why Sheerin isn't playing him. He was poor, although, like the team, he improved in the 2nd half. Commentator certainly had it in for him but he really should have been booked for persistent fouling. Lemon too TBH. The young RB got a roasting by the winger in the 1st half, being left on his arse a couple of times, although I thought he improved and ended up having quite a good 2nd. Best bit of skill (by a Falkirk player) was a brilliant bit of control by Wilson to get him through on goal and he also took his 2nd goal very well. No idea why the ref. gave the 2nd penalty and the 1st (won by Keena ) looked a wee bit harsh as well. TBH, after an hour or so, I was thinking that the score line must have been reported the wrong way round or that Evro had either had a man sent off or that we'd brought on Telfer & Nesbitt. Turns out that the latter was true.
  2. Not sure that happened, although I could be wrong. Rawlins did say though that Swinney will be doing what Kieran did and that the title on the door has merely changed.
  3. No, the point that you made to me was that I could get a ticket through official channels, I'm telling you I couldn't. I'm not talking about anything else.
  4. Eh, I did try to secure a ticket through the official channels as I've already explained, but I couldn't because they were SOLD OUT! How the other poster managed to get one through the website is a mystery (if that's how he got it) because I'd tried to get one the previous day as well but couldn't because they were SOLD OUT!! I can only imagine that it was a glitch in the system or something?
  5. That's a bit unfair. He was talking about being 2-0 down at the time and conceding the second with only about 15 minutes left. It's a phrase that's used by loads of managers under similar circumstances. It's a bit like some of the posters that are slagging the board, no point in looking for faults when they're providing loads by themselves.
  6. WTF are you on about? If a guy on P&B hadn't posted that he had a ticket that he couldn't use I wouldn't have been there. I was just lucky that I happened to be on the thread when he posted.
  7. Sorry, but you're talking pish. I tried and failed to get a ticket the day before but was lucky enough to get one from someone who couldn't go.
  8. Can you pop along to provide the boos Ruggy? It is in your neck of the woods after all. (OK it's a hundred and odd miles, but it'll give you something to do!)
  9. I'll have you know that at least one of the 'big talkers' on here was there and voiced his opinion too, thank you very much!!
  10. Maybe you should have specified the folk you were referring to when you posted.
  11. I agree that varying skills in the boardroom is a good thing, of course it is, but Shadwell is saying that the vast majority of the BOD have their background in finance which, it appears, isn't true. (In fact, I think he started by saying that all 6 did) Don't know what Carrie Rawlins did before but, as far as I can see, only 2 of the other 5 worked in finance so, whether effective or not, there already is a cross section of skills there. Plus the fact that I think all of the board have done other things as well. There is no doubt that Tuesday night was a car crash, that stands alone, but don't throw shit at them that can't stick. It's not helpful.
  12. There are 6 people on the BOD and GC is a management consultant. Would you count the tea lady at the Pru as working in finance?
  13. So not even 'the vast majority' are in finance then? There is absolutely no point in peddling pish Shadwell. Some of this BOD seem to be doing their best to give folk enough to complain about without making stuff up to discredit them. Let them do it themselves!
  14. Whether he's any good at his job or not is irrelevant in this context, his background's not in finance. What do the others do?
  15. Are the BOD all accountants? I know Colin McFarlane isn't, his background's in PR which is what you're asking for. Are both the Rawlins accountants? I don't know. I assume GC is as he looks after the finances but I don't know what Deans and the other guy (the quiet one) have done in the past.
  16. Aye, but Deans and Fulston existed in a pre internet era. I'm assuming that Colburn is referring to abuse that they've received over social media or email. I've obviously no idea what the content would be but I don't think it would be along the lines 'Mr Colburn, you're a bad man!' Fans would need to have written Deans or Fulston a letter or maybe tried to run them off the road or something.
  17. I'm not too sure about that. Remember Andy Thomson getting his car attacked at the stadium, plus there are more than enough idiots among our support (as there are at every club) that would think nothing of abusing folk over the internet or wherever. Plus there could quite easily be trolls from other clubs or just p***ks in general who would take the opportunity to abuse or threaten to their heart's content.
  18. I think that's what he was trying to say. I was at the meeting and came away thinking it was Deans that had made a comment about threats and abuse. Having watched it back it was actually Colburn and I think it was this he was referring to as being unacceptable (which it is). However, the guy has such a condescending attitude and crabbit looking pus it was easy to think that he was just mumping for the sake of it. When the audience started to react to his comments he should have made it clear that he was referring to the threats and abuse and NOT to booing at the games. He could even have given some examples of the threats that the BOD have had. To then say though that the team are failing on the pitch due to booing from the stands was completely laughable.
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