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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Yes, and as you can see, these people are being stopped from exiting the stadium due to the stewards fearing that the Hamilton fans may be able to attack them. When you consider the size of their support, they really do have a much more thuggish element than most teams. This footage should be sent to Hamilton and the SPFL so that the appropriate steps can be taken in order to ban the perpetrators!
  2. You must have some size of an arse if godzilla can get into your underwear!
  3. You need to walk down Alexander Ave? in the bog then left down the path opposite the chippie. The alternative is walking on the road down to the roundabout which is a bit dodgy with some of the drivers on the road nowadays.
  4. As you say, there were loads of bad decisions, it was his treatment of free kicks and throw ins that I noticed. There was one in the first half where Spencer took the kick while the ref wasn't looking but he just let it go. Exactly the same thing happened later, he let it go then obviously thought, 'I can't do that' and pulled it back. Several times with throw ins, he let the throw be taken from the wrong place, while at other times he insisted on players moving back a yard or two! My Grandson's just started reffereeing and I reckon he could already do a better job than most of these guys!
  5. You just have to look at Alisson's performance for Liverpool the other week against, Arsenal I think it was. Supposedly one of the best 'keepers in the world, but he made umpteen howlers, including letting a shot through his legs.
  6. Would you take Arfield before McGinn, Oliver and Lawal?
  7. So how do you know that he's not as good as he was when he left sevco then?
  8. Regarding who we let go next season IF we go up: I think McGinn will retire and I'd let go of McKay, Oliver, Mackie, Lawal and Allan (if we can get someone to take him). Lawal's a good footballer but it's just not really working out for him and I think, technically, Oliver is very good but he lacks desire for me. Long and Bisland will go back to their parent clubs. Maybe keep Hogarth as back-up and I'd keep Ross and Tait if it's possible. Shanley has done ok, but we've not really seen much of him to form an opinion.
  9. Excellent in the first half, and actually OK in the second. I thought we deserved the win overall, but I suppose we couldn't have complained too much if we had drawn. Rose looked miles off at his first and the lino actually paused slightly as if he was going to flag then kept on running. I don't think he had a clue whether it was on or off! No failures, including subs and I hope the guy who was screaming abuse at McGlynn and Nesbitt in the KM feels a proper tit today!! I thought MacIver was the best man on the pitch though.
  10. Since McGlynn came in I would say that the Hibs and DU games could be described as 'big' and we did ok in those.
  11. Correct, although I think it should just be an online option now as we could have queues of people outside the shop tomorrow that may not get in.
  12. With the number of tickets already sold, I don't think the club had any choice in that. Couldn't risk potentially a few hundred folk turning up that couldn't get in.
  13. It is a full stand display, albeit that it looks like the banner will only be in the middle.
  14. Ha ha, brilliant. Wee hint of a smile from him at the time too. I think that was just his way of saying that we're going to pump Hamilton!!
  15. Nesbitt for me. He's been great in that role and, TBH, I'd be a bit concerned that Tait may be a bit 'too up for it', if you see what I mean? Wouldn't be against him coming on to show Hamilton what they're missing later in the game though.
  16. One of the best players in a team that's well clear at the top of L1 should be good enough a league up IMO.
  17. Seems pretty obvious to me. He says he wants to stay but he's putting thoughts of a new contract to the back of his mind at the moment because he wants to concentrate on winning the league in the meantime.
  18. Aye, would be pretty daft to not sell the section closest to the away stand because of previous issues then put home supporters in the same stand as away ones.
  19. Ah, right. Yes I think you're correct as I remember contemplating doing that, never did though.
  20. You think we changed ends in the PL? I have no recollection of this at all. Fans could certainly be segregated inside the stand by locking the internal doors (although I wouldn't be surprised if that would now be disallowed due to fire safety regulations) but I can't see it being allowed in the stand itself. We saw at Hamilton that if you get a few nutters on either side that want to cause trouble, the stewards aren't going to do much to stop them. (Quite rightly)
  21. Aye, one of the issues that the H&S guys raised was the possibility of folk tripping on the stones that are laid on that area.
  22. I don't think we'd be looking at the full capacity moving, auld guys like me may want to stay put, so possibly more like 1000 or so. As long as those that want to move know that they need to do it as soon as the half time whistle blows, I think it could be done fairly easily. I agree, nothing wrong with this idea, however, for games where the opposition bring any more than two or three hundred, I don't see it happening due to segregation issues. That would mean it would be a non-starter if we go up and would be on Saturday because of the trouble previously.
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