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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Didn't tell you not to moan, don't think you'd be capable.
  2. Where did I say I was happy with Ompreon and Wilson?
  3. Probably a team at a higher level that can pay him more money. That's an old article too.
  4. He could have been a striker that scored 20 goals last season, you'd still have moaned about it.
  5. At which point you'd have been moaning about us spending money on yet another midfielder and not a striker.
  6. Don't see the point in signing Henderson. We've got plenty of players of his type and I'm assuming that any money we do have will have to be spent on a striker.
  7. Quick question for you guys; was it Blues who decided to duck when defending the post at one of Partick's goals?
  8. You don't have to imagine mate, that's exactly what happened.
  9. He did feck all other than miss a very good chance. I thought Dixon marked him out of the game for the large part. You could see he's got something about him though.
  10. I'm not disagreeing with the sentiment Shadwell, it's more the terminology and the way you put it over. Things seem to be very simple and black & white in your world. 'Oops, we've run out of milk, I'll pop to the shops to get some. Do you want anything Shadwell?' 'Aye, you better get a loaf, oh, and get us a striker while you're in there; nae shite mind!'
  11. I'm saying that folk talk like it's easy. See the post above for reference
  12. Totally agree. To be clear, I'm not saying we should go with Krasniqi as a first pick striker, just my thought that he would have been a better option than either of the two that came on.
  13. Aye, we've identified Jermaine Defoe so f**k knows why he's not getting his photies taken right now! We'll have been looking at and talking to umpteen targets but so will a host of other clubs. We've kinda got to wait until the target agrees to join us before it happens. Really pisses me off the way folk talk like these things are so easy to do. They're obviously not. (Not talking about you btw)
  14. I actually thought that on Saturday. Keep Keena on and stick the big man up beside him. He's obviously not a striker but I'm sure he would have offered more than Wilson or Sammy.
  15. The highlights don't show Morrison offside, can only assume that the linesman got it right though. I thought we played ok although not as effectively as previous matches, but that could have been down to how QP handled us. I thought Miller did have a good game and I think I'm right in saying that he's only had 3 serious efforts at goal for us and that he's hit the woodwork with all of them! Dixon was our MOM I felt, thought he had Murray in his back pocket throughout while Telfer also played well. Nesbit gets a bit frustrated when things aren't going for him and he needs to watch that. Keena shouldn't have been substituted (unless he was injured) as he's our biggest goal threat. No problem with bringing on Ompreon or Wilson at that point but it should have been Hetherington or Ross that made way.
  16. It was Ross that missed with the header, good chance that Keena would’ve scored though. Given the proximity of the linesman to Morrison we can only assume that he was indeed offside, Keena definitely was with the second.
  17. Police seem to be quite happy to allow home and away fans in the same stand at the moment.
  18. Aye, your first sentence there probably sums the situation up.
  19. Your second sentence completely contradicts your first. We are at a very low ebb at the moment and, because of that, have no right to beat anybody. QP on the other hand are enjoying possibly their most succesful spell since the 1800's. They've been bolstered by Haughey's cash and will quite rightly be thinking that they can challenge in this league.
  20. Completely disagree. It was an excellent flick, very well executed. The fact that he didn't flick it anywhere near a Falkirk player just doesn't come in to it.
  21. No, that would quite obviously be a feckin crazy idea.
  22. Aye, you make a good point, however both stands hold less than 2000 and not every fan would make the move. We'd probably be looking at around 1500 or so tops. (Away fans, if there were any in the NS, wouldn't be allowed to move). It would have to be around the East side for reasons that LtL points out so a path would need to be laid to connect the stands. I don't see any problem in letting folk move maybe 5 minutes either side of half time either. It probably wouldn't work if there was any significant number of away fans anyway so, after promotion , could only happen on a limited basis. I'm all for LtL's idea re any new terrace though, surely the priority in designing it would be linking the two areas?
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