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Everything posted by BigBadSaint

  1. My link Wonder if they'll be tucking into this set menu. Do you wanna know how much each of these days talks are costing Scottish football? You'd be bloody raging if you knew as it's not a simple, it's Hampden they own it so surely there's very little cost involved... merely some meals.
  2. Oh dear God. Judging on the last 2 posts I can only imagine the horrific murder of the English language that has occurred in the other 5000+ posts this guy's made. ...and year on year they tell us exam pass rates are up. edit BUGGER
  3. "Embarrassed by their financial hell" "escaped the grip of a shameful death." " It is morally wrong. " "You don't have to be the Chancellor of the Exchequer to work out why your balance sheet is seriously unbalanced. It's written on the wall in great big neon: player wages." "For too many years, too many average foreigners have set up camp here: over-paid, over-valued and over-here." He knows the cause. He knows how it affects those who aren't paid what they're owed as a result. He knows it's morally wrong. On this occasion it's probably even more morally wrong as those high wages were paid in part by cheating the Tax system and in offering EBT enhanced terms cheating other teams of potential players and cheating other competing teams out of prize money as a result of having a stronger squad. ...and yet totally different viewpoint this time round
  4. But the whole point of the sketch is that he was the only deluded halfwit who was still claiming it was the same original thing where as the rest of the country could see how ludicrous his thinking was and were all rolling on the floor laughing at the absurdity.
  5. Sure it's the same thing under a different name and many remember what it used to be the rest of the world moved on and only recognise it by it's current branding.
  6. I can't see anything other than suspension and I think the CoS judge alluded to it. He pointed out quite clearly that the only sanctions that could be used (and at Rangers request as they have brought the case) were those set in the SFA articles. He says Lord Calloway's appeal tribunal only upheld the original compromise player registration sanction option on the grounds that it was permitted/available, otherwise they thought the misconduct serious enough for suspension to be considered. He didn't rule as he could that the £100,000 fine was all they could give as he recognised that both tribunals who'd judged the matter clearly considered this to be inadequate. Fine ridiculously low - Suspension expulsion too harsh was the view we already knew quoted. So Rangers have gambled massively with this appeal forcing the SFA's hand double or quits style where the double option threatens their very existance. Now they go back to an appeal tribunal which has already judged their behaviour bad enough for consideration of suspension. They'll hope for leniency but now with the addition of having taken FIFA's representative body to court I can't see much being given. Note there is talk of Rangers "willing" to accept a Scottish Cup ban and a six-month transfer embargo. You can't take a case on the grounds that a punishment not set out is illegal then simply accept another compromise because it suits you better because you've suddenly realised what the option have become. Doncaster seemed to think they could still play in SPL under SFA suspension but how would that look to World football and more realistically how could SFA referees take their games? Interesting week.
  7. Ahhh well at least you won't have to worry about that long climb again unless you fancy a wee trip back for the Commonwealth games footy
  8. I'd say that was a pretty good summing up of why we don't really want either half of the OF - cheers for that
  9. Ahhh but deep into added time there might be last chance for Killie's Johnston to charge up the field like Jimmy Glass to nod the last second winner...nah probably not
  10. Na easy mode that one Anagram of Reams La Kirk ....so clearly of French descent who hates the Proddie Church.
  11. Any one noticed that Mr D seems to have disappeared from the image searches for CockWomble - Gordon Smith seems to be highest ranking CockWomble. Surely....surely....he's been too busy to have been firing off an e-mail complaint to Google
  12. LOL Moron wants to join in and blows the whole weak joke out the water Yeah wasn't Naismith wonderful mate.......at £1.9Million he was more expensive than our entire 11 and was probably on close to their combined salary yet it's "skint Rangers"
  13. What a vile comparison to make ....but since he has, if he'd watched the excellent Jodie foster film the Accused he'd see that those cheering them on are just as guilty and accountable.
  14. Yup Just coming out http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2152082/Besiktas-barred-Europa-League-UEFA.html but very close by that story....who would be perfect as new manager of a club with financial difficulties? http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2931/go-global/2012/05/17/3109800/besiktas-consider-mcleish-as-possible-new-coach? What's Turkish for Employee Benefit Trust ?
  15. Indeed £8.5million still had to have the £3million+ Admin subtracted and a further £3million + CVA trading costs ( the cost of running the club until takeover) so down to less money than the £3.5 million D&P had in the bank at the start of proceedings. Disgraceful..
  16. Ahh come on.....I've only been working one morning and we've galloped on 14 pages that's 350 posts (700 if you use Charles Green's calculator) From D&P April reportThe Joint Administrators time costs for the period 14 February 2012 up to and including 31 March 2012 totals £1,199,356. So for a further 2 months work we must be in the £3 million region So the £8.5 million pot becomes barely over £5 million
  17. oooh close.....how 'bout choccy cake in place of the jelly? from Guardian Link
  18. Boycott list for MARS if they weren't there already. Taking the piss a bit isn't it....Bringing out a Limited Edition M&M's to celebrate the end of Rangers? Get em quick before the Big Hoose guy waddles to the shops!
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