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Everything posted by BigBadSaint

  1. MUST COMPLY EH....LOOKS LIKE YOU NEED THIS SFA LICENCE DID WE SAY MUST COMPLY ....SORRY IT'D JUST BE NICE IF YOU DID..... DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT Aye Ross County would still be coming up if they'd not submitted their accounts.
  2. In case anyone is doing what I was and thinking Holy Shit just how many of them have been paid in this way and what the hell does it all add up to? 74 Individuals and over £44 million (44,487,708)
  3. Unless I switch to BBC Scotland on the TIVO box I've got DIY SOS Series 23 The Big Build - From Scotland as Nick and the team try to help someone suffering from depression living in a house that is falling apart. WAIT A MINUTE ! Maybe it's the same programme
  4. then the game has to be suspended for 6 weeks while a new replacement is bought and brought on. Celtic have previously tried this out to a lesser extent when at 1-0 down at St Mirren they substituted Tommy Burns as he walked off after a red card and played on to the end of the match with 11.
  5. Ahh did you miss the bit where they sayed at Dunblane Hydro before the St Johnstone game or the 2 sets of teams including a John Brown/Scott Nisbet etc vets squad sent to Hong Kong for 7's or 5-a-side tournie ?
  6. What is the big problem with our clubs....Apart from the increasingly embarassing European campaigns, who do they really compete with besides themselves? All clubs would have to have to make similar adjustments... result?...no great relative difference. Maybe it's time we addressed this issue anyway. The fact that ridiculously sub average players are finding it easy to earn £100,000 a year and in the case of Rangers £1 million+ despite not being capable of beating Maribor. Has the influx of foreign "talent" improved our game....our national team's standing and clubs side's performances in Europe just seem to get worse by the year Frankly we could do with a reality check and a more sensible wage structure which might see home grown talent get more of a chance.
  7. You can't expect them to do that they'd have to learn player's names and stuff. Until now unless you have come from Rangers/Celtic, previously interested Rangers/Celtic or are a potential target for Rangers/Celtic then your playing career will be a mystery to them. Goals against Rangers/Celticand injuring a player from Rangers/Celticmay mean they know who you play for and your nationality.
  8. Wrexhamfans £127,000 in around 7 hours and they have an average attendance of under 4000
  9. if it does how does UEFA stand on one of it's clubs insisting on 100% payment of a transfer fee so that they can then pay other clubs 3-5% of the fees they paid for their players ? Should have a ruling where even if you pay over 3 years or so that if you default future transfer money should pay the previous club first.
  10. WOW Not just one but 2 ! http://rangers.hk/ It’s with great delight that we can announce that Rangers will be sending 2 teams to compete in the HKFC Citibank International Soccer 7s. 18-20 May The Rangers Youth team have been competing in this tournament since 2005 and had been invited once more. With the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the Club itself we were unsure if they would be coming to compete. Thankfully they are though and everyone here at the Hong Kong RSC look forward to welcoming them back. As an added bonus to Bears in Hong Kong, a team of Rangers veterans will be coming to the 7′s to compete in the Masters section of the tournament and they will represent the Citibank All Stars. They will be led by John “Bomber” Brown who was the winning coach back in 2008 when the “Rangers Legends” won the Soccer 7s Masters event. Not all of Bombers squad has been named as yet, but at the moment the squad looks like this: Andy Goram, Lorenzo Amoruso, Marvin Andrews, Scott Nisbet, Neil Murray, Alex Rae, Derek Ferguson & Charlie Miller! 2 more names have still to be added and we will let you know who they are when we do.
  11. Haven't seen it in the 4 pages following but since when did a year have 18 months 2x12=24 not 36 surely? Is this Mr Green's alias anyway My figure for monthly wage bill was from the SFA report SFA report quoted monthly tax missing at around £1,000,000 so with tax at 40% for most senior players they conservatively estimated monthly wage bill at £2-2.5 million
  12. Not particualrly aimed at you but how does this square with a huge percentage of the support and our broadcasting chums talking about retaining all the current squad despite the fact it seems clear in the SFA document that if rangers were paying proper taxes they would not be able to afford the monthly wage bill conservatively estimated at 2 million per month?
  13. How does not being happy that you are not getting all the information you'd like and simply walking away from it all but not publicising your serious doubts about what is going on?
  14. Ahhhh you see apparently according to the financial expert Ranger's fans this is because the people behind the bid have so much money that it may influence the CVA as creditors will think "hang on they're worth X millions we should be getting more than this 4p in the £". That's why they're being kept secret. Strange that with such massive wealth they're only willing to put up ~£500,000 though I'd think but hey they have some of the best financial minds there. I'm 100% or 200% sure of it.
  15. Can I be put down for a more SUN effort of GREEN 'SNOT FOR ME THE GAME'S A BOGEY
  16. Wouldn't you have to increase the other debts in order to decrease the percentage of the HMRC debt ? Unless you cost cut and paid off some of it.
  17. McCoist on Rangers TV tonight perhaps? "Who are these people? I want to know who these people are. Make no mistake about it, this affects Rangers. They have agreed the consortium so therefore they are working for Rangers, but who are they?" Hmmmm?......maybe not
  18. Might not be able to play but he sounds like the perfect person to look at the books ...if they ever got round to doing them Indeed - Miller was given preferred bidder status and access to all the information but when he pulled out it became clear that D&P were at "advanced stages with 4 other bidders"
  19. My link Green confirmed he had given Whyte £1 – the same value paid – for his 85% stake in Rangers, and said: "I gave him a pound out of my own pocket too, so he has made a 100% profit." How can you trust a journalist who changes the words we all heard? .....200% he said
  20. Day one ....sell Naismith, McGregor, Davis & Whittaker, Ibrox & Murray Park - Fortnights admin Probably more money for creditors than proposed now and that's before throwing in the rest of the squad. Admin all about getting the best deal for the creditors ...don't make me laugh.
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