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I used veet... very smooth!!!

then the wife changed her mind the night before and said I can’t say for sure I won’t want another in 5 years time.
I used veet once and it creeped me out how easily the hair came away. Never again. No idea why guys go hairless down there anyway, I spent the next fortnight scratching like f**k.
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Went up to babysit 3 of the granbairns tonight, the 14 month yin fell, started to cry, I picked him up, he lost his cry and went floppy in my arms. Good job the daughter in law hadn’t left yet, she blew in his face and he came round straight away. It’s got me freaked oot !!

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13 hours ago, heedthebaa said:

Went up to babysit 3 of the granbairns tonight, the 14 month yin fell, started to cry, I picked him up, he lost his cry and went floppy in my arms. Good job the daughter in law hadn’t left yet, she blew in his face and he came round straight away. It’s got me freaked oot !!

There's no end to the ways they can nearly give you heart failure...

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My girlfriends overbearing Auntie was staying with for 3 nights last week and her carry on on her third night here was a disgrace. I always knew she was going to be obsessive over our daughter so it was no surprise she was completely tracking her every move around the flat whilst giving both of us parenting advice (despite never having children herself) and asking us how we go about doing absolutely everything with her and pointing out how we could be doing things differently.

They all had a long day on Tuesday and as my daughter is teething she was quite sore and crying a lot and not sleeping well. At night I got in from work and gave her last feed at 1830, she was obviously exhausted and she nodded off whilst lying on me on the couch which she does sometimes. I had planned on just leaving her there for a while and then change her and put her to bed after 7 as we usually do but the aunty came up to us both and said “oh no we can’t be letting her sleep otherwise she’ll be grumpy when we change her and put her to bed” and then woke her up by propping her head up! I couldn’t believe she did this, my girlfriend never saw it as she was in other room but she soon knew about it as my daughter was then furiously crying because she had been rudely awoken. We changed her and put her to bed and within 5 minute she had spewed all of her milk up, my Mrs shouted through for me to come through to help but before I could get in there the aunty bolted in and grabbed our screaming, spewing 8 month old baby off her and charged through to the sitting room with her when she still hasn’t finished spewing up. In her 8 months alive I have never seen her in anywhere near as much distress as she was after this, this includes during bad spells of colic and a time I hit her on the head with a PlayStation controller. After we cleaned up the spew and changed her she was still screaming the house down and the aunty hadn’t let go with her butting in, i had enough by that point and made it perfectly clear that I was shutting the nursery door on her face as me and my Mrs are more than capable of dealing with our daughter when she is upset. We watched an episode of Peppa pig on our I pad and she soon calmed down and was back to her usual self, we could hear the aunty hovering outside the room and she was definitely pressed up to the door at times.

Even after we got her to sleep and returned to the sitting room for an episode of The Cry she still wouldn’t back down asking if she could go into the room and “feel her” just to see if she was okay. She was still insisting on taking her temperature (which would wake her up), she insisted that i didn’t drink any more beer in case I had to drive her to the hospital in the middle of the night and she kept jarring my girlfriend to cancel her plans for the next day just to be safe. She was on the phone to her husband (who is an even bigger screwball) saying she might have to stay for an extra night to help us out! I eventually had enough and went to bed at 9 o clock, by half 9 my girlfriend had given in and let her aunty come into the room so she could check our sleeping daughters temperature just by letting her touch her on the head. The last thing I heard her saying before she finally fucked off out of our room was “if you do feed her in the middle of the night don’t give her too much.” What the f**k sort of advice even is that?!

I gave her a lift to one of her other nieces house on Wednesday morning after my girlfriend convinced her that she would be able to cope on her own and she was quite clearly unaware as to how much of a nuisance she had been and was threatening to come down for another visit before Christmas! Absolute fucking nightmare.
8 months and the bairn is still in your bedroom?

Sort that out ffs
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42 minutes ago, throbber said:


My daughter has a lovely bedroom tbf, we are going to buy some shelves and a toy box for her today.

The auntie has issues for sure, she is very manipulative towards my girlfriend in the way she speaks to her as she is never forceful about it and always just nips away whilst remaining as polite and pleasant as possible which is much harder to pull her up over. After she had gone there were so many other things that I had found out she has said and done during her brief stay with us as well which completely confirm she is a total fruit loop who would no doubt make an attempt to pinch our baby if left unattended.




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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

8 months and the bairn is still in your bedroom?

Sort that out ffs

My 5 yr old sleeps in my bed! I’ve always been fairly relaxed about the whole co sleeping thing.

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44 minutes ago, Rowan said:

My 5 yr old sleeps in my bed! I’ve always been fairly relaxed about the whole co sleeping thing.

What if you are needing your Nat King?

Fwiw I like the idea of my 3 year old coming in to our bed in the morning and coorying in for a wee sleep. 

Fortunately for us, she has never been one for that, because anytime she has been brought into our bed its just immediate green light for a carry on and there no way she would go to sleep. 

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

What if you are needing your Nat King?

Fwiw I like the idea of my 3 year old coming in to our bed in the morning and coorying in for a wee sleep. 

Fortunately for us, she has never been one for that, because anytime she has been brought into our bed its just immediate green light for a carry on and there no way she would go to sleep. 

I’m single mum. But previously they’d just get lifted out to own beds on rare ocassional.

if I need shagged I wait till kids aren’t about!

Edited by Rowan
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My 5 yr old sleeps in my bed! I’ve always been fairly relaxed about the whole co sleeping thing.
Me too the whole family are in the same bed here. Fighting over covers, farting and scratching together. Very natural, very loving.
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My girlfriends overbearing Auntie was staying with for 3 nights last week and her carry on on her third night here was a disgrace. I always knew she was going to be obsessive over our daughter so it was no surprise she was completely tracking her every move around the flat whilst giving both of us parenting advice (despite never having children herself) and asking us how we go about doing absolutely everything with her and pointing out how we could be doing things differently.

They all had a long day on Tuesday and as my daughter is teething she was quite sore and crying a lot and not sleeping well. At night I got in from work and gave her last feed at 1830, she was obviously exhausted and she nodded off whilst lying on me on the couch which she does sometimes. I had planned on just leaving her there for a while and then change her and put her to bed after 7 as we usually do but the aunty came up to us both and said “oh no we can’t be letting her sleep otherwise she’ll be grumpy when we change her and put her to bed” and then woke her up by propping her head up! I couldn’t believe she did this, my girlfriend never saw it as she was in other room but she soon knew about it as my daughter was then furiously crying because she had been rudely awoken. We changed her and put her to bed and within 5 minute she had spewed all of her milk up, my Mrs shouted through for me to come through to help but before I could get in there the aunty bolted in and grabbed our screaming, spewing 8 month old baby off her and charged through to the sitting room with her when she still hasn’t finished spewing up. In her 8 months alive I have never seen her in anywhere near as much distress as she was after this, this includes during bad spells of colic and a time I hit her on the head with a PlayStation controller. After we cleaned up the spew and changed her she was still screaming the house down and the aunty hadn’t let go with her butting in, i had enough by that point and made it perfectly clear that I was shutting the nursery door on her face as me and my Mrs are more than capable of dealing with our daughter when she is upset. We watched an episode of Peppa pig on our I pad and she soon calmed down and was back to her usual self, we could hear the aunty hovering outside the room and she was definitely pressed up to the door at times.

Even after we got her to sleep and returned to the sitting room for an episode of The Cry she still wouldn’t back down asking if she could go into the room and “feel her” just to see if she was okay. She was still insisting on taking her temperature (which would wake her up), she insisted that i didn’t drink any more beer in case I had to drive her to the hospital in the middle of the night and she kept jarring my girlfriend to cancel her plans for the next day just to be safe. She was on the phone to her husband (who is an even bigger screwball) saying she might have to stay for an extra night to help us out! I eventually had enough and went to bed at 9 o clock, by half 9 my girlfriend had given in and let her aunty come into the room so she could check our sleeping daughters temperature just by letting her touch her on the head. The last thing I heard her saying before she finally fucked off out of our room was “if you do feed her in the middle of the night don’t give her too much.” What the f**k sort of advice even is that?!

I gave her a lift to one of her other nieces house on Wednesday morning after my girlfriend convinced her that she would be able to cope on her own and she was quite clearly unaware as to how much of a nuisance she had been and was threatening to come down for another visit before Christmas! Absolute fucking nightmare.

You need to tell your wife that in future should Auntie Arsehole decide to visit and act like you’ve described above, you’ll be telling her to f**k off and/or brutally murdering her.
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Well she has said she’ll just make excuses and not allow her to stay overnight. Her husband seriously is 100x worse and one time they were staying with us he completely flew off the handle at her over a software issue on his laptop, we always imagined having just her to stay would be a walk In the park but were completely wrong about that!

I honestly think she is just a fantasist who liked pretending she was a parent for a few days as she has no kids of her own. Tragic I know, but there’s no need for it to be taken out on us.
Why are you having these people to stay anyway?
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22 minutes ago, throbber said:


Well she has said she’ll just make excuses and not allow her to stay overnight. Her husband seriously is 100x worse and one time they were staying with us he completely flew off the handle at her over a software issue on his laptop, we always imagined having just her to stay would be a walk In the park but were completely wrong about that!

I honestly think she is just a fantasist who liked pretending she was a parent for a few days as she has no kids of her own. Tragic I know, but there’s no need for it to be taken out on us.


If they have a few quid, stick in 

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1 minute ago, throbber said:


Her husband was away for a course last week and she wanted to meet our baby. Last time they stayed with us was May 2016, and they probably came and visited us twice in the 2 years before that.

They are usually okay with us and focus most of their attention on my girlfriends sister who stays in Manchester who they often stop off with when they have to travel down south for work. They are genuinely obsessed with her to the point of major creepiness:

I just see no benefit in us having them in our life whatsoever.


Are they old? Where there's a will there's a way. 

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3 minutes ago, throbber said:


I think they’re about 64, i think they own a property mind you so I’m as well biting my tongue for the next few years and seeing how it pans out.


If your daughter misbehaves you could threaten her with Auntie. That could make the next visit interesting. 

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7 minutes ago, throbber said:


I think they’re about 64, i think they own a property mind you so I’m as well biting my tongue for the next few years and seeing how it pans out.


That's it, see the big picture. These loons are there for the taking. In a few years, send the wean to theirs for holidays. Everybody's happy.

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Picked my wee boy up from Nursery today and he excitedly showed me the envelope that contained his invite to his wee pal's birthday party. 

Got home and opened it up and discovered that it's a weekend that we've already arranged to go away.  

He's absolutely buzzing that he's been invited to this party and we've had to tell him he can't go.  If his reaction of confused disappointment wasn't enough, he picked up the invite and quietly asked if he could take it with him when we went away so he could pretend he was at the party.

Dusty as f**k in my house.

f**k you.  You're crying. 

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