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3 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Particularly when they grow up...

Very true, I never understood my mother saying “I’d rather have you all back in shitty nappies” but it’s true, the worries never stop. However days like Sunday past, when your two sons take you out on the piss makes parenting bearable :lol:

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Yeah Aila is like that. The other day I actually told her to be quiet because she had been talking non stop to herself and it became like a droning noise [emoji38]

Currently trying to get her used to a bed as we've taken the sides of the cot off. She goes apeshit when we leave the room and sets up a camp at the door until she falls asleep. I thought she'd love the freedom and run wild but she just cries.

Pictures below were of her falling asleep and what we walked into in the morning [emoji38]IMG_20190304_201634697.thumb.jpg.2ce9479dabd65fd6f7d087b5f2a6de78.jpgIMG_20190307_103927928.thumb.jpg.ecf989defc52cb0fa33804d5cbf323b8.jpg
That's been just over a week since we started. For the last 3 nights she's stayed in her bed from the moment we put her in until she woke up in the morning. Well, apart from tonight. There was a cup of juice on her floor and when we went up earlier the cup was in her bed. So she obviously got out of bed and rather than set up camp at the gate again, she took herself back to bed. What's even more pleasing is the fact she's learned how to open the stair gate on her bedroom door but hasn't decided to open it at night.

We really have had it easy with her. The next step is now potty training. She went on the potty about 6 months ago but my mum and I obviously went OTT with the praise as she has been shit scared to go near one since :(

(Note, the colour of the teddy is purely coincidental!)IMG-20190308-WA0012.jpg
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My son didn’t potty train until he was almost three despite several attempts through nursery and grandparents pressuring us.  

Both the girls were just around 2. Youngest pretty much did it herself. 

I praised but I didn’t do rewards as at some point they just have to go shite! I’ll let you know when i get to that stage with son. 

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On 10/03/2019 at 14:16, heedthebaa said:

Being a grandparent just edges it for me, far more an enjoyable experience

Keep hearing this Heed definitely something to look forward to in eh ... old age :P - hopefully ! 

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1 minute ago, Rab B Nesbit said:

Keep hearing this Heed definitely something to look forward to in eh ... old age :P - hopefully ! 

If your heart can take this season, you’ll be fine ;)

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Catherine is 3 in May and not potty trained. She's done a shite twice on the potty but that's her limit. She says she doesn't want to come out of nappies because they keep her bum warm [emoji38] can't argue with that tbh.
We really didnt push it until she was 3 and realised we better get it sorted before nursery. Shiting was a nightmare for a wee while as documented on here. Theres a lot to be said for hanging fire until they are ready. A lit of what we read said dont rust them out of nightitme nappies so its only in the last few weeks we took them away and she has probably only had 3 or 4 accidents in the space of six weeks or so
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13 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
11 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:
Catherine is 3 in May and not potty trained. She's done a shite twice on the potty but that's her limit. She says she doesn't want to come out of nappies because they keep her bum warm emoji38.png can't argue with that tbh.

We really didnt push it until she was 3 and realised we better get it sorted before nursery. Shiting was a nightmare for a wee while as documented on here. Theres a lot to be said for hanging fire until they are ready. A lit of what we read said dont rust them out of nightitme nappies so its only in the last few weeks we took them away and she has probably only had 3 or 4 accidents in the space of six weeks or so

Totally agree with you. Think we will have more success in the better weather, she hates being cold (just like her mother) and letting her run about without a nappy on is meant to help with training. Besides, we've had so much going on and she's had enough upheaval with a new arrival and her mum being ill to worry about shitting in a potty. She'll be fine.

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Taking my son to get his MMR vaccine this morning.  Have heard this can be a bit upsetting for them but it's for the best.  He dealt with his last round really well, stopped crying by the time he was out in the waiting room.

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4 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Taking my son to get his MMR vaccine this morning.  Have heard this can be a bit upsetting for them but it's for the best.  He dealt with his last round really well, stopped crying by the time he was out in the waiting room.

They forget quick at that age more upsetting for the parents than the kids imo (there was something in my eye, honestly) It's when they get the next lot and know what's going on it's tough. Catherine had to get a flu jab and went on for days about how the lady at the doctors hit her on the arm.


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As just posted in another thread. I/We have decided a few weeks ago that I will become a full time Daddy. My wife will continue with her work

First few weeks have been very nervous and mistakes have happened, I'm enjoying most of but it tough.
Expect me more on this thread for help and tips.

This is no short term fix, I'm doing it until she starts kindergarten.

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8 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

As just posted in another thread. I/We have decided a few weeks ago that I will become a full time Daddy. My wife will continue with her work

First few weeks have been very nervous and mistakes have happened, I'm enjoying most of but it tough.
Expect me more on this thread for help and tips.

This is no short term fix, I'm doing it until she starts kindergarten.

Don't throw them off bridges in to rivers.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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Went through this 25 yrs ago, the first few weeks are awful, but it does ease, it might not seem like now, but it does, just got to tough it out and be there


Genuinely sorry to hear this, hope you're all getting through it. Went through the same experience before and it's absolutely shite.  It's not easy putting your own feelings on the back burner to make sure your Mrs is OK, don't be feart to talk about it.


So it’s been a while but it seems to hit you in waves when you least expect it or think you’re ‘over it’ or ‘getting there’.


Been about 6 weeks or so now and although I’d say I’m fine overall, those times I’ve been on my own with nothing to do but think, pretty much suck. Also those times when you have company but let your mind wander or someone says something that takes you back, are pretty hard going.


Don’t even know where I’m going with this but sometimes I think it would be good if those mind-wiping devices from Men In Black were real.



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Mate, you never completely forget but the gaps between these horrible waves get longer and you just get on.

Grief is a c**t, especially when nobody really thinks you're grieving and the support and attention rightly is focussed on your Mrs.

It just takes time. This is what makes us.

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