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Any better yet, Rowan?

We're over the constipation now, but he still doesn't seem to be very well. Woke around 5am this morning and he was really quite warm, especially around his neck. Wee dose of baby ibuprofen and some milk and he was back off to sleep for another 4 hours. Barely touched his lunch and was happy to just drink his milk before going off for another 2 and a half hours this afternoon. Decided to make him some pears and custard this afternoon and he wolfed the lot down, so I think we'll be on non-chew food for a day or two until he seems back to normal. He's still knackered though and managed to rub custard into his eyes and hair. :lol:

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LM - I was told that with an upset tum, a diet of bananas was always helpful...?

There's a bit of debate over whether they cause or cure constipation. I was always of the opinion that they caused it until I read that ripe bananas can actually cure it in babies but unripe can cause it - which would explain a lot as I only eat bananas when they're just slightly green and before they've gotten soft!

I got some earlier today though and they're still a bit firm at the moment (the bananas I'm talking about now) but they should be alright for tomorrow. They didn't have any softer ones in Tesco today unfortunately.

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There's a bit of debate over whether they cause or cure constipation. I was always of the opinion that they caused it until I read that ripe bananas can actually cure it in babies but unripe can cause it - which would explain a lot as I only eat bananas when they're just slightly green and before they've gotten soft!

I got some earlier today though and they're still a bit firm at the moment (the bananas I'm talking about now) but they should be alright for tomorrow. They didn't have any softer ones in Tesco today unfortunately.

Thomas loves banana. It's easily his favourite food (apart possibly from Maltesers!).

When he was recovering from gastroenteritis we asked if he could have banana instead of the ice cream or water they were trying to get him to take and he was turning his nose up at. They said if he would eat banana that would be great as it was about the best thing he could be eating for it. He wolfed it down and never looked back in recovery terms (though that may well be coincidental).

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Charlie likes bananas, as long as he gets to hold it and eat it himself. I read in a book (I think it was one of those Reader's Digest efforts, Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal), a long time ago that BRAT (bananas, rice, apples and toast) was the rule to follow for diarrhoea. Bananas seem to be good for just about everything, so I'm rather glad he likes them!

ETA: Great taste Thomas has, Maltesers are lovely!

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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Any better yet, Rowan?

We've had one thicker poo at tea time, when I say thicker I don't mean normal consistancy just not water.

He's much brighter, more independant and interested in his toys again, so I'd say he's on the mend.

This is backed up by the fact that he is stunt baby, having twice now got down the stairs by going under the stair gate and surfing down on his belly!

So hopefully in the next day or two he'll be totally better.

Edited by rowan
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Id rather my son have that than teething i reckon

I don't think you would to be honest.

We've had one thicker poo at tea time, when I say thicker I don't mean normal consistancy just not water.

He's much brighter, more independant and interested in his toys again, so I'd say he's on the mend.

This is backed up by the fact that he is stunt baby, having twice now got down the stairs by going under the stair gate and surfing down on his belly!

So hopefully in the next day or two he'll be totally better.

Yeah, he sounds like he's getting there! :D

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Teething is lasting for months, this what your kid is going through lasts for up to a month or is it more than that?

No but he's been in Children's ward for a day and then taken to A&E in an ambulance.....give me teething any day!

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Teething is lasting for months, this what your kid is going through lasts for up to a month or is it more than that?

All kids are different. Charlie's just miserable, Ashley never seemed to notice all that much but Robert, my eldest, got terrible colds and diarrhoea with every tooth. Yes, it's horrible when they're teething, but it's nowhere near as dangerous as Gastroenteritis can be. Clicky.

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All kids are different. Charlie's just miserable, Ashley never seemed to notice all that much but Robert, my eldest, got terrible colds and diarrhoea with every tooth. Yes, it's horrible when they're teething, but it's nowhere near as dangerous as Gastroenteritis can be. Clicky.


I accept GMan is having a hard time with the teething it would seem but seriously to prefer gastroenteritis to teething is mental. :blink:

However, I can't really say it's fair for me to compare them either. Thomas has rarely been bothered much at all about teething. He screamed himself to sleep for a good hour last night right enough which we think was teething but that's only about the 2nd or 3rd night in over a year when teeth appear to have bothered him. He's always been a content and happy baby. His brother is louder and cries more at the same stage so no doubt he'll be bad for the teething too.

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I had sausages and mash.

Excellent. :lol:

To be honest i didnt know it was deadly, i just went from what the phoniex said as in shitty nappies and sick and so on as my son hasnt really been sick before. I must admit though the teething dosnt seem to be to bad as of late, so hopefully we are through the hardest part of teething as he is sleeping great these days, he will soon be into his own room. But for now we are just content we him sleeping and not wakening

I hate to break it to you, but teething will get worse when the big back teeth start coming. Brace yourself!

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Is there any make of nappy that doesn't leak pooh? I swear I've tried pampers, huggies, tesco asda and sainsburys own brand and none of them keep pooh in

I've always found Pampers to be pretty good, but you have to make sure you have the leg cuffs the right way. If they're tucked inside the nappy, you'll get leakage.

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