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All drugs and fluid drips withdrawn at 2:30pm today. :) He's also off all extra oxyen and keeping his levels up fine himself. Still getting inhalers but they've been cut back to every 3 or 4 hours now too.

He's much improved today and had a solid night's sleep too. His brother has been up to visit him (and terrorised the ward).

Hopefully he'll be home tomorrow but he's going to have to visit a respiratory clinic moving forward and take something daily for the next year or two to try to prevent this happening again or at least happening so dramatically if it does happen.

Phew. Good news :)

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Yeah, that's good news SD.

Congrats Well Chick. Can't imagine the prospect of going to work in Georgia for a few months looks too good now, eh? :P

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Yeah, that's good news SD.

Congrats Well Chick. Can't imagine the prospect of going to work in Georgia for a few months looks too good now, eh? :P

Haha - yea, that's the extra silver lining to it all :D

It kinda sucks though, as I've had to tell people a bit earlier than I would have liked to because of my involvement in the project.... ach well!

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We've just found out that we're expecting our first! A bit of a surprise and I'm still getting over the shock of it all :)

I have to say the constant feeling of sickness/tiredness is starting to get to me - I'm hoping it passes soon! Will soldier on though, and try ginger tea to help (not sure if thsi will actually work, but at this stage I'm willing to try anything!!)

Congratulations! I tried ginger biscuits to settle nausea and it worked well then. How it works for actual sickness I've no idea because I couldn't even stomach them this time around! Hope it settles down soon and you can start enjoying your pregnancy.

All drugs and fluid drips withdrawn at 2:30pm today. :) He's also off all extra oxyen and keeping his levels up fine himself. Still getting inhalers but they've been cut back to every 3 or 4 hours now too.

He's much improved today and had a solid night's sleep too. His brother has been up to visit him (and terrorised the ward).

Hopefully he'll be home tomorrow but he's going to have to visit a respiratory clinic moving forward and take something daily for the next year or two to try to prevent this happening again or at least happening so dramatically if it does happen.

That's great news. Happy birthday for tomorrow then!

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Left him sleeping peacefully on his own and not attached to anything tonight. Not even a monitor. They are very pleased with his progress though apparently getting out tomorrow isn't a certainty. If he needs an oxygen boost at any point tonight (not sure how they'll know that given he's not on the monitor any more?) then he certainly won't get home tomorrow. If he gets through fine himself then he may well do, as long as they are satisfied his treatment can be moved from nebulizers to inhalers without any negative effect.

He's been moved from the single room right next to the nurses to a four bed room at the very end of the ward which is another indication they don't feel the need to look in on him constantly. He has the four bed room to himself at the moment too so that's ideal.

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We've just found out that we're expecting our first! A bit of a surprise and I'm still getting over the shock of it all :)

I have to say the constant feeling of sickness/tiredness is starting to get to me - I'm hoping it passes soon! Will soldier on though, and try ginger tea to help (not sure if thsi will actually work, but at this stage I'm willing to try anything!!)


All drugs and fluid drips withdrawn at 2:30pm today. :) He's also off all extra oxyen and keeping his levels up fine himself. Still getting inhalers but they've been cut back to every 3 or 4 hours now too.

He's much improved today and had a solid night's sleep too. His brother has been up to visit him (and terrorised the ward).

Hopefully he'll be home tomorrow but he's going to have to visit a respiratory clinic moving forward and take something daily for the next year or two to try to prevent this happening again or at least happening so dramatically if it does happen.

Great news!:)

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He's home!


(but fell asleep in the car on the way home from hospital and hasn't awoken at home yet).

A pile of pills, tablets, and inhalers to take for the next few days and, in a couple of cases, for the foreseeable future.

Brilliant news. Really happy for you. :D

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He's home!


(but fell asleep in the car on the way home from hospital and hasn't awoken at home yet).

A pile of pills, tablets, and inhalers to take for the next few days and, in a couple of cases, for the foreseeable future.

Brilliant stuff SD, been reading through this over the week and it's eerily similar to when my youngest was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. she's 3 and half but was only 18 months at the time and it is a horrendous thing to go through, even the same time of year (possibly not a coincidence!). We'd had her at the GP the day before too and he sent us away dismissively saying she was fine and her chest was clear (despite only listening to the top). He made my wife feel completely stupid and it was that which made us delay getting her seen again. eventually phoned NHS24 the next night as she started being sick, choking on it and blueing at the mouth, after listening to her breathing over the phone, the operator sent an ambulance out immediately. had her on oxygen on the way to the hospital, she was sick all down me when we arrived at A&E and she didn't even have the strength to hold her head up. a few days hooked up to all sort of monitors and drips, an unpleasant sight on an adult, but so much worse on such a tiny little person that's normally so full of life and mischief but suddenly capable of little more than looking at you. Truly horrendous, and it chokes me up just thinking about it. There is no greater relief than when they get back to health and you're chasing them in and out of wards and nurses stations!

Incidently, after a month or so of the meds and inhalers, she's been on nothing since and no asthma or breathing problems have shown in her at all. hope you get the same story!

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He's home!


(but fell asleep in the car on the way home from hospital and hasn't awoken at home yet).

A pile of pills, tablets, and inhalers to take for the next few days and, in a couple of cases, for the foreseeable future.

Great news, buddy.

My daughter has full blown adult asthma & was admitted to hospital for a few nights, she was rushed there from our local GP because she was close to having an asthma attack & being forced into an emergency vehicle. She had wires & oxygen on her for a couple of nights, very scary stuff when it first happens, gladly we were are able to keep it controlled now.

Glad to hear everything seems to be on the improve & i hope the little man doesn't have to go through it again, can be very traumatic.

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SD, how's Thomas now?

Shuggie, you adjust to not so much sleep! We're getting 5 hours through the night now and normally she feeds and goes straight back down for another 3 to 4 hours. What makes it long though is that she has reflux so although she feeds and falls asleep we then have to sit with sleeping baby upright as if we lie her down too soon after feed she vomits!

That's Niamh 7 weeks, passed so quickly! She's got her routine check at the GP on Thursday and I'm also going to have her weighed. Gaviscon has really helped the reflux so long as we keep her upright after her feed.

Edited by Rowan
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