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Pregnancy And Parenting

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Finally, after a few weeks of holding on, my wife gave birth a wonderful wee girl at 02.50 am. I'm absolutely overjoyed. A picture of health, she got home this afternoon about 4.

I'm not really an 'established' pie n bovril'er but I've continually read this thread and some of the assistance and tips and comments are incredibly helpful. I'll no doubt be back on for advice and assistance, but I'm off to change some nappies...

Congratulations. :D

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If you live in Bristol :rolleyes:

I noticed these two things about the study

How? Im sure I could "take into account" all those wooly factors and come up with any finding I wanted.

I just saw the head line and thought :rolleyes: what next.

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I have a bit of sad news I'm afraid - a friend of mine's 11 month old daughter has been diagnosed with leukaemia and I'm just devastated for them. Too sad. I've got a place running the Great North run in September, so I've decided to raise money for the charity of their choice, whether that be Yorkhill (where she's currently being treated - 4 hours from home :( ) or a children's cancer charity. I was ranting at my son for not eating his dinner yesterday then heard from my friend last night - kind of puts things in perspective.

Sorry to put a dampener on things, just wanted to put it somewhere. :(

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I have a bit of sad news I'm afraid - a friend of mine's 11 month old daughter has been diagnosed with leukaemia and I'm just devastated for them. Too sad. I've got a place running the Great North run in September, so I've decided to raise money for the charity of their choice, whether that be Yorkhill (where she's currently being treated - 4 hours from home :( ) or a children's cancer charity. I was ranting at my son for not eating his dinner yesterday then heard from my friend last night - kind of puts things in perspective.

Sorry to put a dampener on things, just wanted to put it somewhere. :(

Difficult times ahead for them, hope all ends well reina
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Kanadia - congratulations. :)

Reina - sorry to hear that, terrible news.

Why should they have to try it though? To be honest that whole paragraph annoys me. And before you jump in I've worked as a midwife and I breastfed my son.

Because it's (generally) the best for the child, which they've chosen, one way or another*, to bring into the world. I'd make the same argument about why women shouldn't smoke while pregnant.

* For the pedants, I exclude women who became pregnant after a rape, or whose contraceptive failed through no fault of their own (eg didn't just forget to take the pill).

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1332283864[/url]' post='6072541']

My son has been very ill today, hasnt eaten anything at all and just keeps on being sick. Drinking fine. First time he has ever been like this :(

Plenty of wee bugs doing the rounds. Not pleasant when they're sick, but if they're temperature is ok, then not much you can do otherwise than a wee bit carpool to see if it settles them.

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Nothing like a call from nursery to say they've had to call an ambulance as your child has had some sort of fit to keep you on your toes!

She's fine now and looks like it was caused by high temprature!

Edited by Rowan
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Nothing like a call from nursery to say they've had to call an ambulance as your child has had some sort of fit to keep you on your toes!

She's fine now and looks like it was caused by high temprature!

So nursery overheated your child?

The b@£&):ds

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So nursery overheated your child?

The b@£&):ds

Left her in the microwave too long!

Nah she's had two giant craps since we came home so I reckon shes got some sort of wee bug. She's been playing away fine since we got in. The staff at the nursery were fabulous.

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I have a bit of sad news I'm afraid - a friend of mine's 11 month old daughter has been diagnosed with leukaemia and I'm just devastated for them. Too sad. I've got a place running the Great North run in September, so I've decided to raise money for the charity of their choice, whether that be Yorkhill (where she's currently being treated - 4 hours from home :( ) or a children's cancer charity. I was ranting at my son for not eating his dinner yesterday then heard from my friend last night - kind of puts things in perspective.

Sorry to put a dampener on things, just wanted to put it somewhere. :(

Sorry to hear that. I hope everything goes ok for her and her daughter in the future. I've been a dad for nearly 3 days and I can already feel how your life changes, not so much the materialistic things, but the sole appreciation of life itself and how fragile it really is.

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Got taken into hospital, suffering from dehydration, anything he took he just was sick with it so now on a drip. Wife staying in the hospital over night with him,

Will be back in 2 weeks exactly as thats when the wife is getting started off.

How is he today, GMan?

Lots of poorly kids about again. Fingers crossed, ours are all better at last. Harry had a chest infection shortly before Christmas and his chest is only just properly clear now. I don't think it's actually taken until now to clear up, but Charlie's brought home a cold from the nursery every other week since the beginning of the new year, so I think he's just been passing it on. Harry's first tooth finally broke the surface at the beginning of the week and the second one is clearly visible so I reckon it'll be through within the next week. Bless him, he's not made a peep with it either. Red cheeks, but no nappy rash, bad tummy or crying.

Charlie taught me another lesson in trying to be too smart today. When he has a bedtime story, he sits patiently listening for a few minutes, but he gets fidgety and can't stop pointing at pictures and saying "What's that?". Fine, if it's the first time he's asked, but he's re-reading stories we've read a million times. He knows fine what "that" is. He just likes to mess around a bit. By the third story, it was irritating me slightly, so for every "what's that?" I answered with "jobbies". "That's not jobbies!" he'd say, before repeating "what's that?". In the end, I told him that he could either read the story properly or he could go to bed. "OK", says he and stays quiet for a whole 5 seconds before carrying on with "what's that?". A bit irked now, I ask him "what did I just say?". "Jobbies!", he said. Couldn't exactly argue with that, could I? :lol:

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Got taken into hospital, suffering from dehydration, anything he took he just was sick with it so now on a drip. Wife staying in the hospital over night with him,

Will be back in 2 weeks exactly as thats when the wife is getting started off.

Any word bud?

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She didn't no, <_< Mrs SD wasn't overly enamoured either. Ach I'm getting used to the idea now and the boys have given them names which personalises the whole thing. Just got to try not to kill them now (the fish, not the boys).

So we are down to one fish then. Thomas' one died today. Hope it wasnt something I have been doing wrong but fear it might be. Took me about three weeks to kill one off.

Now to replace it or not? I think we probably wait and see if he wants one once he finds out...

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Niamh's going to have her own bed in A&E and Peads ward at this rate.

Ruairidh was delighted with his shot in the ambulance though!

Been a long day and I'm furious with our GP but at least we now have answers to the temp spike and 2 convultions.

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She took another convulsion due to a temp spike. I was at work so it was Al that had to deal with it. I'll just copy on here what I put elsewhere

Def got a chest infection after they took an x ray and query urine infection so we've to get another sample from her tonight and then start anti biotics. Peads furious that A&E doctors discharged her on Wednesday without finding actual source of infection and not sending her to the peads short stay ward.

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She took another convulsion due to a temp spike. I was at work so it was Al that had to deal with it. I'll just copy on here what I put elsewhere

Def got a chest infection after they took an x ray and query urine infection so we've to get another sample from her tonight and then start anti biotics. Peads furious that A&E doctors discharged her on Wednesday without finding actual source of infection and not sending her to the peads short stay ward.

Sounds crap. All the best.

With the breathing issues ours have had they've been frequent visitors to A&E over the last couple of years + Thomas has been in once for gastroenteritis. Not once ever in all that time have A&E been willing to take anything other than necessary initial action before calling in paediatrics and I don't believe we've ever not ended up in the paediatric ward after visiting A&E, though on a couple of occasions it was indeed short stay and out before nightfall. Just seems to be policy here that A&E always defer to Paeds where infants are involved.

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We've all been ill here too (I still feel like poo with a never-ending chest infection). Must be something going around.

Better news is that we have another on the way! Mrs MB is due in September and we're looking forward to having number 2.

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