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We're having some issues the our youngest and his lack of talking. He's 2 and a half and whilst he can say the usual, "Mummy", "Dad", "Hannah" (his sister) and the 'usual' other words he is an extremely lazy talker. He will babble a lot, although he can string the odd basic sentence such as "There you are" and "where's mummy" etc, but on the whole it is just babble.

His nursery have spoken to me and the wife around this and other things in relation to his behaviour and have referred him to a Speech and language therapist. Whilst i don't for a second think there are any issues underlying in relation to his behaviour (tell me a toddler that doesn't climb or throw the odd tantrum) I am getting concerned somewhat with his speech. I, and the wife, both feel a little disappointed for not spending more time on it, but there was a lot going on from around his 2nd birthday when he started to talk more, mainly my mum taking a severe decline in her battle with a brain tumour and we were given some pretty bad news regarding this. it was difficult to spend any real time working on it with everything that was going on at that time.

We have bought books by Speech and Language therapists around techniques to help encourage and improve his speech with little success yet although it's only been a week or so. Has anyone of the P&B fraternity'sisterhood ever had a young one go through Speech/Language Therapy or have any tips to try get the wee jobby to speak more?

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We were concerned about our youngest as well. When she started nursery in August her speech picked up rapidly over the next few months.

I wouldn't worry about him just yet. He's only 2 and a half and will get there.

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I agree with scottsdad. Our second was a fairly lazy speaker too (he's roughly the same age as your boy), and having spoke to a child psychologist on an unrelated matter, it was put down to the fact that they have an older sibling who can talk for them. We were on the lookout for any tell tale signs that might develop into further problems, but within a matter of weeks we were unable to shut him up!

I wouldn't be overly concerned just yet, he's still young. I would say that if there isn't a noted improvement once he hits three then you might have to look into it further.

That said, you're obviously going to be concerned, so I would just speak to him at all times when you're with him. When I'm at home alone with our lad I give him a running commentary of what I'm doing, the dishes, washing, cooking etc... Perhaps try that?

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My wee boy was a slow speaker. He is under a speech therapist (he's 5.5 and delayed school entry) but she was saying that boys generally talk later than girls. I wouldn't worry too much and around here they won't really see a child till they are 3.5 seemingly.

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My son school is hacking me off. They send home letters for various things at no notice. He came home with a Sport Relief sponsorship form 2 days before the event. And yesterday it was a letter looking for a money for a beetle drive that's happening today.

That, and last week they didn;t let him go on a school trip. His crime? Going to school in waterproof boots instead of wellies.

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I agree with scottsdad. Our second was a fairly lazy speaker too (he's roughly the same age as your boy), and having spoke to a child psychologist on an unrelated matter, it was put down to the fact that they have an older sibling who can talk for them. We were on the lookout for any tell tale signs that might develop into further problems, but within a matter of weeks we were unable to shut him up!

I wouldn't be overly concerned just yet, he's still young. I would say that if there isn't a noted improvement once he hits three then you might have to look into it further.

That said, you're obviously going to be concerned, so I would just speak to him at all times when you're with him. When I'm at home alone with our lad I give him a running commentary of what I'm doing, the dishes, washing, cooking etc... Perhaps try that?

We had exactly that too! There was talk of our youngest going to a speech therapist when he was younger. He definitely spoke less and developed later than his older sister did but he's now 6 and his speech is absolutely fine.

Totally agree, though, you cant beat just talking to them. Encouraging them to talk is, obviously, a good idea too. Ive seen other parents constantly respond to their children pointing at things. We always made them try and vocalise what they wanted. Trying to get his big sister to stop talking for him was probably the hardest part!!

The single biggest bit of advice I would give, though, in terms of speech is to not use baby talk.

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My son school is hacking me off. They send home letters for various things at no notice. He came home with a Sport Relief sponsorship form 2 days before the event. And yesterday it was a letter looking for a money for a beetle drive that's happening today.

That, and last week they didn;t let him go on a school trip. His crime? Going to school in waterproof boots instead of wellies.

Preach it, brother!

Our boy's school are probably accountable for a fairly large percentage of trees cut down in the Amazon. Every other day we get stuff sent home, sponsor forms, book fares, days out and the rest. And yes, like your school, we get little or no notice.

Our son had a book fare a few months back, and they sent the letter out after the fare had taken place!

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Other way round for us. Eldest had some slow development and has been seen by both speech therapists and occupational therapists although his actual language use was excellent and well ahead of his age. He just generally didn't have social interaction or conversation. He's pretty much been discharged by both though. Occupational therapy haven't seen him for about two years now and speech therapy occasionally touch base with him but there's little input there.

However his younger brother is a much clearer speaker and a much more conversational boy. No 2 is much much more likely to speak for No 1 than the other way round.

It's taken a while to get Thomas ready for school socially. Both boys are February birthdays so were deferred for school anyway. But Thomas is definitely now ready and we're looking forward to August. So is he I think.

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Our son was certainly quicker at speaking than walking. He didn't start properly walking until 19 months and lately we've been concerned about him having flat feet. The wife took him to the Doctors who advised that it isn't flat feet but possibly something else. The term hyper mobility is springing to mind but I can't for the life of remember if that was it. When he walks it almost looks like he's on his ankles. When he's running about the house he's fine but if we put shoes on him and take him outside he'll complain of having sore feet after a while. Doctor referred him to the hospital and told us he'll either need insoles, splints or the worst case scenario surgery. We had made steps to speak to the GP who referred him to the hospital when he was about 13 months as his main method of moving back then was army crawling but dragging his left leg behind. We'd go back every 6 months and by the time he was walking we were told his feet should level out automatically so I'm hoping this is still the case and that we're worried over nothing. Still best to get it checked out. The fact he's now openly saying "my feet are sore" whenever he's outside with his shoes was a worry. We've tried changing shoes but same thing.

His speaking is mental though. My wife is a stay at home Mum at the moment so is always actively speaking to him and we're forever encouraging him to speak in terms of what he wants or point to thing and aks him what they are. He's an only child just now but goes to a Mum & Toddler group every week and my wife will usually take him to a soft play centre with the other Mums so he's getting a chance to interact with other kids. Starting to notice a big difference in terms of him socialising with other kids. Previously he was a very reserved timid wee boy who'd always be fearful about other kids getting in his face and seemed to rather want to sit on his own. Thankfully over time he's starting to play with other kids and come out his shell.

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Young Master DB has just passed the 7 week mark, not sure where the time is going.

He had his 6 week check and vaccinations last week and all going well, think he weighed just under 14 pounds and was 61cm at the weigh in, not sure where he's getting the size from, he'll be an All Black forward at this rate.

Parenthood has definitely taken a bit of adjustment for both of us, I had to take a few extra days off work a couple of weeks ago as the wife was struggling but we're getting there slowly.

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My toot had her MMR today. She was NOT amused. Although happy enough now. She's so dinky though. 19lb at 13 months. Tall though, so her clothes look ridiculous. Roll on warmer weather - your legs can't be too long for summer dresses!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's been an eventful day to say the least, the mrs was supposed to have another transfusion but the consultant said the baby was making it too difficult to get the needle into the cord as she was rolling it around her and grabbing hold of it, so, they got her in for a section today at 33 weeks, which she had to have under general anaesthetic,

so meet Orlaith Rose, :wub: delivered at 11.13am this morning, weighing in at 6.6 lbs, but she is swollen with fluid and is expected to drop two pounds over the next week!!

She has some issues as she's 7 weeks early on top of the rhesus issues we already knew about, she is under the lamps for this and her billiruben levels are starting to increase which is a worry, and she has some fluid in her lungs and had to be intubated on a breathing ventilator which hopefully does it's job by tomorrow!! We are just waiting on various test results coming back to see if she's going to be in the nnu long or short term so we are praying she's ok!!




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My girlfriend is 10 and a half weeks gone, I already have two boys aged 17 and 15. The sleepless nights are worrying me a tad, I managed the last time getting up throught the night with both of them but I was in my early/mid twenties then. This one is due a couple of weeks before my 40th birthday. Still giddy as a school girl though. :-)

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My girlfriend is 10 and a half weeks gone, I already have two boys aged 17 and 15. The sleepless nights are worrying me a tad, I managed the last time getting up throught the night with both of them but I was in my early/mid twenties then. This one is due a couple of weeks before my 40th birthday. Still giddy as a school girl though. :-)

Congratulations! We were discussing babies here The other night (we're not having any more, that wasn't an announcement or anything) and we were both of same opinion that sleepness nights are the hardest bit about babies. I don't envy anyone doing that again. The important thing is that they don't last forever. They will eventually sleep through. You'll cope because you just will. Anyway, being a bit older you'll have more patience than you did when your older kids were tiny, you'll be more relaxed, less likely to panic over the things that brand new parents do and you'll enjoy it so much more for it. That's been my experience, anyway!

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