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What is everyones thoughts on taking newborn babies on holiday abroad?

The wife is 3 months pregnant but is adamant she still wants a holiday next year but I'm digging my heels in as I'm not sure if its cruel or not to subject a 6 month old to the noise/hassle/pressure of flying abroad, not to mention the heat etc. Obviously it wouldnt be out of the shade etc but still...am I overreacting?

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Is this your first?

In my experience, big plans made before you actually have children become very different once they're here.

We took our first abroad to Menorca when he was 9 months (April so it wasn't too hot). Plane was a worry, heat was a worry, sun was a worry, sterilising bottles was a worry, food was a worry, restaurants were a worry, the beach was a worry, the pool was a worry, we couldn't get pished, had to sit in the room all evening etc.

We were prepared for this so it was all fine, but if she's thinking it will be like a holiday you would have right now but with a wean there, that's not what it will be like.

Edited by madwullie
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Is this your first?

In my experience, big plans made before you actually have children become very different once they're here.

We took our first abroad to Menorca when he was 9 months (April so it wasn't too hot). Plane was a worry, heat was a worry, sun was a worry, sterilising bottles was a worry, food was a worry, restaurants were a worry, the beach was a worry, the pool was a worry, we couldn't get pished, had to sit in the room all evening etc.

We were prepared for this so it was all fine, but if she's thinking it will be like a holiday you would have right now but with a wean there, that's not what it will be like.

This will be our second (and last!). My daughter is six so we have taken her abroad plenty of times, I just cant remember when her first holiday was but I'm sure she was at least a year old. All those worries are things that we are aware of so it could be dealt with plus we always holiday with her family so there's always plenty of helping hands available. It was more a concern about putting such a young thing through the stress of going on holiday and with the heat etc. Suppose 9 months isnt too far away from 6 months.

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Actually, that came across as more negative than it should be. If you've had weans before then you know the drill and I'd say go for it.

My wee boy always fell asleep in the car, so the plane was no different. I'm not sure he even realised we were away tbh. The heat was a concern though which is why we didn't go in the middle of summer. Just make sure you get air con imo

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Actually, that came across as more negative than it should be. If you've had weans before then you know the drill and I'd say go for it.

My wee boy always fell asleep in the car, so the plane was no different. I'm not sure he even realised we were away tbh. The heat was a concern though which is why we didn't go in the middle of summer. Just make sure you get air con imo

No worries!

Yeah air con is usually an essential anyway since I'm a fat bastirt. It would be July as the weans need to be off school so it could be pretty hot. I'll need to mull it over some more.

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Just had to leave the eldest for a 'sleepover' at ninewells. Docs are worried that she has a grumbling appendix and want to watch her overnight. She burst into tears when I told her she wasn't getting to go home. Heartbreaking. Then she telt me she wanted mummy to stay instead of me! Heartbreaking again!

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Just had to leave the eldest for a 'sleepover' at ninewells. Docs are worried that she has a grumbling appendix and want to watch her overnight. She burst into tears when I told her she wasn't getting to go home. Heartbreaking. Then she telt me she wanted mummy to stay instead of me! Heartbreaking again!

Hope she was fine. Im well used to being second choice to mummy. :lol:

Our youngest is at that wonderful stage where "no" has become the favourite word - closely followed by "stuck".

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Hope she was fine. Im well used to being second choice to mummy. :lol:

Our youngest is at that wonderful stage where "no" has become the favourite word - closely followed by "stuck".

She is all good now. Had tummy pains since Sunday and on Tuesday afternoon she had a temp of 40.1. They kept her in as the were worried that the pains were appendicitis so wanted the surgeon to check her over. They appeared at midnight and the bairn wouldn't wake up for him so ended up being Wednesday lunchtime she got checked out. Still no idea what it was but back to normal now. The laddie in the bed next to her broke his arm tripping over a hoover!
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Terrifying stuff last week. Our 6 week old was admitted with suspected meningitis. Had to go through a terrifying amount of tests, hours of IV antibiotics and of course a lumbar puncture.

Everything came back negative and he was sent home last weekend thank f**k, but that's 3 days I wouldn't want to go through again.

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Terrifying stuff last week. Our 6 week old was admitted with suspected meningitis. Had to go through a terrifying amount of tests, hours of IV antibiotics and of course a lumbar puncture.

Everything came back negative and he was sent home last weekend thank f**k, but that's 3 days I wouldn't want to go through again.

Fuxake, good to hear all ok.
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Not sure on the etiquette of a first post on this thread....... but anyone on here got experience of twins? My wife is 21 weeks with twin girls. All seems fine so far but lots of focus at every appointment on the "risks". Currently split 50/50 between excitement and nerves lol.

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Is it normal to come to a point in life as a male when you simply want to reproduce? Despite saying i hated kids for most of my so called adulthood so far i found myself drunk at a party last week and seeing a 2 year old child and feeling the overwhelming feeling that i needed one of my own. I feel the sort of animalistic urge to have a child now, and want to reproduce before something in this awfully cruel world comes and takes me away before i get the chance to impregnate my Mrs

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Not sure on the etiquette of a first post on this thread....... but anyone on here got experience of twins? My wife is 21 weeks with twin girls. All seems fine so far but lots of focus at every appointment on the "risks". Currently split 50/50 between excitement and nerves lol.

It's a bit harder choosing your favourite, if they are identical, but you will have double the chance of a tissue match if you need a transplant.
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Reading Saintee -1

Scary Bear - 3
Rowan - 3
Reina - 2
Lm - 1
Swarley - 2
Mozza - 1
Skyline Drifter - 2
die hard doonhamer - 2
Scottsdad - 1
Bobby Skidmarks - 1
Weirdcal - 1
Mallo_Madrid -2
Shuggie - 2
lightscamera - 2

Nelsjfc - 2
G_Man1985 - 2

energyzone -1

Gaz -2

milton75 -1

mozam76 -1

gav-ffc - 1

pub car king -1 + 1/3

bobby carlos - 2

Nelly 78 - 1

Desp - 1

Sparky88 - 1

8MileBU - 1

The Lochend Brazil - 1

Dee Dee - 2

Septentrional Wasp - 1/2

madwullie - 2

KiwiDB - 1

Kid Twist - 1/3

mattydfc - 1/2

The Woolshed - 2/3

Ally - 2 x 1/2

Running total - 49 + 2/3 + 4 x 1/2 + 2 x 1/3

Grandchildren: JG - 4 + 1/2

Romeo - 2

Keithgy - 1

heedthebaa - 3

Raidernation - 1

supermik - 2/3

printer - 1

Grand total - 61 + 2 x 2/3 + 5 x 1/2 + 2 x 1/3

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Terrifying stuff last week. Our 6 week old was admitted with suspected meningitis. Had to go through a terrifying amount of tests, hours of IV antibiotics and of course a lumbar puncture.

Everything came back negative and he was sent home last weekend thank f**k, but that's 3 days I wouldn't want to go through again.

Glad to hear it was just a scare. One of the illnesses we all fear the most. Hope he's keeping well.

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3 month scan today and everything is ok with baby and mother. Good times.

Realise I've already posted that she's 3 months pregnant just still chuffed :)

Edited by 11thHour
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Not sure on the etiquette of a first post on this thread....... but anyone on here got experience of twins? My wife is 21 weeks with twin girls. All seems fine so far but lots of focus at every appointment on the "risks". Currently split 50/50 between excitement and nerves lol.

Yeah, I'm the father of twin boys. The worst thing I ever did was Google one of the "risks", I'm purposely not mentioning what it was. Scared the shit out of me. Stay positive, and stay away from Google, as everything will be fine.

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3 month scan today and everything is ok with baby and mother. Good times.

Realise I've already posted that she's 3 months pregnant just still chuffed :)

Maybe you did, but you haven't been included in The List.

Reading Saintee -1

Scary Bear - 3

Rowan - 3

Reina - 2

Lm - 1

Swarley - 2

Mozza - 1

Skyline Drifter - 2

die hard doonhamer - 2

Scottsdad - 1

Bobby Skidmarks - 1

Weirdcal - 1

Mallo_Madrid -2

Shuggie - 2

lightscamera - 2

Nelsjfc - 2

G_Man1985 - 2

energyzone -1

Gaz -2

milton75 -1

mozam76 -1

gav-ffc - 1

pub car king -1 + 1/3

bobby carlos - 2

Nelly 78 - 1

Desp - 1

Sparky88 - 1

8MileBU - 1

The Lochend Brazil - 1

Dee Dee - 2

Septentrional Wasp - 1/2

madwullie - 2

KiwiDB - 1

Kid Twist - 1/3

mattydfc - 1/2

The Woolshed - 2/3

Ally - 2 x 1/2

11thHour - 1/3

Running total - 49 + 2/3 + 4 x 1/2 + 3 x 1/3

Grandchildren: JG - 4 + 1/2

Romeo - 2

Keithgy - 1

heedthebaa - 3

Raidernation - 1

supermik - 2/3

printer - 1

Grand total - 61 + 2 x 2/3 + 5 x 1/2 + 2 x 1/3

Is it not time some of these 1/2s and 1/3rds and 2/3rds were getting updated?

Edited by Jacksgranda
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Put me up to 7/8ths! She is almost 36 weeks.

She is still going in to get tested almost everyday. She is still getting told that baby could arrive at any time. Apparently some form of "plug" went during last night, whatever the heck that means next then who knows? I guess the longer baby stays where it is the better but it is getting a little frustrating for my daughter but she knows that as long as baby is fine then it's only a minor hiccup that she is happy to put up with.

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