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Pregnancy And Parenting

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My kids brought home a lovely vomiting bug from the germ factory*. Saturday morning, they were staying at my mum's, and my boy woke up and puked all over her house. She brought him back pretty quick and borrowed our vax.

Sunday night, it was my wee girl's turn. Kept me up from midnight to 6 am. Took Monday off work to recover - I was utterly shattered.

The wife caught it yesterday, and me last night. I really shouldn't be in work today.


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My grandaughter started crawling last week. We look after her every Wednesday and she's a wee cracker.

It's brilliant being a grandparent. :D

She's obviously born after the start of this thread, so I'll stick you on The List.

As you were - you're already on it. Honest Saints Fan isn't though.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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I can't sleep, but my youngest just blew a raspberry in her sleep. Not content being cheeky when awake she's clearly dreaming about being cheeky too!

Ours went through a short spell of laughing in his sleep a few years back. I miss him sleeping next to me sometimes.

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Ours went through a short spell of laughing in his sleep a few years back. I miss him sleeping next to me sometimes.

My girls are in beside me but my son is in his own bed. I've always been laid back about where they sleep. Surprised I ended up with three!

They'll not want cuddle in soon enough. Youngest can fart like a grown man!

They all sleep in own beds at their dads house!

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Our first family pet died on Tuesday and the boys (aged 10 and 13) have taken it quite hard. We had Turtwig the tortoise for nearly 8 years (before anyone suggests that he's hibernating, the vet confirmed that he is definitely dead) and we had fully expected him to have a lengthy existence as they can live up to 50 years. I'm in two minds, should we get another one to replace him or just do without a pet altogether?

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Also took the day off work recently, baby fevers are fucking scary. Anyone know why a few degrees difference makes their skin feel roasting to the touch compared to normal?

Mine is prone to taking a fever when he gets the cold, which seems to be every 6 weeks or so at the minute. Frighteneing when you check him and he's up near the dangerous end of the temperatures. Thankfully the old staples of either calpol or baby nurofen seem to do the trick fpr him and make him comfortable and bring the temp down to safer levels again. He's not had a fever for a while now, fingers crossed. I mind halucinating when I had a fever as a kid, it was terrifying, definitely not something I want him to experience.

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My girls are in beside me but my son is in his own bed. I've always been laid back about where they sleep. Surprised I ended up with three!

They'll not want cuddle in soon enough. Youngest can fart like a grown man!

They all sleep in own beds at their dads house!

Ours was quite happy to be off on his own until he was heading for 4, when I guess he started thinking about being alone more. His mum ended up paralysed in hospital for six months around then; he basically lost her for most of that time as she couldn't even talk to him, so I wasn't about to be a p***k about the sleeping arrangements while that was going on. I always liked him snuggling up to me anyway. He slept between us after that until he was 7 and we started running out of room in the bed, so we moved his bed into our room as he was really panicky about "being left alone".

We moved his bed back into his room last year (he's 9 now), and he was sleeping through there quite happily until the last few weeks, as he's started getting quite upset about "being alone" again. A few weeks of bad sleep started affecting him at school, so I put him in the big bed with his mum again for a while until he's feeling a bit more confident, and I'm sleeping in his bed. His mum thinks he's putting it on a bit, but she doesn't realise quite how scarring her hospital stay was for him, as she's still thinking about how bad it was for her. Plus, it won't be long before puberty kicks in and the LAST thing in the world he'll want is to be sharing a bedroom with his mum or dad :lol:

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GF has been in the hospital with regular bleeding for the past 3 days. Baby looks fine but they are worried he might come to early :(

Shan times.

Try to keep her as calm as possible, and remind yourself that they've been making great advances in care for premies in recent years. It's not good, but it isn't a disaster either.

Probably sounds stupid, but I can wholeheartedly recommend hypnotherapy for pregnant lassies. It would help her relax if nothing else, and I'd imagine that's the advice you're being given at the moment.

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Try to keep her as calm as possible, and remind yourself that they've been making great advances in care for premies in recent years. It's not good, but it isn't a disaster either.

Probably sounds stupid, but I can wholeheartedly recommend hypnotherapy for pregnant lassies. It would help her relax if nothing else, and I'd imagine that's the advice you're being given at the moment.

Thanks mate appreciated. Feel totally helpless too.

Yeah she's been told to keep as calm as possible and take it easy. Doing too much then suffering the effects of that is her way though so it's hard to tell her otherwise.

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