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The Bairn was in hospital again yesterday getting checked out, but they think it's a virus and she was sent home.

I must say they don't hang about anymore if she is off colour.

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Right I realise i am going to come across like an arsehole here however i need a rant. I have two kids. One 6 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. Obviously I love them but i am absolutely hating it at the moment. My son is an absolute nightmare. Doesnt listen, absolutely wild, wakes up at 4.45-5am and is fucking nuts. Makes a mess of the house. We are in the process of trying to see someone about him but i dont think its ADHD as he is a complete angel in school apparently. He has always been a terrible sleeper. We have tried everything with him. Had 2 sleep consultants and tried every measure. 

My daughter is a bit calmer but for the last 6 months has been getting up in the middle of the night and coming through to our bed which means i invariably end up in her bed. She then gets woken up by my son at 5am and he then gets her wound up as well. I leave for work at about 6.15am and dont get back till 6pm. I have a very busy job alongside other stuff i do out with of my day job. Can feel myself about to explode with it all. The only thing keeping me currently sane is going to the gym and exercising. 

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19 minutes ago, Aufc said:

Right I realise i am going to come across like an arsehole here however i need a rant. I have two kids. One 6 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. Obviously I love them but i am absolutely hating it at the moment. My son is an absolute nightmare. Doesnt listen, absolutely wild, wakes up at 4.45-5am and is fucking nuts. Makes a mess of the house. We are in the process of trying to see someone about him but i dont think its ADHD as he is a complete angel in school apparently. He has always been a terrible sleeper. We have tried everything with him. Had 2 sleep consultants and tried every measure. 

My daughter is a bit calmer but for the last 6 months has been getting up in the middle of the night and coming through to our bed which means i invariably end up in her bed. She then gets woken up by my son at 5am and he then gets her wound up as well. I leave for work at about 6.15am and dont get back till 6pm. I have a very busy job alongside other stuff i do out with of my day job. Can feel myself about to explode with it all. The only thing keeping me currently sane is going to the gym and exercising. 

Nah, you sound like a fairly average honest parent. It's a touch gig juggling everything. 

Also just because he's good at school doesn't mean not ADHD. Often they can mask and meet the social norms in one area and then decompress at home. Or sometimes they're three years old with lots energy to burn and drive you insane!

I have my middle child's P7 leavers assembly today. She had her leavers dance last week. Moving schools has been making of her.

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On 17/03/2023 at 16:23, Jacksgranda said:

The Bairn has just told her granny - who is not giving her what she wants - that "I'm going to throw you out"!
Idle threat which will not be implemented if she's anything like her granny.

Were they on a bus at the time? 

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Grandson was up yesterday along with his partner and their son and his dad. His father asked was he going to cut our grass, and Samuel said "No, the grass is effing wet". Greatgrandson went over and felt the grass and said "The grass is effing wet". :lol:

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On 22/06/2023 at 08:24, Aufc said:

Right I realise i am going to come across like an arsehole here however i need a rant. I have two kids. One 6 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. Obviously I love them but i am absolutely hating it at the moment. My son is an absolute nightmare. Doesnt listen, absolutely wild, wakes up at 4.45-5am and is fucking nuts. Makes a mess of the house. We are in the process of trying to see someone about him but i dont think its ADHD as he is a complete angel in school apparently. He has always been a terrible sleeper. We have tried everything with him. Had 2 sleep consultants and tried every measure. 

My daughter is a bit calmer but for the last 6 months has been getting up in the middle of the night and coming through to our bed which means i invariably end up in her bed. She then gets woken up by my son at 5am and he then gets her wound up as well. I leave for work at about 6.15am and dont get back till 6pm. I have a very busy job alongside other stuff i do out with of my day job. Can feel myself about to explode with it all. The only thing keeping me currently sane is going to the gym and exercising. 

Mate, I really feel all of this. My almost 3 yr old wakes up every night, actually every night and wakes up the 3 month old, she says every night it's nightmares and worst thing is she only wants her maw who gets to sleep next to her and I basically feed, change and lie with the wee man for hours until he falls asleep. I just kinda exist around them, the thing that keeps me calm is lifting weights until I literally can't lift my arms. Years apart but the problems seem similar, drop me a wee shout if you fancy crying into a pint together 🫥

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The lack of sleep during the early years of parenthood is a fcuking nightmare. My two were only 19months apart in age which didn’t help.
Never again did I complain about jet lag when travelling on business.

They grew out of it after a few years. 

Problem is that now they are young adults we are still being woken up with them coming back from nightclubs or late work shifts in the wee small hours and so the cycle of much interrupted sleep patterns begins again. 

Kids eh? You never stop loving them despite all the grief! 😂 

Be nice to them though. They get to choose the care home.

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On 24/06/2023 at 02:03, thistledo said:

Mate, I really feel all of this. My almost 3 yr old wakes up every night, actually every night and wakes up the 3 month old, she says every night it's nightmares and worst thing is she only wants her maw who gets to sleep next to her and I basically feed, change and lie with the wee man for hours until he falls asleep. I just kinda exist around them, the thing that keeps me calm is lifting weights until I literally can't lift my arms. Years apart but the problems seem similar, drop me a wee shout if you fancy crying into a pint together 🫥

Aye it’s tough aint it. I’m hoping they begin to realise the power of sleep at some point. Feel like it’s affecting my son at school as he is like a zombie by the end of the week. If I manage dkwn for a thistle game next season then I’ll give you a shout nate

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Eldest (6) was at the local Gala last week with my parents. They said they were standing waiting for the horses and a woman went past on a mobility scooter and my daughter (not laughing or attempting to be funny) went "Vrooooom!" as she passed. 

Not sure if I should be proud she shares my sick sense of humour or if I should be having a serious talk with her... 

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My middle one finishes Primary school today. There will be tears. It was her P3 year that made me decide we needed to move schools, she was miserable. Now she's happy, has a lovely group of friends and a best friend. She's also a smart wee thing but more importantly she's happy.

Pass the tissues.

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1 hour ago, RH33 said:

My middle one finishes Primary school today. There will be tears. It was her P3 year that made me decide we needed to move schools, she was miserable. Now she's happy, has a lovely group of friends and a best friend. She's also a smart wee thing but more importantly she's happy.

Pass the tissues.

Grandson nr 6 finishes primary school this week. The Education Authority has decided he's no longer eligible for a space at the special school he attends so he will be going mainstream. It will be a disaster, he can't even cross a road unsupervised, never mind negotiate buses. He lives 0.3 miles short of being eligible for a taxi.

Stepdaughter can't take him as she's going in the opposite direction to the primary school with her daughter.

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1 hour ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

It is Fraser's last day at nursery on Thursday. Never thought either of us would see this day when he was born. He's some boy!

My niece just graduated from nursery in Rutherglen in full crimson mortarboard and gown. WTF! 

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My youngest came home yesterday and handed us an envelope. Inside were awards from the school from 3 subjects. I asked her about it and she said it was the prizegiving in the morning. Parents weren't invited. 

And she really gave the impression she couldn't care less about them. I would have liked to have gone.

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

My youngest came home yesterday and handed us an envelope. Inside were awards from the school from 3 subjects. I asked her about it and she said it was the prizegiving in the morning. Parents weren't invited. 

And she really gave the impression she couldn't care less about them. I would have liked to have gone.

5 year old granddaughter phoned her granny to say she'd won a medal. "And it's real gold, granny!"

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Tonight I just settled down to watch the tennis and eat my tea and I hear "Daaaaaad" 


I've pooped. 

She's 8 but due to her disability she still needs a wee help so I had to abandon my tea. 

She's currently on the worktop raking in a cupboard insisting she won't fall. 

Man I'm tired. 

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