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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Fairly cheesy so far. Also some of the camera angles have been odd.

The old WoS wrestling was fucking garbage. No idea why it's held in such high regard. Big Daddy was dreadful as were so many of the others who appeared on it, many of whom just looked like jakey old men in pants.

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Quite liked it. Even though i'd seen the spoilers, i managed to completey miss DBS jr being the mystery entrant in the Battle Royale. So that was a nice surprise. Looked better than I thought it would.

Main complaint: The constant shots of the disinterested game show audience stuck waiting for Catchphrase to come on next.

Favourite: Seeing people shit on it for basically being the holiday camps on TV.


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The overnight rating doing the rounds for WoS was 1.25m. Doesn't look that great numbers wise but people seemed to stick with it for 2 hours. Chances of a series on ITV1 was always slim. However if they're willing to show minor darts & snooker events on ITV4, going to series might be worth a punt.

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12 hours ago, JamieStevenson said:

Just checked the Wrestle Kingdom 11 card. Oh boy I'm buzzing.

Listened to the VoW preview of it this morning, all 2.5hrs, and am really excited. Think the fannying about in midcard with the Tag belts is unfortunate. The six man gauntlet should be interesting. The battle of Tiger Masks will be a good opener. Junior tags deserve a spotlight match and they've got one. Worried for the cluster of unfamiliar US workers in the middle, think that might not go down too well. Last four matches are all very exciting to me. Predictions: (which is tricky as a lot of coin-flip match ups here)...

Elgin to surprise enter and win the rumble.

Tiger Mask always wins

Bucks to retain

LIJ to win six man

Cody to squash Juice

Not sure in ROH title as there's politics here I don't get. Seems like both might leave?

GOD to retain

Hiromu to win junior title

Goto to win NEVER

Naito to retain

Kenny to win IWGP, Ibushi to challenge him in the aftermath!


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The quality would probably reduce significantly if they done a weekly show tbf. Doubt they'd get JR in to do weekly events, and it'd be more costly to build a 'permanent' roster than just bringing in a few guest stars.

Can't see there being money in it and if they do proceed, it'll be a lesser production than the one off.

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If they were to film more it would be in the vein of every other pretaped show. Film x amount of weeks across a couple of days. So getting JR back isn't a problem. Doing tapings isn't exactly the problem. They own the studio & production crew already. Then the wrestlers would probably cost the same as they might lose running a game show in its place.

It's whether or not they can make enough money from the ads to justify it. Live events and merch are probably things that they'll just licence out to other promoters. So they can make money from those streams, but at the end of they're a TV company.

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Watched Wrestle Kingdom. The only thing I didn't like much from it was Kyle O'Reilly vs. Adam Cole for the ROH title which is easily the worst match I've seen between them, and the opener. Everything else ranged from really good to tremendous. The last four matches being particularly great.

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16 hours ago, Randy Giles said:

Watched Wrestle Kingdom. The only thing I didn't like much from it was Kyle O'Reilly vs. Adam Cole for the ROH title which is easily the worst match I've seen between them, and the opener. Everything else ranged from really good to tremendous. The last four matches being particularly great.

Some incredible stuff in the second half of that card, some of the spots in the main event were just spectacular.

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